will minoxidil unwanted hair disapear after quitting the drug even if you shave / pluck them in the meantime?

michel sapin

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6 month probably is not enough...
i dont know how many cylces it takes for body hair to renew itself, i also dont know how long said cycle takes...

my (uneducated) guess is it takes a year, if not longer...
is this the same sulfotransferase in the scalp follicle and the body hair follicle? or maybe i would have been a crazy responder if there is a correlation between hypertrichosis and scalp hai rresult


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that sucks,that is really long time. i didn't even get that much scalp hair result ... the body hair stimulation is far greater with oral min than with topical its crazy
if i was 10 0000% sure that plucking doesn't make thing worse i would just pluck the unwanted hair and take the oral version? ( i also have to find a solution for acne caused by plcking)
The only thing I can suggest for you is to investigate various methods for removing body hair from larger areas. Decades ago I remember a device that was basically a coil wrapped in a circle and it would rip out hair in large swaths. This was essentially a torture device, used mostly by women on their legs but also men on their backs. There is laser hair removal, waxing. I would NOT suggest shaving because this just starts a vicious cycle that is uncomfortable about 90 percent of the time. You seem to grow hair fast so do not go this route.
If you take Minoxidil orally, expect all that body hair to grow even heavier and faster, BUT I think the chances of head hair growth will be improved.

Mr. Slap Head

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The only thing I can suggest for you is to investigate various methods for removing body hair from larger areas. Decades ago I remember a device that was basically a coil wrapped in a circle and it would rip out hair in large swaths. This was essentially a torture device, used mostly by women on their legs but also men on their backs. There is laser hair removal, waxing. I would NOT suggest shaving because this just starts a vicious cycle that is uncomfortable about 90 percent of the time. You seem to grow hair fast so do not go this route.
If you take Minoxidil orally, expect all that body hair to grow even heavier and faster, BUT I think the chances of head hair growth will be improved.
Exactly. I’d rather have too much hair than not enough. Just groom it.


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At some point you are going to have to decide whether you want more hair on your head or less on your body. With you, these two things appear to be completely and mutually exclusive. You know where I stand on the whole body hair thing so this would be an easy choice for me.

Just let the damn body hair grow. You can be known as "that furry surfer". Every photo of Laird Hamilton shows he is a pretty hairy dude.

michel sapin

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sure guys, i already tried electric epilator, but unfortunately it causes me huge huge acne breakout and scarring ( i already suffered from acne and did 3 round of accutane so i don't want to start this again)

michel sapin

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At some point you are going to have to decide whether you want more hair on your head or less on your body. With you, these two things appear to be completely and mutually exclusive. You know where I stand on the whole body hair thing so this would be an easy choice for me.
haha sure , lucky you who want more body hair its a win win with oral minoxidil

michel sapin

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At some point you are going to have to decide whether you want more hair on your head or less on your body. With you, these two things appear to be completely and mutually exclusive. You know where I stand on the whole body hair thing so this would be an easy choice for me.
how much oral minoxidil are you currently taking? how is the hypertrichosis going with it?


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how much oral minoxidil are you currently taking? how is the hypertrichosis going with it?
About 10 mg daily. At 56, I am a super slow responder. It has made my head and beard super thick but I would not characterize what has happened to my body as "hypertrichosis". More like "meh"trichosis. Slow, SLOW development of new terminal hairs on my hands, forearms, biceps, shoulders, chest, stomach, legs and feet. No dreaded back or *** hair. Yet. Lots of growth in the first couple of months and then it kinda plateaued. I have recently switched to swallowing a capsule as I am now convinced stomach acids destroy much of the Minoxidil before it is absorbed in the gut.

Mr. Slap Head

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I don’t WANT more body hair, but I as a masculine male I accept it. I also am actually glad to stand out as different amongst the many betas out there who shave all their body hair like hairless rats.

michel sapin

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10 mg? thats a lot.
if i was 10000% sure that the unwanted hair would disapear after quitting i would give it a shot. to see how much hair result i can get, and if it bothers me, i stop and the hair fall. but it doesn't seem to be reversible


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I don’t WANT more body hair, but I as a masculine male I accept it. I also am actually glad to stand out as different amongst the many betas out there who shave all their body hair like hairless rats.
Dude, you are on the right side of things. Shaved does not look good except on women.

michel sapin

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I don’t WANT more body hair, but I as a masculine male I accept it. I also am actually glad to stand out as different amongst the many betas out there who shave all their body hair like hairless rats.
sure, but i had striclty no body hair before oral minoxidil ( i was on fina/ duta since 18 and no body hair at all), so for me its kinda weird


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10 mg? thats a lot.
if i was 10000% sure that the unwanted hair would disapear after quitting i would give it a shot. to see how much hair result i can get, and if it bothers me, i stop and the hair fall. but it doesn't seem to be reversible
We just don't know. Some guys report theirs disappeared after discontinuing the Minoxidil while others say it stayed. My HUNCH is that it should stay since body hair is not driven by the same hormonal processes that cause male pattern baldness, and this is why most guys say their minoxidil beards stay once the whiskers become terminal. I hope mine stays because I don't intend to do this dance forever. Eventually (soon) I am going to be too old anyways but it seems to be working now and I like how the results look.

Mr. Slap Head

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About 10 mg daily. At 56, I am a super slow responder. It has made my head and beard super thick but I would not characterize what has happened to my body as "hypertrichosis". More like "meh"trichosis. Slow, SLOW development of new terminal hairs on my hands, forearms, biceps, shoulders, chest, stomach, legs and feet. No dreaded back or *** hair. Yet. Lots of growth in the first couple of months and then it kinda plateaued. I have recently switched to swallowing a capsule as I am now convinced stomach acids destroy much of the Minoxidil before it is absorbed in the gut.
Yeah, for the most part it’s not like it’s new hair. It’s mostly that the hairs are just longer and thicker and darker. Sapin could just use hair clippers and put on a #2 or #1 guard. That would make the hair less visible without affecting acne. I like him, and I hate to call him out on it, but he seems to just want to hold onto the beta paradigm that body hair is gross. I used to work with some guy who was severely balding, wouldn’t shave it, but shaved his body hair. I guarantee you women do not find a hairless rat attractive. And even if a woman thinks hairy men are gross, she is not a good woman because she wants a weak beta. A bonding woman will embrace a hairy caveman.

michel sapin

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We just don't know. Some guys report theirs disappeared after discontinuing the Minoxidil while others say it stayed. My HUNCH is that it should stay since body hair is not driven by the same hormonal processes that cause male pattern baldness, and this is why most guys say their minoxidil beards stay once the whiskers become terminal. I hope mine stays because I don't intend to do this dance forever. Eventually (soon) I am going to be too old anyways but it seems to be working now and I like how the results look.
damn, that is scary, so my unwanted hair will never fall??? i don't mind a thicker beard, but for you it didn't grow hair near you're eye/ forehead/ upper cheek ne


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body hair hides muscle, so that sucks
I think body hair enhances muscles. It looks natural. What dude does not want to have heaving pecs covered in fur?
Yeah, for the most part it’s not like it’s new hair. It’s mostly that the hairs are just longer and thicker and darker. Sapin could just use hair clippers and put on a #2 or #1 guard. That would make the hair less visible without affecting acne. I like him, and I hate to call him out on it, but he seems to just want to hold onto the beta paradigm that body hair is gross. I used to work with some guy who was severely balding, wouldn’t shave it, but shaved his body hair. I guarantee you women do not find a hairless rat attractive. And even if a woman thinks hairy men are gross, she is not a good woman because she wants a weak beta. A bonding woman will embrace a hairy caveman.
Oh man, I could not have said this better.
First off, I'm a gay dude and I know what a handsome man looks like. I have seen PLENTY ... MANY ... bald dudes that are smoking hot. It's the total package that determines attractiveness. If he's overweight, pasty, dumpy .... yeah, the body hair is disgusting, even if he has a full head of hair. But if he has half an interest in his appearance, has a decent body, and a great attitude, the body hair is major, major plus.
Hairless rat pretty much describes a lot of pathetic guys with body hair issues.
I am saying this on this forum because I am sure a lot these bald men are really handsome and just don't know it.

Mr. Slap Head

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I think body hair enhances muscles. It looks natural. What dude does not want to have heaving pecs covered in fur?

Oh man, I could not have said this better.
First off, I'm a gay dude and I know what a handsome man looks like. I have seen PLENTY ... MANY ... bald dudes that are smoking hot. It's the total package that determines attractiveness. If he's overweight, pasty, dumpy .... yeah, the body hair is disgusting, even if he has a full head of hair. But if he has half an interest in his appearance, has a decent body, and a great attitude, the body hair is major, major plus.
Hairless rat pretty much describes a lot of pathetic guys with body hair issues.
I am saying this on this forum because I am sure a lot these bald men are really handsome and just don't know it.
It's interesting because I was about to ask Sapin if he is gay. Obviously body hair does not really bother you though. So it probably shouldn't really matter, but he probably FEELS like it matters, maybe.

michel sapin

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It's interesting because I was about to ask Sapin if he is gay. Obviously body hair does not really bother you though. So it probably shouldn't really matter, but he probably FEELS like it matters, maybe.
bro, i think its mostly a gay thing to like body hair! young girl don't like back/ shoulder hair on a guy... or i might have missed something