How could anyone know beyond a guess if baldness will be resolved by 2030? A big factor that needs to be worked out too is people who have not only lost their hair but have active autoimmune conditions and scarring conditions that won't allow implanted hair follicles to generate. So many factors need to be accounted for in every specific case of hair loss that if not every factor is taken into consideration there will not be a solution that fits everyone or works 100% of the time even after a real cure presents itself.
I would say "yes" to a cure for many if priority is given to it. The problem right now is hair loss is considered optional rather than crucial to have addressed. An example is when Covid-19 happened hair loss research temporarily stopped, funding didn't materialize, preclinical and clinical trials were halted and delayed. This may be a reaction due to economic instability, uncertainty of the future for society, it's survival and ability to function. How can progress be made when people won't venture out of their homes for fear of easily catching a crippling and deadly virus? When survival of life is at stake all resources and priorities are given to that. This is why Covid-19 vaccine research wasn't stopped despite pandemic dangers and was given full resources and working research. This needed to be addressed to allow non-essential functions to continue.
I say a hair loss cure will be gotten by 2030 or even sooner if it is treated like a mental health emergency, which it is for many such as myself. If delays and laziness are removed, trials aren't delayed for whatever reasons, research companies don't fold due to lack of funds and funding for research isn't frozen. The trouble we're having now is the lack of priority given to hair loss. Until people take hair loss seriously it isn't going to get the priority given to it for the fastest potential progress a cure can be made. It seems what's going on now are situations occurring to slow down progress. Things like disputes within joint ventures over who is entitled to what rights, money issues, etc. All human character flaws are getting in the way and slowing progress down. Another problem is these (pre)clinical trials costing a fortune to do and there often not being the funds available (Dr. Tsuji) to get them done, rigid parameters to conducting a trial (which probably exist for good reasons?), the time it takes for a trial to complete (which can't be helped). All this takes time, money, organization, resources in place. It would be nice if flaws in people and money were not factors but this is not something that can be changed. But again, if unlimited funds were available to guide this research, strictly motivated people were doing research and no delays to trials and halts in research because of outside factors then the chances of a cure are likely to come much sooner. The thing is cloning a hair to function properly cannot be truly impossible. If G-d could figure out to create living things to function then there is a formula to make/produce it, unless G-d in what He creates surpasses the laws of biology and science (which may be possible). The problem is we haven't fully figured out producing healthy, consistently growing, normally functioning hair or getting the cells to operate always as we want them to. The thing that's killing us is patience, we all want our hair regrowing yesterday (myself included especially). The big worry I read about is will producing a new organ in the body also cause cancer as a result of this genesis? Then if it does, figuring out how to not cause that is a new challenge. What often goes against the normal course of nature can expect possible reactions in the body given it senses something irregular going on.
A point of curiosity is Stemson Therapeutics in their ability to raise money where the rest of them haven't come close. They must have proved something rather significant to those they chose to share with to get all that funding. If none of the other outfits are able to do this, then it makes a person wonder what they have above the rest of the competition? What does their competition in hair cloning lack? I like that Stemson Therapeutics requires not an extracted hair to clone more hair, but they create it somehow from a sample of blood as far as I know. How they do it is beyond me as I haven't read enough and don't have the scientific background to understand it. The question is why results are seen but not close to ideal. What still needs to be tweaked? If only someone knew. G-d help us maybe? Much of humanity would be grateful if You give us the knowledge or the answers we still need.