@redpilled my point was in case it was missed is that you made generalization about the biological differences between men and women in how they feel/think/process information risk they take how they react to difficult situations pressure etc..and this is what effects women succeeding or not succeeding versus men.
I do agree with you to an extent.
BUT I think those general characteristics that are 'male' vs 'female' are also spectrum within each individual.
Like Keensy has the theory that men and women are heterosexual to full gay on a scale of 1 - 6.
I think these characteristics that are more common in male brain vs female brain are probably on a spectrum where the majority of men and women lay at some 'point' in the of masculine or feminine brain in our feelings, thought process and risk taking.
Now this could be why some women excel at certain things while other women struggle.
and this could be why some men excel at things and others dont.
How this relates to my comment earlier is I notice the 'emotions' and 'its not fair' dramatic reaction to this whole MGTOW movement seems very 'bitchy' to me in a very similar way as the modern day extreme feminists.
It just seems like its men who feel emasculated by society and women blaming the reason they cant excel or succeed or get it tighter is because they are victims.
THE very thing you accuse the feminist women of believing on their end.
You cant see the hypocrisy.
I wrote CLEARLY in my post--you can complain you can enact policy and vote etc...but your reaction to the criticism of your view point is very much about your 'feelings'...similar to the women you are saying may not do well in their some fields of profession due to their 'feelings' about things instead of rational thinking.
There is nothing WRONG with how you react but to me it does seem feminine.
Alpha has nothing to do with looks it's to do with how you react to things and handle things.
Stoic men who handles sh*t-yes preferable in my opinion to 'this' 17 pages of your feelings.
Because end of the day most of this is about your 'feels'.
You are not my man so I don't care or judge you for it but I am also saying it seems like the ver 'feminine' traits you think make women different then men.