Why Do You Guys Even Care About Women?


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You can be still be happy without that validation, but to a point. You need to have a long, hard talk with yourself and do a lot of soul searching before you finally pull the plug, though. I've alluded to this before, but a while back I basically had an epiphany where I saw that I was just so FUBAR in terms of physical appearance that I conceivably have no chance with women ever. Even if I woke up as a Norwood 1 tomorrow, it wouldn't change the other negatives. So I did a lot of meditation and read a lot of spiritual literature, and conditioned my mind to basically never think about sex. You should give it a try. Once you discipline your mind to stop thinking about sex & women (or men if you're into that), it opens the window to enjoying other aspects of life so much more.

As miserable as I may seem, I think I'm genuinely more happy with life than my friends who married young and already have kids.

Quite wise approach. While my hairloss works out quite well and im dating around I'm sometimes wondering if we don't put too much emphasis on this topic.
Sex is per se a superficial thing and if you are super ugly it's less fun and might not be worth it with an equally unattractive partner. That's the redpoll.

But there is really more to that in life.
Maybe it's the Finasteride :p but I have to admit that I think sex and the mentioned validation is overrated. One gay dude was interviewed on the topic and he said he doesn't need kids, because his impact and legacy in society is built on other things.


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You can be still be happy without that validation, but to a point. You need to have a long, hard talk with yourself and do a lot of soul searching before you finally pull the plug, though. I've alluded to this before, but a while back I basically had an epiphany where I saw that I was just so FUBAR in terms of physical appearance that I conceivably have no chance with women ever. Even if I woke up as a Norwood 1 tomorrow, it wouldn't change the other negatives. So I did a lot of meditation and read a lot of spiritual literature, and conditioned my mind to basically never think about sex. You should give it a try. Once you discipline your mind to stop thinking about sex & women (or men if you're into that), it opens the window to enjoying other aspects of life so much more.

As miserable as I may seem, I think I'm genuinely more happy with life than my friends who married young and already have kids.

I thought I had already accepted that I'm never capable of dating or being in a relationship because of my shortcomings. But early this year I decided to at least give dating a try, so I wouldn't regret it later. Surprisingly I found that some women *could* actually like me. But yeah, getting dumped from 2 short relationships in the space of 4 months is pretty soul-shattering. I even think I was happier before, you know, not thinking about relationships or women in that sense. I don't rate sex very highly either, but I do rate being intimate and close with someone, that's what I yearn. I think that need is built inside of us, I really do.
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I thought I had already accepted that I'm never capable of dating or being in a relationship because of my shortcomings. But early this year I decided to at least give dating a try, so I wouldn't regret it later. Surprisingly I found that some women *could* actually like me. But yeah, getting dumped from 2 short relationships in the space of 4 months is pretty soul-shattering. I even think I was happier before, you know, not thinking about relationships or women in that sense. I don't rate sex very highly either, but I do rate being intimate and close with someone, that's what I yearn. I think that need is built inside of us, I really do.

That can happen to anyone. Sometimes, things are just not meant. Let us just think positive that we will also find someone who will be ready to accept us for what we are.


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I don't think it was about acceptance per se. More like she just didn't want to be with me in the long run. The thing is that I wasted 3 weeks of my life when she was on holiday by just waiting for her to get back. Then we saw once and she dumped me the next week. She pretended to be so in love with me and I believed it. Feelings like that just don't go away in a heartbeat.

Cue Bald

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i don't really care about women any more. as a bald(ugly) man having a relationship with a woman is just too much effort, as she expects you to do a lot for her / take her out, buy her things etc, and she will always nag and argue with you. all you get in return is a bit of nookie, well my hand serves me good enough thank you.

it is only with good looking / NW1's that seeing a woman is worth it imo. my good looking prettyboy friend had his girlfriends always cleaning up for him, making him tea etc and he would offer them sex in return, and they always took him up on it.


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i don't really care about women any more. as a bald(ugly) man having a relationship with a woman is just too much effort, as she expects you to do a lot for her / take her out, buy her things etc, and she will always nag and argue with you. all you get in return is a bit of nookie, well my hand serves me good enough thank you.

it is only with good looking / NW1's that seeing a woman is worth it imo. my good looking prettyboy friend had his girlfriends always cleaning up for him, making him tea etc and he would offer them sex in return, and they always took him up on it.

I think that's a pretty dim view of women.

Cue Bald

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if i find one who isn't like that, i will be happy to have a relationship. big if, though


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Good quality time with a woman is a wonderful thing. It reminds us there’s a softer, gentler side to life. Too much male company is draining.


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You can be still be happy without that validation, but to a point. You need to have a long, hard talk with yourself and do a lot of soul searching before you finally pull the plug, though. I've alluded to this before, but a while back I basically had an epiphany where I saw that I was just so FUBAR in terms of physical appearance that I conceivably have no chance with women ever. Even if I woke up as a Norwood 1 tomorrow, it wouldn't change the other negatives. So I did a lot of meditation and read a lot of spiritual literature, and conditioned my mind to basically never think about sex. You should give it a try. Once you discipline your mind to stop thinking about sex & women (or men if you're into that), it opens the window to enjoying other aspects of life so much more.

As miserable as I may seem, I think I'm genuinely more happy with life than my friends who married young and already have kids.

You seem like an interesting guy. I tried that but failed and concluded that man is a social animal and no matter how hard we try to discipline and condition ourselves, in the end the animalistic programming kicks in and tells you to feel horrible. Pure brain chemistry, unavoidable, undefeatable.
But you seemed to have pulled it off, so kudos to a more strong willed fellow than me.


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You can be still be happy without that validation, but to a point. You need to have a long, hard talk with yourself and do a lot of soul searching before you finally pull the plug, though. I've alluded to this before, but a while back I basically had an epiphany where I saw that I was just so FUBAR in terms of physical appearance that I conceivably have no chance with women ever. Even if I woke up as a Norwood 1 tomorrow, it wouldn't change the other negatives. So I did a lot of meditation and read a lot of spiritual literature, and conditioned my mind to basically never think about sex. You should give it a try. Once you discipline your mind to stop thinking about sex & women (or men if you're into that), it opens the window to enjoying other aspects of life so much more.

As miserable as I may seem, I think I'm genuinely more happy with life than my friends who married young and already have kids.
weird i dont remember this being quoted but yea uhh i literally just said its not about the sex. the past few years i couldve gotten a prostitute but i dont really care to

i can see where you're coming from though. not much else to do as an incel

id say you can be 25 to 50% as happy as an incel but thats all. you also will have trouble finding fullfillment . jordan peterson said being incel is the ultimate rejection. too true


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I thought I had already accepted that I'm never capable of dating or being in a relationship because of my shortcomings. But early this year I decided to at least give dating a try, so I wouldn't regret it later. Surprisingly I found that some women *could* actually like me. But yeah, getting dumped from 2 short relationships in the space of 4 months is pretty soul-shattering. I even think I was happier before, you know, not thinking about relationships or women in that sense. I don't rate sex very highly either, but I do rate being intimate and close with someone, that's what I yearn. I think that need is built inside of us, I really do.
i see this in the semi incels i know. those with middling romantic value who have only dated and/or had sex with 1-3 women (often just getting lucky)

its like theyre right there at the promised land and can see it but cant go to it


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a lot of my friends are these semi incel types and the girls they got with are often really nasty and trashy. but nature called


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Yeah it just hurts too much ATM. 2 weeks ago I thought I was at the beginning of a long and happy relationship, now I have f*** all again.


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Women are trash.

I'm an ex 7.5/10 guy (basically Chad lite, i could easily pick up lower SMV women, actually, most of the time, i didn't even need to do anything, they came to me!)
Huge shoulders, average face, 6ft tall, pretty muscular with big bones, i also had an incredibly thick head of hair.

I didn't have a lot of girlfriends, mainly because i'm lazy and hate dating. So i just waited for them to come to me. Not to mention i was pretty insecure. (I learned "game" only later) First kiss at 14 year old, by 18 i already had started my first big LTR.
I'm now 25 yrs old and NW3 diffuse. Still get a lot of looks by women, even with my meh hair, probably because i'm much more muscular now that i'm gymcelling so i guess i compensated.
Hell, i get crazy women chasing me. One in particular ran inside my workplace, screaming like a madman because i wouldn't f*** her.
For fucks sake, one year ago i tried shaving my head, i looked decent but since i'm diffused i looked like a NW5. Well... I still got chased by fatties! Heck, when i shaved one fatty wanted me to f*** her so badly that she kept whispering gross stuff into my ears.

Why i'm saying this? Not to make you jealous.
It's to make you understand, that even if you are chad, women are NOT WORTH IT.

After about 10+ girlfriends, a couple of fuckfriends, and one night stands, i'm already tired of women.

Women DON'T care about you or your hair.

Even if you are NW1 with 10/10 looks, women don't care about you!

If you're good looking, they will manipulate you into sex.
If you have money, they will manipulate you into marriage.

Even as a formed chad, most of my girlfriends always tried to manipulate me, guilt trip me, play mindgames. Either for sex or marriage.

When i was in my longest LTR, my ex girlfriend betrayed me once she figured out that i would never have enough money to marry her. Destroying our three year old LTR in one fell swoop.

Another girl i dumped decided to take revenge against me by hooking up with my incel friend and by manipulating him into turning against me.

Another girl seemed innocent and chastw, but then my friends told me that she kept messagging them, saying that she wanted me to f*** her like a wild animal.

Nowadays i like having money and being single more than having girlfriends.
Don't bother with women!
If your hair really prevents you from getting women...
Go for hookers then if you really want to have sex that badly.

You attract what you are.

You had some bad experiences with women in the past because you attracted the wrong ones, and based on your posts I can already see why: you have a sh*t mentality and personality and you are superficial.

Just because YOU did not manage to attract a good woman does not mean they are all bad. Stop generalizing your own experiences into reality


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Women are trash.

I'm an ex 7.5/10 guy (basically Chad lite, i could easily pick up lower SMV women, actually, most of the time, i didn't even need to do anything, they came to me!)
Huge shoulders, average face, 6ft tall, pretty muscular with big bones, i also had an incredibly thick head of hair.

I didn't have a lot of girlfriends, mainly because i'm lazy and hate dating. So i just waited for them to come to me. Not to mention i was pretty insecure. (I learned "game" only later) First kiss at 14 year old, by 18 i already had started my first big LTR.
I'm now 25 yrs old and NW3 diffuse. Still get a lot of looks by women, even with my meh hair, probably because i'm much more muscular now that i'm gymcelling so i guess i compensated.
Hell, i get crazy women chasing me. One in particular ran inside my workplace, screaming like a madman because i wouldn't f*** her.
For fucks sake, one year ago i tried shaving my head, i looked decent but since i'm diffused i looked like a NW5. Well... I still got chased by fatties! Heck, when i shaved one fatty wanted me to f*** her so badly that she kept whispering gross stuff into my ears.

Why i'm saying this? Not to make you jealous.
It's to make you understand, that even if you are chad, women are NOT WORTH IT.

After about 10+ girlfriends, a couple of fuckfriends, and one night stands, i'm already tired of women.

Women DON'T care about you or your hair.

Even if you are NW1 with 10/10 looks, women don't care about you!

If you're good looking, they will manipulate you into sex.
If you have money, they will manipulate you into marriage.

Even as a formed chad, most of my girlfriends always tried to manipulate me, guilt trip me, play mindgames. Either for sex or marriage.

When i was in my longest LTR, my ex girlfriend betrayed me once she figured out that i would never have enough money to marry her. Destroying our three year old LTR in one fell swoop.

Another girl i dumped decided to take revenge against me by hooking up with my incel friend and by manipulating him into turning against me.

Another girl seemed innocent and chastw, but then my friends told me that she kept messagging them, saying that she wanted me to f*** her like a wild animal.

Nowadays i like having money and being single more than having girlfriends.
Don't bother with women!
If your hair really prevents you from getting women...
Go for hookers then if you really want to have sex that badly.

This is the definition of an asexual, pathological lying incel virgin who’s been bullied extensively in his younger years - and rightfully so - because he was always an annoying, spoiled little brat seeking to do harm.


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This is the definition of an asexual, pathological lying incel virgin who’s been bullied extensively in his younger years - and rightfully so - because he was always an annoying, spoiled little brat seeking to do harm.

Second day on this forum and already more sense of realism than most in this section. Welcome my friend!


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Good quality time with a woman is a wonderful thing. It reminds us there’s a softer, gentler side to life. Too much male company is draining.
meh normie men are like that. always one upping each other. but not ugly aspie types like myself and my friends

and lol at women being gentle or soft when you're ugly and awkward. you hot people are so bluepilled


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meh normie men are like that. always one upping each other. but not ugly aspie types like myself and my friends

and lol at women being gentle or soft when you're ugly and awkward. you hot people are so bluepilled

For the sake of my faith in humanity, please tell me you are younger than 16.


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For the sake of my faith in humanity, please tell me you are younger than 16.
copester. anyways morning glorys post sounds immature if anything

sounds like wet dream fantasies of stereotypical movie style femininity like some middle schooler. IRL most of the girls i know arent even feminine.

like seriously im reminded of max goof on the goofy movie when he had those fantasies of his crush Roxanne lmao


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copester. anyways morning glorys post sounds immature if anything

sounds like wet dream fantasies of stereotypical movie style femininity like some middle schooler. IRL most of the girls i knoe arent even feminine.

Take this from someone that actually talks to women instead of bashing them behind his laptop: He seems a lot more grounded in reality than you are.