Women don't care about hair


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Ok, so I am one of those guys that care what women think.

I was out this last weekend with some friends and we got chatting with a group of women in their mid/late 30's...probably a couple in early 30's. All pretty good looking and definately on the 'scene' trying to find a mate etc. at a local meat market type bar.

Anyways I was making the moves and chatting them up with some pals of mine. Anyhow, 'looks' came up. Somehow the question came up on what their peference of male chacateristics were. Summary was the following:

1 Weight
2 Teeth
3 Persaonlity
4 Money
5 Hair

That's right, I couldn't believe it...majority of them said Hair was the least concern of theirs when looking for a mate.

Granted, chatting with my friends I bet a 20 something female has probably a different scale the her 30 something counter part...but good news for me cuz I am getting old and losing my hair fast....

So it looks like i need to focus on losing some more weight and getting my teeth bleached professionally :gay:


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Well a group of women isn't the majority, and women in their thirties, who are single, especially the ones who don't want to be single, well they tend to not be so picky, they also tend to end up realizing it's kinda irrelevant whether their dude has hair, they would rather just have a dude.

That being said, thats older women, and I don't really consider 30 old, I think, by mid to late 30s some women get that whole sense of time running out or something, so I think the older they get the more likely this opinion you've encountered it likely to be the majority one.

Doesn't do much for us young bucks though.


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Yeah if you'd have been a fat NW1 they'd have probably swapped the places of hair and weight in that list.


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ha...try getting some 24 year olds. im not in the market for cougars yet. should i just wait 12 years till i am in my late 30s, then i can get laid?

hmmm maybe i should just try to get an older sugar mama....

Nostromos said:
Ok, so I am one of those guys that care what women think.

I was out this last weekend with some friends and we got chatting with a group of women in their mid/late 30's...probably a couple in early 30's. All pretty good looking and definately on the 'scene' trying to find a mate etc. at a local meat market type bar.

Anyways I was making the moves and chatting them up with some pals of mine. Anyhow, 'looks' came up. Somehow the question came up on what their peference of male chacateristics were. Summary was the following:

1 Weight
2 Teeth
3 Persaonlity
4 Money
5 Hair

That's right, I couldn't believe it...majority of them said Hair was the least concern of theirs when looking for a mate.

Granted, chatting with my friends I bet a 20 something female has probably a different scale the her 30 something counter part...but good news for me cuz I am getting old and losing my hair fast....

So it looks like i need to focus on losing some more weight and getting my teeth bleached professionally :gay:


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hmmm maybe i should just try to get an older sugar mama....
Born of sarcasm yet their may be wisdom in it, I've known guys who have great relationships with women a good deal older then them.


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i don’t believe this to be true....

i joined an online dating agency biggest in Britain....

Out of all the women in a 30 mile radius of where i am from... between the ages of 27 to 35... Hundreds....

i found some of these factors....

if they are above 5ft 6" - then they ideally want a man 6ft - 6ft 4"

i only ever found 1 women who stated bald/shaved has her preferred hair choice

the rest all put black and dark brown and preferred hair colour, then followed by blonde.... red hair (or auburn as it was stated) was a big big no no... infact grey hair was proffered over red!!! so if you under 6 foot, receding worse than NW2 and have auburn hair forget it...

And do you what the funny thing was.... most guys profiles, even exceptionally good looking guys put. about women...
hair type/colour: any
eye colour:any
height: any

only in body shape did most state what they desired and basically that amounted to anything but fat.

This is why hairloss in this day and age is such a big thing for men... because relationships dont last a lifetime anymore.... a women who looks after herself well is in the same "pulling league at 35 than she was at 21"..... how many men can say that? our appearance changes drastically due to hair loss....

I overheard a single 33 year old at work the other day telling a tale of turning down a man she in the pub at lunchtime who offered to take her out for a drink, she said she knew him from her college days and had the most massive crush on him... when the other girls asked... "well why the bloody hell did you turn him down"... she replies "because he was balding"... the rest went.... "hah... i see"

Don’t you just love women?

Hans Gruber

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ANY woman that truly cant get past your hairloss or any other physical imperfection aint worth it!

if you havent got the personality to pull a decent woman no matter how good or bad looking you are then youre fucked :woot:


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Well thats what you get when you use dating sites all they can go on is looks.


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Well thats what you get when you use dating sites all they can go on is looks.

Amen Brother.

Of course women on those dating sites list things like that , I'm sure the men are doing the same.

They want a woman with this size bust, this behind, this tall, this color hair, this that this the other thing.

I personally would love a 6 ft tall sweedish model who's only goal in life is to give me orgasms, But that doesn't mean I'm only going to date 6ft sweedish models. Wish in one hand, sh*t in the other.


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Jeez, even if some of you met a girl and got married while balding you would still be of the same opinion that balding = single life :stupid:


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chancer said:
i don’t believe this to be true....

i joined an online dating agency biggest in Britain....

Out of all the women in a 30 mile radius of where i am from... between the ages of 27 to 35... Hundreds....

i found some of these factors....

if they are above 5ft 6" - then they ideally want a man 6ft - 6ft 4"

i only ever found 1 women who stated bald/shaved has her preferred hair choice

the rest all put black and dark brown and preferred hair colour, then followed by blonde.... red hair (or auburn as it was stated) was a big big no no... infact grey hair was proffered over red!!! so if you under 6 foot, receding worse than NW2 and have auburn hair forget it...

And do you what the funny thing was.... most guys profiles, even exceptionally good looking guys put. about women...
hair type/colour: any
eye colour:any
height: any

only in body shape did most state what they desired and basically that amounted to anything but fat.

This is why hairloss in this day and age is such a big thing for men... because relationships dont last a lifetime anymore.... a women who looks after herself well is in the same "pulling league at 35 than she was at 21"..... how many men can say that? our appearance changes drastically due to hair loss....

I overheard a single 33 year old at work the other day telling a tale of turning down a man she in the pub at lunchtime who offered to take her out for a drink, she said she knew him from her college days and had the most massive crush on him... when the other girls asked... "well why the bloody hell did you turn him down"... she replies "because he was balding"... the rest went.... "hah... i see"

Don’t you just love women?

It amazes me how some people actually believe all this rubbish. Join the real world, its not as bad as you think :thumbdown2:


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Just come back in from a night clubbing and was amazed at how many short guys I saw there were definatley more guys that I would consider to be short 5'6" than guys I would consider to be tall 6'4". Bald Dave take note.
Although having said that there was definatly a lack of guys with noticable hairloss.
:youbet: I have been drinking :whistle:


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Just like 100 percent of the other threads that discuss things like this its complete garbage. I could ask 20 other women what they like and get 5 totally different answers. Women vary wildly in what they like and are not as simple minded as men as we all know. Its really pretty stupid anyways I mean shouldnt you be watching your weight and brushing your teeth and all this crap anyways regardless of who likes it?


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I totally agree with all the posters who are rubbishing the fact its a big deal...

I disagree with my own post on a humane, logical, and even an emotional level..

But facts are very much facts and if you ask woman about what kind of man she is attracted to the vast majority will say with hair... more so than a man would say they want a woman with big breasts.... Because the big breast dream isn’t grounded and practical.... if you want a woman the body of a pornstar your going to have to be way above the average guy in looks and stature yourself.

However, for women to want a man to have a nice hairstyle isn’t asking for something above ordinary, and for the average girl, it is a average request.

and average guys will drop down a league in the pulling ranks due to hairloss... they cannot command the same average girl they could with hair... its a terrible comment... but like life its fact, its mother nature... its Darwinism style selectiveness and its sh*t.

Ask any dating guru, first impressions in the fleeting night is everything, and hairloss has a big impact on that first impressions, regardless of charisma which relies less on mother nature and more so on spiritual attraction. So if you are bald, you’ve more chance of hooking up with that girl you get on great with in the office who gets you on a deeper level, than a girl you smiled at over a dance floor that still relies on mother natures urge to do the trick...

Its common sense and bitter truth unfortunately... and most women stay in their mother nature league because their body changes (excluding pregnancies) are less dramatic than a guy who has hair loss.


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I have one of those free dating site memberships that are limited to only viewing profiles and no posts. I saw one profile that specifically stated that she wanted someone with hair. I think most women don't care much when it comes to the hair. hey, my 30+yo ex is so desperate to get married that she would go for any look.

I have a receding hairline, I'm not happy about it and it's causing me a bit of distress, but it wouldn't stop me from talking to women. The chances of them being daughters of a bold men are very high as well, so most of them actually carry the boldness DNA, so they can't complain.


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ali777 said:
I have one of those free dating site memberships that are limited to only viewing profiles and no posts. I saw one profile that specifically stated that she wanted someone with hair. I think most women don't care much when it comes to the hair. hey, my 30+yo ex is so desperate to get married that she would go for any look.

I have a receding hairline, I'm not happy about it and it's causing me a bit of distress, but it wouldn't stop me from talking to women. The chances of them being daughters of a bold men are very high as well, so most of them actually carry the boldness DNA, so they can't complain.

Can i know your ex?


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IBM said:
Can i know your ex?

Just looked up Lusitania in wikipedia. Cross the border into Spain, go towards the Bay of Biscay and when you meet a desperate looking 30+yo, ask her to marry you :)