I'm starting nofap because I really have no other options after 14 months on finasteride, the only thing i can attribute the lack of efficacy too is that I easily fap 1-3 times a day. Wish me luck boys, nofap is gonna fucken suck.
I am planning on reducing mine to 1 or 2 a day. Maybe rotate 1 and then 2 the next day.
Lmaoo shutup dude I'm actually desperate right now to figure out wtf is going on, idk how long I can go with nofap but will definitely try not to jerk off everyday.
Yeah, and it can make you deaf aswell, since i started nofap about two years ago my hearing has evolved, i can now hear a fly at 2 miles
-Even if it isn't proven, doesn't mean you should knock it off. If you're 19 and still watching p*rn and jerking off everyday, I wouldn't call you my son if I was your father.