will minoxidil unwanted hair disapear after quitting the drug even if you shave / pluck them in the meantime?


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10 mg? thats a lot.
if i was 10000% sure that the unwanted hair would disapear after quitting i would give it a shot. to see how much hair result i can get, and if it bothers me, i stop and the hair fall. but it doesn't seem to be reversible
I use 20mg day.


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It's interesting because I was about to ask Sapin if he is gay. Obviously body hair does not really bother you though. So it probably shouldn't really matter, but he probably FEELS like it matters, maybe.
After I read your post, I gave it some thought and realized that a lot of bald or balding men look attractive to me because it signals he has high testosterone and/or DHT which, of course, is what virility is made of. Many of these insecure guys have absolutely beautiful hairy chests, arms and legs, but they are so worried about their head that they think it's gross. I can tell you that I ( and lots and lots of women) have zero interest in most hairless things, whether they are dogs, rats, or men. It just does not seem natural. And shaving off a beautiful pelt that Mother Nature gave you seems really wrong.

Mr. Slap Head

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I don't have back or shoulder or neck hair yet but it might happen in the future. But an alpha male doesn't care about BS like that.

After I read your post, I gave it some thought and realized that a lot of bald or balding men look attractive to me because it signals he has high testosterone and/or DHT which, of course, is what virility is made of. Many of these insecure guys have absolutely beautiful hairy chests, arms and legs, but they are so worried about their head that they think it's gross. I can tell you that I ( and lots and lots of women) have zero interest in most hairless things, whether they are dogs, rats, or men. It just does not seem natural. And shaving off a beautiful pelt that Mother Nature gave you seems really wrong.

It is amazing how things have changed suddenly. Razors have been around for thousands of years yet men shaving body hair is a very new thing. So many male sex icons have had body hair throughout the 20th century, and it all changed since the beta'zation of the male species became rampant the past decade.


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I don't have back or shoulder or neck hair yet but it might happen in the future. But an alpha male doesn't care about BS like that.

It is amazing how things have changed suddenly. Razors have been around for thousands of years yet men shaving body hair is a very new thing. So many male sex icons have had body hair throughout the 20th century, and it all changed since the beta'zation of the male species became rampant the past decade.
In my 56 years, I have always liked hairy dudes, so that part has never changed. I did bristle with the whole onset of the metrosexual, pussification movement that happened sometime in the '90s.
I welcomed the whole hipster, craft brewery bearded man image with open arms. Finally, someone I think is actually sexy.

Mr. Slap Head

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Fear of standing out as different and trying to fit in is such a beta behavior. But it's been pounded into those of us in the recent generations. If we have that attitude regarding our appearance, imagine the effects that such a mindset has on our relationships, career, etc.


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Fear of standing out as different and trying to fit in is such a beta behavior. But it's been pounded into those of us in the recent generations. If we have that attitude regarding our appearance, imagine the effects that such a mindset has on our relationships, career, etc.
I work in a large law firm. No lawyer or man who walked these halls ever had a beard. About 5 or 6 years ago I decided I was going to let mine get huge. Guess what? Compliments galore and big beards started sprouting on some of the lawyers. They looked great! I was willing to walk way out on a limb and it was worth it. Do you know how satisfying it is to have someone tell you your beard looks awesome?


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oral minoxidil grow me a lot of back hair like in this study , all the back/ lower back/ shoulder https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/10/18/4257?type=check_update&version=2
Responding to the post that showed the photo of your body (which is now removed):

Your lean and athletic body would absolutely look fantastic covered in hair, especially the very long, straight hair that Minoxidil seems to cause. Straight guys seem to think "athletic" means "pubertal" or the equivalent of what an 18-year-old has. There is nothing better than a really fit dude covered in hair.

But I know it's your body and you have your perception of what looks good.

michel sapin

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Responding to the post that showed the photo of your body (which is now removed):

Your lean and athletic body would absolutely look fantastic covered in hair, especially the very long, straight hair that Minoxidil seems to cause. Straight guys seem to think "athletic" means "pubertal" or the equivalent of what an 18-year-old has. There is nothing better than a really fit dude covered in hair.

But I know it's your body and you have your perception of what looks good.
bro, have you seen the back/ shoulder hair caused by loniten in thoses cases??? look exremly weird

michel sapin

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and in this study the body hair didn't disapear in 30% of those children after 6 month


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bro, have you seen the back/ shoulder hair caused by loniten in thoses cases??? look exremly weird
Those photos look weird because they are pre-pubescent children and infants. Body hair
is 100 percent normal and natural on a grown man.


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I Will probably increase my dosage from 20mg to 30mg. And increase as the years go by until I hit 100mg day. Jk wont use more than 50mg.