Where Is The Female Red Pill Movement?


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From a profession stand point I don't care.
All I care is they are doing what I need them to do when I am paying them to do it and that they don't annoy me.
f*** all the rest, no offense.
I like and enjoy them as people..but I am talking about the generalities of efficient working environment...the quality and efficiency generally speaking is going down.
Does your company offer training to bring them up to level?

What skills do they specifically lack?


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Does your company offer training to bring them up to level?

What skills do they specifically lack?

My industry does have some apprenticeship programs, the mayors office has a training program also for assistant but I think they are very hard to get into programs and they are hard to nab lol everyone wants them.

I have had the ones trained by mayors office and they have been really good, efficient and follow orders without question and get sh*t done. I will take 1 of those with a HS diploma who knows how to drive a box truck over 4 who went to NYU for their masters in Film or theater.

There is a lack of passion is what I noticed mostly or pride in what they are doing now to get to where they want to be in few years.
Not all or even most but more so than 10 years ago.


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My industry does have some apprenticeship programs, the mayors office has a training program also for assistant but I think they are very hard to get into programs and they are hard to nab lol everyone wants them.

I have had the ones trained by mayors office and they have been really good, efficient and follow orders without question and get sh*t done. I will take 1 of those with a HS diploma who knows how to drive a box truck over 4 who went to NYU for their masters in Film or theater.

There is a lack of passion is what I noticed mostly or pride in what they are doing now to get to where they want to be in few years.
Not all or even most but more so than 10 years ago.



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They are clearly underpaid even when adjusting for obvious factors like experience, type of jobs, hours worked etc.



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She wouldn't be my first choice, but yes I'd choose her (and did) over the present occupant.

Sure you can reel off a list of women you think would have some desire to fight a war. Also some women actually pick up a gun and commit a robbery or a rape. What a rarity though, the list of men is so much longer. Due in part, as redpilled pointed out, to their much more competitive nature, desire to take risks, and also perhaps a more common predilection amongst men for cruelty.

Oh...perhaps? That's the "get out" on that argument ("I was just making a suggestion"). Cruelty does not require testosterone or muscles. Women are just as likely as men to lack the moral fortitude and inflict their cruelty onto others.


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Oh...perhaps? That's the "get out" on that argument ("I was just making a suggestion"). Cruelty does not require testosterone or muscles. Women are just as likely as men to lack the moral fortitude and inflict their cruelty onto others.

Again, the ones who think they are advocating and standing up for women are the ones who want to place them in a box and say who and what they are, what they are capable of and how special and well suited they are for all the best jobs, including that they are better at them than men.

Yet if we are talking about a pay gap, suddenly they're claiming men and women are exactly the same and there should be a zero % difference in wages and women should be equally represented in all the good jobs (and never the bad).

White knight cucks, plain and simple.
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Again, the ones who think they are advocating and standing up for women are the ones who want to place them in a box and say who and what they are, what they are capable of and how special and well suited they are for all the best jobs, including that they are better at them than men.

Yet if we are talking about a pay gap, suddenly they're claiming men and women are exactly the same and there should be a zero % difference in wages and women should be equally represented in all the good jobs (and never the bad).

White knight cucks, plain and simple.

Absolutely. They scream "discrimination" when it's choices that are influenced by biology. It's so retrograde when people form opinions "because feelings" and ignore science and reality. Their opinions damage women more because they're deliberately ignoring female biology and instead are trying to clumsily force women to take up the same roles as men so that the wage gap (caused by a difference in job choices between men and women) can be closed. Women will choose the jobs they want, just as everyone is free to choose what they want to be. These idiots confuse equality of outcomes with equality of opportunity. All that's required is the latter. The road to hell is paved with the former.


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I think this video is relevant to this thread - see below. Basically, a men's rights guy is mocked because :-
  • he's balding (oh yeah)
  • has bad teeth
  • "is ugly"
  • gets called a "f**"
  • is physically threatened
  • is called a "loser" several times
That video sums up the difference in attitude society has to a guy who simply says "men have rights too" - he's hammered with insults, laughed at, physically threatened. I posted this because he got mocked for having a balding head. How you like them apples, zircon? (this'll probably give our great alpha chimp zircon some mixed feelings). Seriously, people need to wake up and realise that modern life is utterly toxic. I took my own unique direction. I really felt for that guy - he makes a stand and gets totally ridiculed and humiliated for it. f*** those spineless virtue-signalling cowards - a pox on their households. These are the scum who will laugh at your NW2 - just remember that's what society has become - NW0 and goodlooking or go home.

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Women are just as likely as men to lack the moral fortitude and inflict their cruelty onto others.

Really? I gave evidence that men kill at a far higher rate than women, and there are virtually no female mass killers. By far the most common tool of murder is the firearm, which men and women both have access to and can use easily. I'm also quite sure that there are more men locking people up and torturing them than women, and you know that's true. What's your evidence that women are "just as likely" to murder and torture? If you have no evidence, than what "cruelty" are you talking about that's as bad or worse than murder and torture? I hope you aren't just talking about hurt feelings, "girls can be so mean", or some girl giving the finger in a youtube video. You are right that cruelty doesn't require muscles. So, show me the evidence that women kill like men do, at anywhere near the same rate.


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Really? I gave evidence that men kill at a far higher rate than women, and there are virtually no female mass killers. By far the most common tool of murder is the firearm, which men and women both have access to and can use easily. I'm also quite sure that there are more men locking people up and torturing them than women, and you know that's true. What's your evidence that women are "just as likely" to murder and torture? If you have no evidence, than what "cruelty" are you talking about that's as bad or worse than murder and torture? I hope you aren't just talking about hurt feelings, "girls can be so mean".

Learn to logic. You're providing gender statistics for direct physical violence when you're talking about women in politics.


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Learn to logic. You're providing gender statistics for direct physical violence when you're talking about women in politics.

I'm not talking about women in politics. We are talking about men, women, and cruelty.

Of course it can apply to politics though. Who is the female Pol Pot?


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Really? I gave evidence that men kill at a far higher rate than women, and there are virtually no female mass killers. By far the most common tool of murder is the firearm, which men and women both have access to and can use easily. I'm also quite sure that there are more men locking people up and torturing them than women, and you know that's true. What's your evidence that women are "just as likely" to murder and torture? If you have no evidence, than what "cruelty" are you talking about that's as bad or worse than murder and torture? I hope you aren't just talking about hurt feelings, "girls can be so mean", or some girl giving the finger in a youtube video. You are right that cruelty doesn't require muscles. So, show me the evidence that women kill like men do, at anywhere near the same rate.

Cruelty is not restricted to murder. Murder is an incredibly rare crime. To take an outlier, extreme criminal activity and extrapolate it onto the entire male population is a very weak argument to make.

Cruelty takes many forms, including child abuse, bullying, spousal abuse, ostracisation, selfish disregard for close family members, apathy instead of sympathy - MANY forms.

You realise you're making the argument that women are morally superior to men, right? I mean....you do realise that?


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I'm not talking about women in politics. We are talking about men, women, and cruelty. And what does "learn to logic" mean?

"Personally I'd like to see women running every country and religious organization in the world."

Actually you clearly are, and were talking about politics because you brought it up to begin with.

You should learn to logic because you don't know how to string together a basic logical argument. You used statistics about only physical crimes of violence to make a claim about gendered cruelty without concern for statistics of indirect and non-physical acts of cruelty and violence.


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I'm not talking about women in politics. We are talking about men, women, and cruelty.

Of course it can apply to politics though. Who is the female Pol Pot?

Women have enjoyed the spoils of war while their men were on the frontlines. Just because women weren't drafted, it doesn't mean they are somehow morally superior to the men who were. In fact, they were LUCKY they weren't drafted, and they know it too.


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Cruelty is not restricted to murder. Murder is an incredibly rare crime. To take an outlier, extreme criminal activity and extrapolate it onto the entire male population is a very weak argument to make.

It is not rare of course, and murder and torture are the worst forms of cruelty... not some girl giving the finger in a youtube video. But OK...

2011 data
  • Males constituted 98.0% of those arrested for forcible rape
  • Males constituted 89.0% of those arrested for robbery
  • Males constituted 85.0% of those arrested for burglary
  • Males constituted 83.0% of those arrested for arson
  • Males constituted 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.
  • Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for stolen property.
  • Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for vandalism.
  • Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.
  • Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault
and it goes on and on...


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You realise you're making the argument that women are morally superior to men, right? I mean....you do realise that?

Sure, as far as murder, torture, genocide go. I think for whatever reason we see far more males carrying this out then females. Nothing is more serious, unless you think WWI, WWII, the Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge, the nonsense going on today are good. In this thread it's been stated that women are more natural "caregivers". If we are talking about political leadership, I'd like to see less of the physical aggression impulse and more of the caregiving one, absolutely.