Well, his points where heavily opinionated, he clearly speaks from his own personal tastes rather then some abhorrent feminist personal experience, but there are objectively points that are made rather clear. Bravo you've done better then most rants I've read. That being said your cherry picking information and showing isolated cases as if they effect the majority, then you go on making these isolated cases the overall key point in your broad conclusion. Noticeably beyond incorrect information on wage gap, societal issues, and prevalent culture your biggest mistake is assuming the current political land scape and their various ideals are negative to our wellbeing as a society; as a whole. You see you said, women have more freedoms then they have ever had, ever wonder why this is? Well, it's due to this "Feminist" who politically challenged a system that was designed to restrict them. They continue to do this, because frankly; the world is not perfect. Equality is still not a perfect system, and sexism, racism, and xenophobia run rampant in our modern age. These brave women are fighting against that, but as I just said no system is perfect, and a number of these "Feminist" are fighting in an incorrect way. This may be due to a lack of leaders and women in high places mobilizing the movement in a peaceful, but effective way. We need these leaders, these role models, to pave a way to the next generation as the generation before us attempted to pave the way for us. In this way, feminism is not a bad thing; perhaps a volatile idea, but not a necessarily bad thing. Now another key mistake is not highlighting "Identity" Politics. This is where an individual picks a political position based on their identity, good or bad. You made references to a conservative group notorious as a hate group identifying with politics that restrict women and promote sexism. Identity politics, is a whole other debate and should be kept out of this one, but basically it's an attribute to human nature. Just like feminism, malism, and chauvinists, which may be something you should research in the future. Last but certainly not least your point that women are far more unhappy then they have ever been has little to do with your point at all! In fact this is a skewed study, and doesn't take into account many factors. Noticeably you will find many people are unhappy today, between late stage capitalism, and political decisiveness there are heaping loads of factors. This is cherry picking, note it. Not to mention your source is contradicted by many others, such as:
Until a study, isolates a key factor such as the question: Is the feminist movement causing negative emotions in women. Either way this is an extremely difficult claim to study due to the amount of influential factors.
I hope you learned something, thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.