So are you saying only the Jews are casting bald people as villains? And people who are not Jews don't? I guess your German background explains why you had to throw in the Jew modifier. I still think its sad that you had to stoop to that level to make your point. I think your thought process definitely borders on racist behavior but I am not going to debate it any longer. I am surprised the moderators did not have you edit out your anti-semitic modifier but I guess maybe they don't see it as racist either.I don't dislike your average, everyday Jew who doesn't have any control over what is shown in the media but I do very much dislike the Jews/Zionists who are known to be the main group that has great influence over what is shown on tv and in movies. I'm part German and I'm especially tired of seeing men with blond hair (I used to have blond hair) and blue eyes and bald guys cast as villains. There are very few bald or blond men portrayed as good guys or heroes and the hero is almost always a guy with dark hair.
I'm also tired of seeing white women paired with black guys in commercials, tv shows and movies as I don't believe in race-mixing but that's a whole different matter. I'm not racist against any ethnic group but it seems like white European women are targeted more than any other group in the media and pressured to date outside of their race.
So are you saying only the Jews are casting bald people as villains? And people who are not Jews don't? I guess your German background explains why you had to throw in the Jew modifier. I still think its sad that you had to stoop to that level to make your point. I think your thought process definitely borders on racist behavior but I am not going to debate it any longer. I am surprised the moderators did not have you edit out your anti-semitic modifier but I guess maybe they don't see it as racist either.
I'm with you 100%. I don't comprehend how that title is not considered racist.
And then when he explained why he did it and how he isn't racist even his explanation sounded racist to me.
And I'm not going to debate it with him either.
I'm with you 100%. I don't comprehend how that title is not considered racist.
And then when he explained why he did it and how he isn't racist even his explanation sounded racist to me.
And I'm not going to debate it with him either.
Jews are mostly white besides it's a religion not a race.
made this a LONG time ago. Used to be in my sig but they kept pulling it on me.
Tagline was "how super is this"
These expressions look intimidating and evil when on a bald man but the same expressions portray determination, confidence, bravery and fearlessness and heroism on a full head. It's a cruel world
I knew it was a racist thread the moment I saw the title and you could tell he was "one of those" people. I won't bother warning such people. Once the agenda gets too clear and in multiple threads, I will perm ban the individual. Editing the thread title now.
If you hate jews who run the media why not just say you hate people who run the media? Or are you okay with non-jews running the media?
made this a LONG time ago. Used to be in my sig but they kept pulling it on me.
Tagline was "how super is this"
Sorry Rick but not everyone with a last name ending in "berg" is a jew. Regardless, by you just mentioning the word "jew-run" is enough to imply some anti-Semitism even if it was never intended. The title right now clearly states your point without making it all about the jews. Just mention their names if you want to but don't generalize thats it's just the jews in Hollywood casting bald people as villains. I am sure you probably believe all the jews run everything else in our society because they have all the money that they ripped off from all the non-jews. You think all the comic books that introduce bald villains are "jew-run". Do you think the hair loss industry is "jew-run". Let's just blame the jews for everything. Are you getting my point now how you sounded when you used the modifier "jew-run".I dislike whomever is deciding which men to cast as villains and it just so happens that many of those people seem to have Jewish last names ending in "berg" etc.
It's funny how any non-Jewish white guy who takes pride in his heritage must be a member of the KKK nowadays. I have friends of all different ethnicities. 2 of my best friends are Latino and Filipino. I'm hardly a KKK member.
Sorry Rick but not everyone with a last name ending in "berg" is a jew. Regardless, by you just mentioning the word "jew-run" is enough to imply some anti-Semitism even if it was never intended. The title right now clearly states your point without making it all about the jews. Just mention their names if you want to but don't generalize thats it's just the jews in Hollywood casting bald people as villains. I am sure you probably believe all the jews run everything else in our society because they have all the money that they ripped off from all the non-jews. You think all the comic books that introduce bald villains are "jew-run". Do you think the hair loss industry is "jew-run". Let's just blame the jews for everything. Are you getting my point now how you sounded when you used the modifier "jew-run".
It's just funny how if anyone even dares mention the word Jew in today's era of pc ridiculousness in a way that doesn't kiss up to them, they/I must be an anti-Semitic KKK member.