Why Did I Get Shafted By Genetics?????


My Regimen
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So you do you believe in things such as:
If only you are good looking,you can progress in life,having multiple opportunities?
If not,one should give up and live a simple life!

Isn't what you told a negative thing to confidence?
This is not what I said.
I know that in forums people tend to use extremism and emphasis.
However, I wrote that your "best bet" is to be born handsome or rich. I did not write that, if you do not have these characteristics, you will not have a chance. You will have to work harder and maybe you will not have as much fun.

Now I have a question for you. You wrote multiple times that you have no wife primarily because of hairloss. You are a good, empathic doctor.How did being smart but bald work out for you in marital happiness?
It seem to me that, when you discuss your own baldness, it is such a stroke of bad luck. When others complain, you downplay their throes.
Am I wrong?


My Regimen
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I made this same thread in the dealing with side effects section of the forum - mods pls delete that thread but not this one;

I don't understand.

One of my grandfathers has better hair than me.
All my cousins are over 6ft and have good hairlines.

I'm 5ft6, pale and receeding/thinning at 23.

How am i supposed to accept this and move on?
WHy did i get shafted so badly?

How am i supposed to feel when I see pictures like this?

people treat you differently based on how you look - this is a fact.

How do i accept it and move on? do i look to the next life? i don't get it. Help.

View attachment 61142

^ its funny because this guy has receded but has the genetics to pull it off.
No one is bald except my father and he was bald at 30 years old. My uncles and cousins and one of my grandfathers were 5'10-5'11. And here i'am, balding at 17 years old, with 5'7 height.


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My Regimen
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It is perfectly possible that younger girls lose hair. Where I work, I spotted at least three. I think it can be related to hormones in our food because ten years ago they would have been so much fewer.

if this is the case, cant the hair loss be reversed by proper eating then?


My Regimen
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LOL, it's not normal. In fact I'm the only case I have seen irl, and one of few I have seen online. I have a thyroid issue so I suspect it is a combination of that and extremely bad genes. The thyroid issue is being treated but it does not help one bit. I think what happened was my thyroid started going crazy and this set off underlying Androgenetic Alopecia decades early and aggravated the hair loss too. At least this is as close to an explanation as I can come up with :(
Look at my picture, I'm an 18 year old Norwood 5 with thinning sides. Do my sides look anything like you?


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update from xander lol


lol f*****g nutter


My Regimen
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if this is the case, cant the hair loss be reversed by proper eating then?

Mmh I don't think so because when the follicle goes dormant it does not automatically return vital once you eliminate the causes of its death :-(


My Regimen
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so hormones in the food can speed up baldness?
No sabe.

I linked already an article that says that it can increase chance of cancers that stem from excessive hormones.


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I ask myself that very same question every day. Maybe it's BDD but I see other people with negative traits that STILL look better than me. Being overweight, some dudes fill out, get thick, what have you. I stay ectomorph skinny but gain an enormous gut, b**ch tits, love handle. It doesn't even look normal. Balding pattern is the same - mine isn't even human, it's some weird diffused rat's nest. I see guys who are balding and yeah they are balding but if you keep it short it is what it is. It's at least recognizable as a pattern. Teeth were always kind of fucked - even after I wore braces. - as an adult. Greying hair - at 35 or 36 I am graying like a motherfuck. I know you guys will think that's old but I see dudes in their mid to late 40s, sometimes even 50s with next to none. Unwanted hair - back hair, shoulder hair, too much chest hair, you name it.

It's funny because obviously I'm focused on the hair loss but some of us were screwed across the board. Nothing compares to the hair loss though. But yeah OP, it does put you in a cosmic "why me?" frame of mind. Everyone has flaws, but you kind of feel it in your bones when nature selected you for fuggery. The fault lies not in the stars dear Brutus but in....our shitty shafted genetics.


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I ask myself that very same question every day. Maybe it's BDD but I see other people with negative traits that STILL look better than me. Being overweight, some dudes fill out, get thick, what have you. I stay ectomorph skinny but gain an enormous gut, b**ch tits, love handle. It doesn't even look normal. Balding pattern is the same - mine isn't even human, it's some weird diffused rat's nest. I see guys who are balding and yeah they are balding but if you keep it short it is what it is. It's at least recognizable as a pattern. Teeth were always kind of fucked - even after I wore braces. - as an adult. Greying hair - at 35 or 36 I am graying like a motherfuck. I know you guys will think that's old but I see dudes in their mid to late 40s, sometimes even 50s with next to none. Unwanted hair - back hair, shoulder hair, too much chest hair, you name it.

It's funny because obviously I'm focused on the hair loss but some of us were screwed across the board. Nothing compares to the hair loss though. But yeah OP, it does put you in a cosmic "why me?" frame of mind. Everyone has flaws, but you kind of feel it in your bones when nature selected you for fuggery. The fault lies not in the stars dear Brutus but in....our shitty shafted genetics.
With BDD, you will definitely have a field day naming all your flaws unfortunately. I think the biggest handicap is you are intelligent enough to realize them in the first place. What about the guys who are already a NW3V or greater and come to this forum and ask if they are balding and have no clue they have been balding for over 5 to 10 years. I guess being clueless to your flaws could be a genetic gift in itself. I know how you feel about graying. I started around the same at as you did and in only few years did it accelerate. However, with hair color it looks fine but the expense has been huge. And then you see these guys in their 50's and 60's with almost zero gray and you realize just how much money you could have saved if it would have happened alot later in life. Genetic lotteries can definitely make you famous and rich.
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My Regimen
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And speaking of shafted I've been going through my family's photos and I've counted just ONE f*****g bald guy. I need a bottle of booze I can't cope knowing I'll be that second guy.

I actually made a horrifying discovery only this past month

Up until now I'd been under the impression that hairloss in my family was basically limited to receding hairlines on my dad's side. I had always been under the impression that on my mom's side, hair genes were very strong, as my uncles and grandfather maintained fullheads past middle age. This was until my mom pulled out an old album with pictures of her grandparents

Turns out my great-grandfather was slick bald

You can imagine my horror, as until now I'd been certain I had inherited male pattern baldness from my dad, i.e. manageable with medication + transplants

I need to do some research and figure out at what age my great-grandfather went bald, but I need to approach the subject delicately as my mom already thinks my obsession over my hairloss is bordering on mental illness