why isnt nadal shaving it off already?


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He needs a transplant on the hairline. If his frontal 3/4 was thicker and more styled and he buzzed the sides in a low fade he would be fine


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Because his hair looks great for an approx. 35 year old? Majority of guys here would be overjoyed with that hair at that age. It's not something to throw away by shaving.

He doesn't seem like the kind who would use finasteride but how else can we explain his result? With hair transplant alone I'd expect the crown to look less good.

you are delusional
His hair looks like sh*t


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To put into perspective, I am considering a hair transplant and if mine looks like his after 1 year I would be overjoyed. I really think that it's the same for most bald guys. Just having hair so that non Norwood spotters don't see you as bald would change one's life.

people would think he is balding and think he is older than his age - 40+


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What you're saying is all correct but I really think that hair like Nadal and Caruso looks much better than a shaved head and is perceived as such. I think that there a significant number of people who are not Norwood aware who would say "their hair isn't that bad... not like my grandpa.... looks fine" about them. In addition, even the people many of the people who are saying that Nadal and Caruso should shave it would probably say, after seeing them shaved, that their hair looked better before. The shaved head really is considered bad looking even if a guy has a good head shape. Look at The Rock with his old high hairline for example; it looked great compared with fully shaved. And Rock is a guy who can really pull off shaved. There is no solution to hair loss besides treatments. Certainly, if treatments don't work, shaving the head isn't a viable solution because of what I described. So I think that leaving the hair grown out when it can be grown out and combed (not all guys that you would call bald have this privilege e.g. Larry David, myself) is at worst equally bad as shaving the head.

the rock looks great to be honest


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the rock looks great to be honest
and also never understood how people can chose the rock and other dudes as good examples for being bald... can only be because they are popular...
i said it once and i say it again: either they look like some hulked up dude, or hooligan style...
i know it is maybe difficult to find good examples, especially for young people and good examples that dont look like yo father, but rock/statham/willis/diesel/etc are not good examples...