why women love bald men


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well dont expect me to tell you , i dont know.

however, i will say this: my last three girlfriends and i'm talking four year plus relationships here, have actually preferred the shaved/bald look.

now, i never got a reason from them, other than all 3 said "it's dead sexy".
personally i would far rather have hair but these girls said "no...i've seen photos of you with hair and i definitely think you look better without hair"

and these are good lookers.

so it was really nice to know that my being bald, had for these girls anyway, worked to my advantage.

one negative point though.
when we split, and lets face it nothing lasts forever, (particularly our hair), i went back to a high anxiety state when meeting new women, coz i was worried about whether they would like bald.

but you see what i and everyone on here must try to remember is this: beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some women (and more than you might expect), actually prefer bald.


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ginald said:
well dont expect me to tell you , i dont know.

however, i will say this: my last three girlfriends and i'm talking four year plus relationships here, have actually preferred the shaved/bald look.

now, i never got a reason from them, other than all 3 said "it's dead sexy".
personally i would far rather have hair but these girls said "no...i've seen photos of you with hair and i definitely think you look better without hair"

and these are good lookers.

so it was really nice to know that my being bald, had for these girls anyway, worked to my advantage.

one negative point though.
when we split, and lets face it nothing lasts forever, (particularly our hair), i went back to a high anxiety state when meeting new women, coz i was worried about whether they would like bald.

but you see what i and everyone on here must try to remember is this: beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some women (and more than you might expect), actually prefer bald.

are you rich by any chance?


Lol, good point recboi.
It is the same bullshit as "size doesn´t matter". She will never tell you: " I prefer a 7 incher over your 5 inches", but make some PC comments about how much your personality matters in sex. Don´t trust them!

It is just a fact that about 99% of all balding males look better with hair than without.


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Yeah, I think vin diesle may be an exception, though I have not seen him with his hair grown out. I have seen some fake pics of him with a V hairline and a suit,, sitting at a desk, and he did not look as good then.


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Taugenichts said:
Lol, good point recboi.
It is the same bullshit as "size doesn´t matter". She will never tell you: " I prefer a 7 incher over your 5 inches", but make some PC comments about how much your personality matters in sex. Don´t trust them!

It is just a fact that about 99% of all balding males look better with hair than without.

My personal belief is that genetic hairloss is an evolutionary trait to keep women away from you. Though I dodn't think it would have mattered in cave man days, wher eyou just hit them over the head and drag them back to the cave.. I think it's signal that you're old, and women instictively want to be impregnated by young, healthy looking guys. Hairloss looks unhealthy to me.


recboi said:
Though I dodn't think it would have mattered in cave man days, wher eyou just hit them over the head and drag them back to the cave..

Ahh, life was so easy in the good old days...... 8)


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Taugenichts said:
recboi said:
Though I dodn't think it would have mattered in cave man days, wher eyou just hit them over the head and drag them back to the cave..

Ahh, life was so easy in the good old days...... 8)

Yeah. Beta males would have done much better back then, because really betas are afraid of breaking laws and rejection. When there were no laws or rejection, your only fear was just her preferring the alpha male. But if you ran itto a bunch of women without an alpha around, you had a field day...


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recboi said:
My personal belief is that genetic hairloss is an evolutionary trait to keep women away from you.

And for what reason would it be good to keep them away, from an evolutionary standpoint? It does do a good job of that, though.


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recboi said:
ginald said:
well dont expect me to tell you , i dont know.

however, i will say this: my last three girlfriends and i'm talking four year plus relationships here, have actually preferred the shaved/bald look.

now, i never got a reason from them, other than all 3 said "it's dead sexy".
personally i would far rather have hair but these girls said "no...i've seen photos of you with hair and i definitely think you look better without hair"

and these are good lookers.

so it was really nice to know that my being bald, had for these girls anyway, worked to my advantage.

one negative point though.
when we split, and lets face it nothing lasts forever, (particularly our hair), i went back to a high anxiety state when meeting new women, coz i was worried about whether they would like bald.

but you see what i and everyone on here must try to remember is this: beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some women (and more than you might expect), actually prefer bald.

are you rich by any chance?

that's a very cynical outlook you have on life, recboi

however, i am just your normal mr. average (and bald).

also i have no more than 3" in the trouser department.

although that is diameter.... haha.

no....this is just a straightforward honest observation on my part and i am telling you that you can talk about film star looks, millionaire lifestyle and fantastic personality but i, alas, am none of these. yet what i tell you about these women actually preferring bald, is true.
they didnt say "oh i'll put up with it, its ok".
they said "i prefer bald men"

so put that in your pipe and smoke it.


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I have been noticing now who I see the real hot girls with and geuss what alot of them are bald and balding. Got news for you if you are a girl in your upper 20's or 30's you dont have much choice because almost every guy is at least thinning.


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ginald said:
they didnt say "oh i'll put up with it, its ok".
they said "i prefer bald men"

I don't think anyone tells their partner they don't like something about them, unless they are trying to tear down the person's self esteem.

Any 5" guys been complimented by women, who say it is big or that they prefer that size?


collegechemistrystudent said:
Any 5" guys been complimented by women, who say it is big or that they prefer that size?

have you been complimented by women for your size?


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ginald said:
recboi said:
ginald said:
well dont expect me to tell you , i dont know.

however, i will say this: my last three girlfriends and i'm talking four year plus relationships here, have actually preferred the shaved/bald look.

now, i never got a reason from them, other than all 3 said "it's dead sexy".
personally i would far rather have hair but these girls said "no...i've seen photos of you with hair and i definitely think you look better without hair"

and these are good lookers.

so it was really nice to know that my being bald, had for these girls anyway, worked to my advantage.

one negative point though.
when we split, and lets face it nothing lasts forever, (particularly our hair), i went back to a high anxiety state when meeting new women, coz i was worried about whether they would like bald.

but you see what i and everyone on here must try to remember is this: beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some women (and more than you might expect), actually prefer bald.

are you rich by any chance?

that's a very cynical outlook you have on life, recboi

however, i am just your normal mr. average (and bald).

also i have no more than 3" in the trouser department.

although that is diameter.... haha.

no....this is just a straightforward honest observation on my part and i am telling you that you can talk about film star looks, millionaire lifestyle and fantastic personality but i, alas, am none of these. yet what i tell you about these women actually preferring bald, is true.
they didnt say "oh i'll put up with it, its ok".
they said "i prefer bald men"

so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Well that's rare. I know guys that prefer obese women, but most don't. The exceptions don't make the rule.


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JayMan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
Any 5" guys been complimented by women, who say it is big or that they prefer that size?

have you been complimented by women for your size?

I'm more than 5" but typically they don't comment unless they're trying to stroke your ego or something. I had my last gf for the first several times we'd have sex say "your dick is so big" and I told her to shut up and and don't need my ego stroked and she said "sorry, I thought guys like to hear that"


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[part quote]
no....this is just a straightforward honest observation on my part and i am telling you that you can talk about film star looks, millionaire lifestyle and fantastic personality but i, alas, am none of these. yet what i tell you about these women actually preferring bald, is true.
they didnt say "oh i'll put up with it, its ok".
they said "i prefer bald men"

so put that in your pipe and smoke it.[/quote]
[recboi quote/]:
Well that's rare. I know guys that prefer obese women, but most don't. The exceptions don't make the rule.[/quote]

ok recboi, the truth was that i kept saying to each girlfriend "you got to be kidding. how can you like a bald head- i hate it and so should you...surely?"

they all told me to shut up and shave my head.....i never understood it, still dont.

i bugged them and i kept bugging them about how they should hate it....but they never relented....they just kept on liking it bald.

in the end i had to accept that they werent telling me to make me feel good.....they really did prefer bald.

what an appalling way for me to behave but that is what bald does to you....kills your self esteem.......so that even when girls tell you youre great, you really dont believe them.


this is a post of yours that i can actually appreciate ginald. it is true that many women have no problem with balding guys.


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I've talked to and dated a number of women who say they love or prefer the bald look. But when they say "bald" they don't mean "balding", they really mean shave or buzz cut. A little bit of stubble actually makes a huge difference.


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Taugenichts said:
It is the same bullshit as "size doesn´t matter". She will never tell you: " I prefer a 7 incher over your 5 inches", but make some PC comments about how much your personality matters in sex. Don´t trust them!
It is just a fact that about 99% of all balding males look better with hair than without.

I think that this may be closest to the real truth. Maybe she does'nt mind that you are balding, but I'm sure if she could change it she would give you more hair. (and a bigger wang).
I dont really think that some women prefer baldies I just think that some women dont mind it so much as the majority do.