'Other than that.. you need money or a big personality to bag the descent looking ones unless you are lucky with your balding pattern, a widows peak can often look great on guys in their 30s but if it all goes you'll more than likely be searching for lame ducks yourself unless you're smart.'
This is quite clearly utter bs. I myself am completely bald on top but shave it right down to the bone every day and ok im lucky to have very dark skin and i workout daily so it looks fine on me but the point is that if im being honest im not smart, im not rich, i dont even have a good personality. Im lazy, im ignorant, im unsociable, i hate christmas and most popular culture, and my only real interests in the world are sex poker and alcohol and movies. Yet i get more attention from women than all my fully haired freinds combined and theres about 7 of them. It sure as hell isnt because of my personality. aswell as proving that women are just as shallow as men, this also proves that completely bald men are not limited to the ugly women. If you check out my old posts you will see a picture i posted of billy zane a while back. Even though he has shaved his head almost totally bald on it you can still see, even from a heterosexual standpoint that he s better looking than 99 percent of men who have hair. This counts obviously even if he wasnt famous (provided he does shave it clean and denies the thick horsehoe). The more i think about this topic the more i agree with ginald. I too used to think that bald guys couldnt be considered attractive by most women but imo its all in the maintenance...you just have to make a lot more effort to keep looking healthy.