Why All The Posters Here Spend So Much Times In This Section Instead Of Fighting Hairloss?


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It's cool.

You can guarantee Merck will suppress an outright "cure", because that's the end of long-term consistent profit over a one-off money sting

No they won't. They might send some lobbyists in a number of years to pay off the FDA and not allow Histogen or Follica, but that's unlikely and a conspiracy (one I wouldn't dismiss though). Anywhere else though.... Japan with Shiseido and Tsuji, Mexico and Asia with Histogen, Europe with Replicel... Merck doesn't have sh*t to say. Finasteride is going to become irrelevant whether they like it or not.


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If something gets approved outside of the states Merck will damn well lobby the FDA not to approve anything.


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Working and saving money?

I don't know, just a thought.

Easy to say for some people. I got quoted 5000 grafts for 20k Canadian. I don't have 20 k to just drop. I'd have to take out at least a 15k loan.

It costs money to live by yourself. I am glad you could afford it.


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Do you have any idea how ridiculous and arrogantly condescending that sounded?

You think money grows on trees? You come off as a real smart ***. The cost of living in Belgium must be considerably lower than North America.

Yeah everyone is a celebrity with 10's of thousands of disposable income.

I wouldn't fly to a different country to have it done for half the price. If it's half the price or a "discount" i'd expect the work to be subpar anyways.

If I did get it done it would be by Dr. Rahal in Ottawa Canada who is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the entire world.


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Do you have any idea how ridiculous and arrogantly condescending that sounded?

You think money grows on trees? You come off as a real smart ***. The cost of living in Belgium must be considerably lower than North America.

Yeah everyone is a celebrity with 10's of thousands of disposable income.

I wouldn't fly to a different country to have it done for half the price. If it's half the price or a "discount" i'd expect the work to be subpar anyways.

If I did get it done it would be by Dr. Rahal in Ottawa Canada who is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the entire world.

University, health, and transportation are subsidized in that country, he also lives with his mother and drives her car when he needs a car.


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Why do you post on the forums anymore Fred if you got your result and your hair back? Just to ask. To gloat on other people?

Glad you got your hair back bro. Unfortunately a lot of dudes don't live in a country where things are dirt cheap.


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I'd say I'm just smarter and less easily influenced than most people when it comes to making decisions.


I paid 4500€ for 2000 grafts.

Did you? All by yourself?


My Regimen
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I'm Canadian. We have universal health care. Yeah university isn't free. Cosmetic procedures are also not free.

The Belgian dollar is obviously not worth a lot either if it only costs 4500 for 2000 grafts.


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I could have.

Four times.

Been making my own money since I was 14.

My mother offered to pay half of it.

And of course I accepted.

Well then don't say you paid for something that you didn't pay for, for someone who takes issue with the ethics of a sales background you sure do lie a lot. Considering it's a pretty small amount of money as well it's kind of laughable that you can compare your own situation with a guy who has to pay near 10 times more for his.

As for idiots with their mortgages, this is just your mentality because you don't have a mortgage so therefore it's useless, it's just like going to the gym or anything that isn't for you, it becomes useless.

As for the rest of the world outside your little mind, people with a 280k mortgage might only pay 10% more than someone renting (or even the exact same if we consider property type), and while there's a lot of interest to gradually get through before paying off the capital it still means that not only are you having a roof over your head (the benefit of renting) you ALSO own something at the end of it. You can stay there, rent it for more money, sell it back and if you bought in the right time still somehow make a PROFIT (meaning you effectively lived rent-free for decades) and this is idiotic to you?

You can effectively live in a wonderful house outside of a city centre and all you sacrifice is a 15minute long commute every day, instead of living in a pokey depressing little flat with f*** knows what kind of neighbours, having to take a bus every day sitting in traffic. Maybe that was fine as a student but some people like to grow up at some point.


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I live a carefree life, I can do what I want, when I want. I can even leave my job, and will always be able to do so with the money I have saved.

Can't do that if you have a mortgage to pay. Got to pay that mortgage! To each their own.

Owning is an interesting concept. I'd like to own a full head of hair.

Takes a real man to gloat at other people's misfortunes when his situation is basically pennies and also had his mother pay for half. You paid 2500 dollars. And now you have hair. Why do you post here if you have hair now? I really don't understand. Shouldn't you be enjoying your hair and living life since you are cured?


My Regimen
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Owning is an interesting concept. I'd like to own a full head of hair.

Good link there! Master of debate!

A minute ago you were calling mortgage/car owners idiots and how smart you are for making the right decisions, and now when facing some home truths? "To each their own".

It's just pointless having opinions when you're THIS fickle.

Takes a real man to gloat at other people's misfortunes when his situation is basically pennies and also had his mother pay for half. You paid 2500 dollars. And now you have hair. Why do you post here if you have hair now? I really don't understand. Shouldn't you be enjoying your hair and living life since you are cured?

The guys not at all cured, he can pretend his life is complete and he's set up because he's so smart, meanwhile in his mid-20s he now has to look at a 2nd hair transplant. Who's he fooling?

Even if he was cured he'd still be here gloating because some insecure people need petty releases to make themselves feel better, so I get your point, but the irony is that he isn't cured at all.


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In a theoretical world, mortgages are for idiots.

But the fact is that in this world, governments have gone out of their way to inflate and Propecia up housing prices as much as possible.

That makes housing a great investment. You're not guaranteed to make money if you buy a house, but it's very likely.


My Regimen
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Good link there! Master of debate!

A minute ago you were calling mortgage/car owners idiots and how smart you are for making the right decisions, and now when facing some home truths? "To each their own".

It's just pointless having opinions when you're THIS fickle.

The guys not at all cured, he can pretend his life is complete and he's set up because he's so smart, meanwhile in his mid-20s he now has to look at a 2nd hair transplant. Who's he fooling?

Even if he was cured he'd still be here gloating because some insecure people need petty releases to make themselves feel better, so I get your point, but the irony is that he isn't cured at all.

Lives with his mom, has no car, calls mortgage and car owners idiots, but he has hair. I am sure every woman prefers a man with hair rather than their own vehicle and own place..


My Regimen
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I'll admit that at least hair will get you in the door with women, as a young enough guy you can say goodbye to 80% (if not more) of women you may have been eligible with if you still had hair. It won't matter if you have your own place or nice car or anything, you won't get a foot in the door for this to mean anything.

However living with mum is a massive handicap in sustaining attention from a woman, it shows undeniable lack of maturity and ambition. A car doesn't matter so much (especially if you're in a relatively large city where half of people rely on transport links) but Fred and others on this forum often talk about how, if you want to keep any average woman happy, you need to be the complete man, looks, job, sex, personality, and Fred doesn't think having his own place is a big thing?! That's huge past your early 20's.


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I don't need to get my own place, my girlfriend lives with her parents too. Same for my best friend and most people. It's normal in Europe.

You only move out to live with your partner and maybe start your own family. You don't move out to move out.

I thought that only happened in the south of europe, I've been lied but I didn't buy the lie anyway because I'm not paying for a house when I have one that is already paid.
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Do you have any idea how ridiculous and arrogantly condescending that sounded?

You think money grows on trees? You come off as a real smart ***. The cost of living in Belgium must be considerably lower than North America.

Yeah everyone is a celebrity with 10's of thousands of disposable income.

I wouldn't fly to a different country to have it done for half the price. If it's half the price or a "discount" i'd expect the work to be subpar anyways.

If I did get it done it would be by Dr. Rahal in Ottawa Canada who is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the entire world.
Erdogan is just as good as Rahal and he is half the price. However, traveling to Turkey would make me more uneasy unless I was guaranteed I would be safer there than Canada. I agree though with you. My number one preference is Rahal as I been researching transplants for almost 10 years.


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It's cool.

You can guarantee Merck will suppress an outright "cure", because that's the end of long-term consistent profit over a one-off money sting.

However I am sure they want something better than finasteride, a continuing treatment which is more effective. Can you imagine how many more customers they'd have if they had a product that gradually regrows hair for nearly everyone? Imagine that treatment with no sides! Any guy would be an idiot not to take it. I would take a guess that maybe only 10% of guys go through treatments like finasteride, instead most just let it go and then regret it, but if there was something that definitely worked, even just maintained, it would be more like 50% of guys taking it or who knows how much more.

And then there's the guy's who stop buying it because of instant sides within a month, as well as guys who find it's doing nothing after 18 months and stop buying it, if Merck had a more effective treatment they'd use it to keep these customers.

There's a lot of money to be made from a cure for hair loss. Merck can NOT suppress a cure.


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I don't need to get my own place, my girlfriend lives with her parents too. Same for my best friend and most people. It's normal in Europe.

You only move out to live with your partner and maybe start your own family. You don't move out to move out.

Not in Norway. Here people give you weird looks if you live with your parents after 22.


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In the major cities of Australia, its becoming very common for people to live with their parents until they are well into their 20's.

Property prices are sky high recently.

Also, I have a cousin in his mid 40's
He claims he is not leaving home until his parents kick him out!
I just think he is waiting until his folks finally fall off the perch.