Will finasteride make this thinning thick again? 19m


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You could definitely try finasteride, it has helped me a lot.

This site even offers a way to get a prescription online: MensBaldingSolutions.com


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He's a basically a teenager. You even say your self "most likely" he's done developing. But your willing to throw him under a bus. he could of tried Ketoconazole Shampoo/cream or CB, micro- needling.... Did you tell him to take low dose eod? Did you tell him to get blood work done? I've seen crazy hairline recoveries. Recovering masculinity (Dick size) isn't as likely! Your advice is sh*t! Are you a Tran by the way? Oh and "AA or die" eah lol
Im willing to save him from all the crap hair los sufferers deal with, especially in early 20s. Keto shampoo/CB does crap in agressive early hair loss. I dont want or even have to give him details like low dose, etc. I simply informed OP that finasteride is the way to save his hair and that he should do his OWN research which would allow him to take the correct steps and implement his preferred plan.
"Recovering masculinity" lol talking as if finasteride will take his balls from him. You go on and tell OP to treat his agressive hair loss at 19 with a shampoo and experimental topicals, as if your advice is based on logic.

No need to answer your last question as it is pointless and dumb.


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At the end of the day finasteride is the most commercial drug that gives you a chance to halt your hairloss by reducing DHT. Anything else is a inflammation aid (ketoconazole), growth promoter (minoxidil), or bullshit (hand massage, saw palmetto, biotin, etc.) Can they aid the health of your hair, sure. Will they stop further miniaturization, no. If they did then you weren’t originally going to lose those hairs to begin with.

Starting finasteride isnt the end of the world. Its not heroin, its not addictive. If you have sides, obviously come off the drug. If not, congrats, u just took out the cheapest insurance policy you’ll ever take.

I started finasteride at 20. Prescribed by a elite dermatologist that specializes in hair. Ive consulted with various top hair transplant surgeons, each of which said my decision to take finasteride was wise. 20 is not too young to start finasteride.

If you are recommending products to someone trying to halt they’re hairloss that is not finasteride or a form of AA that they have not yet experimented with, you’re wasting your time.


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Will finasteride fix my issue
I dont have a crystal ball, I don’t know. Nobody does. If it were that simple as to everyone getting on finasteride and being cured then hairloss wouldn’t be that big of an issue. Go speak to a dermatologist to speak about your certain condition, I can only tell you facts and then you proceed to make decisions off them. Finasteride has shown to slow or halt hairloss in about ~80% of people.

Here For the Lulz

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Don’t forget to slather the topical all over your c*** and balls. If you’re not doing that you might as well give up here and now.