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Hello guys!
I'm new to this forum.
I just wanted to share my story.
Well, I always had a very thin and straight hair. Very beautiful. Everybody used to love it and say it was wonderful. All my family have a hair like this.
Nobody is bald in my family. My dad has lots of hairs and grows it long.
And by the age 14 I started losing it. I'm now 20 and with very thin diffuse hair on the top.
I never had a girlfriend. I started to become anti-social, depressed and I have no friends.
I used to think I had 4 real friends. But even them made fun out of my baldness. They're not my friends anymore.

My hair used to be the part I liked the most in my body. Really, I'd like to grow it long as I like to listen to metal, it would fit my style. But I never had the chance. Hair loss came too young.
I'm in complete denial about my life. I hate being myself. The guys I know at my age have full thick and long hair.
Why me?
I know there are lots of balding guys in the world. But mine started at 14, damn it! WHY??
God must hate me.

I've been taking finasteride fo 3 years and see nothing growing. It just gets worse.
My parents say I choose accept it. But how? It destroyed my youth and my will to live my life.
I can't accept it.

I've came to a conclusion that only balding people really understand me. That's why I'm writting here.
Everybody just says:"dude! this is nothing! you could have lost an arm or a leg!"
But they have full heads of hair! And grow it long and have pride in it!

I really don't know what to do. I lost my faith in everything.
I'm cursed to live unhappy forever.
Why was I born with such a beautiful hair to be taken away so soon? I could not have this pain if I was born already without hair or if I had a hair loss at my 50's.

I have a very big nose and ears. I CAN'T GO BALD! I will look like sh*t...

This sucks. I have no more words to describe it.
I really don't know what to do. My life sucks.

Thanks for your patience in reading this


Experienced Member
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14 is unusually young.

And with no history of baldness, are you really sure it's male pattern baldness? Have you been to a doctor? It could be something else.


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They say it's male pattern baldness. But they didn't do any kind of tests. They just looked at my head and said "You have male pattern baldness. It's normal. Try to take finasteride, but you'll have to accept it anyway. There's no cure."


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IHateIt said:
I never had a girlfriend. I started to become anti-social, depressed and I have no friends.
Welcome brother you'll fit right in here!
Seriously though I'd like to see some pics before I could give you any advice.


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This is what is left of my frontal hair:



Do you think I still can grow it back?
I'm looking like a grandfather right now with this hair. :(


Experienced Member
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Start on Rogaine Foam, if you haven't already.

There's a good chance of regrowing your hairline and something overall thickening.


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It is a rather aggresive hair loss for a 20 yrs old man, I am just confused if it was really male pattern baldness caused the hair loss.

The two main reasons made me doubt are:

1. You started losing it at 14, it was really young for hair loss to even start.

2. You have no family histroy of male pattern baldness, and your hair loss progressed very aggresively.

Do you have horome imbalance or any other sort of problems?


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I'd still stick with the finasteride but tbh regrowth is very rare especialy with such aggressive loss. Hopefully you can just maintain and it will be more acceptable as you get older.
In the meantime if it really bothers you and I can understand that at your age maybe you could try toppic or something. I know its a poor alternative but it could help your confidence.


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Yes, as I said nobody is bald in my family, although everybody have thin straight hair, which makes my loss more noticeable.

I did a blood test and nothing was wrong with my hormones. But bilirrubine levels were high. What does it mean?
Also, I do believe I have some kind of stress and poor diet.

I'm considering cutting my hair down to a #3 and starting rogaine.
The problem is that I tried minoxidil once and I had big shed for a long time, but no regrowth.

I believe I have some kind of telogen effluvium, but I don't know the cause.The reason I say this is because there are moments of the year that the hair is thicker and other moments that it is very thin. Although the temples are always there.

If you don't understand what I mean by "sometimes thicker, sometimes thinner", here is a picture of 3 months ago:

I really hope someone will figure out my case.



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What are the full blood test and other tests should I do to see if my hair loss is something not male pattern baldness?


Senior Member
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IHateIt said:
Yes, as I said nobody is bald in my family, although everybody have thin straight hair, which makes my loss more noticeable.

I did a blood test and nothing was wrong with my hormones. But bilirrubine levels were high. What does it mean?
Also, I do believe I have some kind of stress and poor diet.

I'm considering cutting my hair down to a #3 and starting rogaine.
The problem is that I tried minoxidil once and I had big shed for a long time, but no regrowth.

I believe I have some kind of telogen effluvium, but I don't know the cause.The reason I say this is because there are moments of the year that the hair is thicker and other moments that it is very thin. Although the temples are always there.

If you don't understand what I mean by "sometimes thicker, sometimes thinner", here is a picture of 3 months ago:

I really hope someone will figure out my case.


You cant compare dry hair to wet hair brotha


Established Member
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IHateIt said:
I did a blood test and nothing was wrong with my hormones. But bilirrubine levels were high. What does it mean?
Also, I do believe I have some kind of stress and poor diet.

High bilirubin levels could mean you have liver or gallbladder problems (e.g., gallstones, hepatitis, cirrhosis.) It could also be some other syndrome or disorder (e.g., Rotor's)

Did your doctor say anything further about the levels? Do you have any other existing genetic syndrome/disorder that you know of? If your bilirubin levels are consistently high, you may want to minimize any alcohol consumption - as I think this may increase your chances of cirrhosis, but I'm not certain of this. You should ask your doctor.


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Although R.D. is correct, you can not compare wet and dry hair, your case seems really off the chart.. The first pic shows male pattern baldness since you have the receding temples and thinning in the male pattern baldness areas, but when you posted the DRY hair pic i cant tell any receding and the fullness of your hair looks good to the point I would not be able to tell if you had any male pattern baldness and since it is only 3 months apart it concerns me... And you said something about Telogen Effluvium - you can do a hair pull test yourself or go to a derm and ask them to do a scalp biopsy. The scalp biopsy should tell you for sure if it is caused by male pattern baldness or something else. Also always remember you are not trying to beat hair loss as you will never win, but trying to really postpone its effects and grow some hair until something is out in about a few years which will relieve you of your disease for good- like HM. PS post some pics of your hair dry from top and sides with flash for better comparison.


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OK. Here are more pictures of my dry hair, and I just woke up, so there's no styling in it. It's just "natural":




Overall look:

Please notice that this is my hair at it's fullest. When I wash it's never as full as in these pictures.
Maybe I should just wake up and go date a girl. :woot:

Later I'll post pictures of my washed hair. My hair is so thin, that even that makes a BIG difference.


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Yeah it does look pretty thin :( . Have you tried a shorter hairstyle? I dont neccesarily mean a buzz cut but just at least 1" shorter. In the meantime keep up the treatments. You'll get your answer in the next few years if the meds work and things hold you'll be ok by your mid 20's. If they dont work and you keep on losing at this aggressive rate you'll have to think about shaving in the coming years. :(


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long hair + diffusive thinning = no go

I'd cut it short and make it look neat, just my .02


Established Member
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I don't think his hair looks bad down. I wouldn't grow it TOO long, but I think you are still able to pull it off. I'd keep it long while you can, but slowly get shorter and shorter as the years progress. Even with any treatment, it will still get thinner to some extent (sooner or later, a lot or a little).


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FlashDance said:
I don't think his hair looks bad down. I wouldn't grow it TOO long, but I think you are still able to pull it off. I'd keep it long while you can, but slowly get shorter and shorter as the years progress. Even with any treatment, it will still get thinner to some extent (sooner or later, a lot or a little).

not necessarily, a lot of people managed to reverse the male pattern baldness progress with the help of the big 3.


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My Friend I have read all the replies that the men on the site wrote to you. I understand your deep pain. This is not unusual and God does love you and you are by no means cursed. Cursed is without hope. You have hope and you need to dig deep to see that its there for you. JESUS IS HIS NAME !!! I myself have lost a good amount of hair and I started at age 30 years old and it went fast. I was the biggest playa around and boy did this humble me in a big way and my heart is routin for you kid!!! 14 years old is unspeakable!!! If you want to talk sometime over the phone,I will be here for you at anytime and I mean that!!!! I have a great doctor that I am going to see soon and he has done work on children with hair transplants and I would like to tell him about you when I visit him. My Name is Dennis and I live in Boston and if you need a friend I am here. God bless you and you can reach me at djdennis34@aol.com
IHateIt said:
Hello guys!
I'm new to this forum.
I just wanted to share my story.
Well, I always had a very thin and straight hair. Very beautiful. Everybody used to love it and say it was wonderful. All my family have a hair like this.
Nobody is bald in my family. My dad has lots of hairs and grows it long.
And by the age 14 I started losing it. I'm now 20 and with very thin diffuse hair on the top.
I never had a girlfriend. I started to become anti-social, depressed and I have no friends.
I used to think I had 4 real friends. But even them made fun out of my baldness. They're not my friends anymore.

My hair used to be the part I liked the most in my body. Really, I'd like to grow it long as I like to listen to metal, it would fit my style. But I never had the chance. Hair loss came too young.
I'm in complete denial about my life. I hate being myself. The guys I know at my age have full thick and long hair.
Why me?
I know there are lots of balding guys in the world. But mine started at 14, damn it! WHY??
God must hate me.

I've been taking finasteride fo 3 years and see nothing growing. It just gets worse.
My parents say I choose accept it. But how? It destroyed my youth and my will to live my life.
I can't accept it.

I've came to a conclusion that only balding people really understand me. That's why I'm writting here.
Everybody just says:"dude! this is nothing! you could have lost an arm or a leg!"
But they have full heads of hair! And grow it long and have pride in it!

I really don't know what to do. I lost my faith in everything.
I'm cursed to live unhappy forever.
Why was I born with such a beautiful hair to be taken away so soon? I could not have this pain if I was born already without hair or if I had a hair loss at my 50's.

I have a very big nose and ears. I CAN'T GO BALD! I will look like $#iT...

This sucks. I have no more words to describe it.
I really don't know what to do. My life sucks.

Thanks for your patience in reading this


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drdennis said:
My Friend I have read all the replies that the men on the site wrote to you. I understand your deep pain. This is not unusual and God does love you and you are by no means cursed. Cursed is without hope. You have hope and you need to dig deep to see that its there for you. JESUS IS HIS NAME !!! I myself have lost a good amount of hair and I started at age 30 years old and it went fast. I was the biggest playa around and boy did this humble me in a big way and my heart is routin for you kid!!! 14 years old is unspeakable!!! If you want to talk sometime over the phone,I will be here for you at anytime and I mean that!!!! I have a great doctor that I am going to see soon and he has done work on children with hair transplants and I would like to tell him about you when I visit him. My Name is Dennis and I live in Boston and if you need a friend I am here. God bless you and you can reach me at djdennis34@aol.com
IHateIt said:
Hello guys!
I'm new to this forum.
I just wanted to share my story.
Well, I always had a very thin and straight hair. Very beautiful. Everybody used to love it and say it was wonderful. All my family have a hair like this.
Nobody is bald in my family. My dad has lots of hairs and grows it long.
And by the age 14 I started losing it. I'm now 20 and with very thin diffuse hair on the top.
I never had a girlfriend. I started to become anti-social, depressed and I have no friends.
I used to think I had 4 real friends. But even them made fun out of my baldness. They're not my friends anymore.

My hair used to be the part I liked the most in my body. Really, I'd like to grow it long as I like to listen to metal, it would fit my style. But I never had the chance. Hair loss came too young.
I'm in complete denial about my life. I hate being myself. The guys I know at my age have full thick and long hair.
Why me?
I know there are lots of balding guys in the world. But mine started at 14, damn it! WHY??
God must hate me.

I've been taking finasteride fo 3 years and see nothing growing. It just gets worse.
My parents say I choose accept it. But how? It destroyed my youth and my will to live my life.
I can't accept it.

I've came to a conclusion that only balding people really understand me. That's why I'm writting here.
Everybody just says:"dude! this is nothing! you could have lost an arm or a leg!"
But they have full heads of hair! And grow it long and have pride in it!

I really don't know what to do. I lost my faith in everything.
I'm cursed to live unhappy forever.
Why was I born with such a beautiful hair to be taken away so soon? I could not have this pain if I was born already without hair or if I had a hair loss at my 50's.

I have a very big nose and ears. I CAN'T GO BALD! I will look like $#iT...

This sucks. I have no more words to describe it.
I really don't know what to do. My life sucks.

Thanks for your patience in reading this

Hi! Thanks for the support!
I live in Brazil. Right now I don't have money for a hair transplant. I'll have to wait 'till I get out of the uni and find a job (a good job) and start saving money for the transplant.
I have no other option. Maybe hair multiplication will be available soon, if it won't cost too much I'll do it.
I'll have to keep the meds 'till I can do the transplant. Yeah, my youth is lost but hopefully I'll be able to live my 30's.