Women don't care about hair


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Well chancer, I think the basis of your ideas are not wholly inaccurate. But your acting as if we all fit this description, Which many many people do not. There are tons of men, who hate fishing, camping, guns, large trucks etc, And they are not homosexuals either. Your ideas seem to support pop cultures view of what a man is, but popular opinion is not fact, and logical thinking when applied to an illogical race of people is folly.

Men and women both cheat, as you say, Are you also saying men never feel regret after cheating? Men cheat and brag, women cheat and cry? That to me is one dimensional thinking.

Of course there are plenty of men that cheat, without question, but you will always know they cheat, because they see it as a goal, they will boast about it...
I have plenty of friends, and some have cheated, not a single one of them ever bragged about it. Most felt terrible and the ones who didn't certainly never boasted it, I wouldn't be friends with someone, who thought it a positive thing to cheat on someone.

Chancer are you Gene Simmons in disguise?

Who gives a damm if women do or dont care about a guy with hair? I WANT HAIR, for myself not my girfriend. It should not be about what women want, It should be about what we want.

Very right, I wonder how many of us really would stress so much of hairloss. If women where not bothered by it in the least. But sadly a lot are, guys want the hottest ladies out there, at least to some degree, and generally speaking for that you need hair.

I personally want hair because of what not having hair does to "me" If I was dating a girl, who made a negative comment about a bald guy, I would drop her right there. But somehow I still feel as if I'll never meet the girl who doesn't care about hair, unless I have it...if that makes sense.


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Eureka said:
Well chancer, I think the basis of your ideas are not wholly inaccurate. But your acting as if we all fit this description, Which many many people do not. There are tons of men, who hate fishing, camping, guns, large trucks etc, And they are not homosexuals either. Your ideas seem to support pop cultures view of what a man is, but popular opinion is not fact, and logical thinking when applied to an illogical race of people is folly.

Men and women both cheat, as you say, Are you also saying men never feel regret after cheating? Men cheat and brag, women cheat and cry? That to me is one dimensional thinking.

Of course there are plenty of men that cheat, without question, but you will always know they cheat, because they see it as a goal, they will boast about it...
I have plenty of friends, and some have cheated, not a single one of them ever bragged about it. Most felt terrible and the ones who didn't certainly never boasted it, I wouldn't be friends with someone, who thought it a positive thing to cheat on someone.

Chancer are you Gene Simmons in disguise?

[quote:cnmo48oi]Who gives a damm if women do or dont care about a guy with hair? I WANT HAIR, for myself not my girfriend. It should not be about what women want, It should be about what we want.

Very right, I wonder how many of us really would stress so much of hairloss. If women where not bothered by it in the least. But sadly a lot are, guys want the hottest ladies out there, at least to some degree, and generally speaking for that you need hair.

I personally want hair because of what not having hair does to "me" If I was dating a girl, who made a negative comment about a bald guy, I would drop her right there. But somehow I still feel as if I'll never meet the girl who doesn't care about hair, unless I have it...if that makes sense.[/quote:cnmo48oi]

Yes mate it does make total sense....

and of course with a topic that as gone into the depth of the situation like this one... we can only generalise on gauging a consensus in the behaviour of both men and women.... i may come across like i have a divine opinion and know it all too well... but that is because i write hastily and fast... i dont have the time to sit down and spend an hour on a detailed post and spell/grammar check it for every variances that can arise from minimal detail...

i take on board your points and dont discount them... of course when i write "everyman" i cannot possibly back that up... its just a generalisation... i too have a friend who has cheated and is ashamed of it...

But i also know men who have cheated and brag about it to fellow men... for me these outnumber the ashamed cheaters in my experiences...


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I was in a 7 year relationship that ended last year. It's been more than a year since we split up, but every single time she feels bad about herself, she keeps getting in touch seeking some sort of affection from me. I didn't keep in touch for months, and she still finds excuses to get in touch, like asking me work related questions, etc....

Anyway, last monday (13 days ago) she was telling me how much she missed me, etc... She is looking for some sign that there might be a way back for us, a hope for the future... So, I was thinking, maybe, just maybe if we are nice to each other, I might consider working things out. So, I replied to her question that I miss her too....

What did she do next? Exactly 5 days later after me thinking that I might reconsider the whole relationship and see where it leads to, she has a one night stand.... OK, we aren't together, so it's not cheating. But if she is talking about emotional attachment sleeping with someone else does feel like cheating. I'm not too annoyed about it, but at a certain level I do feel cheated because I let myself think that I might still want her to be part of my life, it was a very slim chance but I did think about it. That officially sealed the end of us. There is no way I would take her back. I just don't understand why she was looking for my affection when she went out and got laid.

I don't know what she feels, but I know she doesn't particularly feel happy about the one night stand (maybe the guy wasn't as good as me :woot: ). I don't buy all that talk about women not feeling happy after one-night stands or cheating. They choose to do it, so they have no reason to cry about it. They are insecure creatures, they want the attention and the affection and go for it. Then they have the cheek to pretend that they are ashamed of it.

I just don't buy the way most women react. It's not like they are forced into sex. I think the fact that they do it and then not talk about it is even worse. It's like evil calculating brain, they do it secretly and pretend to be this nice little lady, and for them men are the bastards....

I have cheated in my previous relationships. I was never proud of it, but being young and not committed meant that if the chance came my way I wouldn't pass it. My close mates knew about my "conquests". That's what young men do, talk about girls and sex, so it was normal for me and my environment. I'm not sure where " just talking" about it stops and the "boasting" part starts. I would like to think I never boasted, but I know lots of men that do boast about it.

I think it's different for people in committed relationships. The guilt is bigger in this case. If a woman or a man in a committed relationship cheats, I would expect them to feel bad about it. If not, I would question their commitment to their partners. I don't like it when my married friends cheat, I don't approve of it, and once in a committed relationship I wouldn't cheat.

Love, respect and trust are the most important elements in a relationship. If one of those elements is gone the relationship becomes a hell. I want to trust and respect people, in return I want to be trusted and respected as well.


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Well when i had full head of hair very few girls noticed me and only one did want to have intercourse with me. I was too much dumb with tradition, religious and fuchking values. Now not even one.


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i have a thin hair, and my finace is beautiful, she doesnt love me for just my looks alone, i have shaved my head too, she still loves it. it isnt all looks, some of you guys are obviously stuck in the MTV generation of relationships, dont try to have a tv relationship, everything they show you is going to make you feel insecure, that isnt real life fellas. there is a woman out there for all of you, you will find her, and she wont make you feel insecure.


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IBM said:
Well when i had full head of hair very few girls noticed me and only one did want to have intercourse with me. I was too much dumb with tradition, religious and fuchking values. Now not even one.

My motto is, if you aren't in a relationship go for it. As long as you don't hurt anyone, it's all fun fun fun... These ages don't come back. You can be as religious as you want after you settle down.

You sound like a Portuguese guy I knew. He was, what I would consider, extremely religious. A friend that is still in touch with him tells me he changed completely and he lost his faith. Maybe you are him :woot:


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ali777 said:
I was in a 7 year relationship that ended last year. It's been more than a year since we split up, but every single time she feels bad about herself, she keeps getting in touch seeking some sort of affection from me. I didn't keep in touch for months, and she still finds excuses to get in touch, like asking me work related questions, etc....

Anyway, last monday (13 days ago) she was telling me how much she missed me, etc... She is looking for some sign that there might be a way back for us, a hope for the future... So, I was thinking, maybe, just maybe if we are nice to each other, I might consider working things out. So, I replied to her question that I miss her too....

What did she do next? Exactly 5 days later after me thinking that I might reconsider the whole relationship and see where it leads to, she has a one night stand.... OK, we aren't together, so it's not cheating. But if she is talking about emotional attachment sleeping with someone else does feel like cheating. I'm not too annoyed about it, but at a certain level I do feel cheated because I let myself think that I might still want her to be part of my life, it was a very slim chance but I did think about it. That officially sealed the end of us. There is no way I would take her back. I just don't understand why she was looking for my affection when she went out and got laid.

I don't know what she feels, but I know she doesn't particularly feel happy about the one night stand (maybe the guy wasn't as good as me :woot: ). I don't buy all that talk about women not feeling happy after one-night stands or cheating. They choose to do it, so they have no reason to cry about it. They are insecure creatures, they want the attention and the affection and go for it. Then they have the cheek to pretend that they are ashamed of it.

I just don't buy the way most women react. It's not like they are forced into sex. I think the fact that they do it and then not talk about it is even worse. It's like evil calculating brain, they do it secretly and pretend to be this nice little lady, and for them men are the bastards....

I have cheated in my previous relationships. I was never proud of it, but being young and not committed meant that if the chance came my way I wouldn't pass it. My close mates knew about my "conquests". That's what young men do, talk about girls and sex, so it was normal for me and my environment. I'm not sure where " just talking" about it stops and the "boasting" part starts. I would like to think I never boasted, but I know lots of men that do boast about it.

I think it's different for people in committed relationships. The guilt is bigger in this case. If a woman or a man in a committed relationship cheats, I would expect them to feel bad about it. If not, I would question their commitment to their partners. I don't like it when my married friends cheat, I don't approve of it, and once in a committed relationship I wouldn't cheat.

Love, respect and trust are the most important elements in a relationship. If one of those elements is gone the relationship becomes a hell. I want to trust and respect people, in return I want to be trusted and respected as well.

Ali...... That was a Superb Post Mate.... Thanks for sharing !!!


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learning_to_accept said:
i have a thin hair, and my finace is beautiful, she doesnt love me for just my looks alone, i have shaved my head too, she still loves it. it isnt all looks, some of you guys are obviously stuck in the MTV generation of relationships, dont try to have a tv relationship, everything they show you is going to make you feel insecure, that isnt real life fellas. there is a woman out there for all of you, you will find her, and she wont make you feel insecure.

Yeah but you probably hooked up with her before your hair was terribly thin and shaved! Imagine if you only met her now? She probably wouldn't even look at you twice with that shaved head dude.

Its alright for guys who met their girls 10 years ago when they still had hair. Of course you're the same person they will not leave you. The majority of women are very loyal. But what guys in your current situation that have not met their girl yet??

Its a different story.

I doubt you could secuce her again with your current look if you only met her today :agree:

Hans Gruber

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metalheaddude said:
learning_to_accept said:
i have a thin hair, and my finace is beautiful, she doesnt love me for just my looks alone, i have shaved my head too, she still loves it. it isnt all looks, some of you guys are obviously stuck in the MTV generation of relationships, dont try to have a tv relationship, everything they show you is going to make you feel insecure, that isnt real life fellas. there is a woman out there for all of you, you will find her, and she wont make you feel insecure.

Yeah but you probably hooked up with her before your hair was terribly thin and shaved! Imagine if you only met her now? She probably wouldn't even look at you twice with that shaved head dude.

Its alright for guys who met their girls 10 years ago when they still had hair. Of course you're the same person they will not leave you. The majority of women are very loyal. But what guys in your current situation that have not met their girl yet??

Its a different story.

I doubt you could secuce her again with your current look if you only met her today :agree:

so essentially youre saying that he has no other attributes and that all women are shallow w****s?

i cant even begin to express how stupid you appear (are) :smack:


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Hans Gruber said:
so essentially youre saying that he has no other attributes and that all women are shallow w****s?

Some of them, yes :agree:

I can't believe how dumb you appear if you really believe you can seduce any woman with a see through hairline. Some women just don't like it, infact find it replusive!

So whos the dumb one I ask? You are not worthy to carry the name Hans Gruber :shakehead:

Once again it should be ALICE.

Bow your head in shame ALICE :smack:


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metalheaddude said:
learning_to_accept said:
i have a thin hair, and my finace is beautiful, she doesnt love me for just my looks alone, i have shaved my head too, she still loves it. it isnt all looks, some of you guys are obviously stuck in the MTV generation of relationships, dont try to have a tv relationship, everything they show you is going to make you feel insecure, that isnt real life fellas. there is a woman out there for all of you, you will find her, and she wont make you feel insecure.

Yeah but you probably hooked up with her before your hair was terribly thin and shaved! Imagine if you only met her now? She probably wouldn't even look at you twice with that shaved head dude.

Its alright for guys who met their girls 10 years ago when they still had hair. Of course you're the same person they will not leave you. The majority of women are very loyal. But what guys in your current situation that have not met their girl yet??

Its a different story.

I doubt you could secuce her again with your current look if you only met her today :agree:
that was very rediculous what you just said metalhead, i am sorry but you have severe confidence issues obviously, buck up buddy, i on the other hand was losing my hear at the age of 21, we began dating when i was 24, i was thinning man, i am focused enough (even though it isnt easy) to still keep my girl and my career in tact, with our without hair. come on man dont say stupid sh*t.


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metalheaddude said:
Hans Gruber said:
so essentially youre saying that he has no other attributes and that all women are shallow w****s?

Some of them, yes :agree:

I can't believe how dumb you appear if you really believe you can seduce any woman with a see through hairline. Some women just don't like it, infact find it replusive!

So whos the dumb one I ask? You are not worthy to carry the name Hans Gruber :shakehead:

Once again it should be ALICE.

Bow your head in shame ALICE :smack:
the only ALICE in here is you metalhead, dont hate a guy because of his confidence only cause your pathetic self cant find yours. i want to completely go off on you but that isnt what this is for. i am no expert, if you want to think pessimisticly have at it, i wont though. nobody said you could seduce ANY girl. you obviously dont feel too good about yourself, there is a girl out there for you, but you arent going to find her thinking like that. how old are you? act like a man, not an immature child


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chancer said:
Ali...... That was a Superb Post Mate.... Thanks for sharing !!!

When I put it the way I have, I make her sound like a b*tch. I have to be fair to her too. I know she's been absolutely desperate to have a man in her life, and I knew she would go for the first man that showed her a bit of attention.

The point I was trying to highlight through personal experience is that women pretend to feel guilty after one-night stands or cheating, that was the subject. I don't believe it. As my ex put it, "it was nice being held by a man and shown some attention". They are desperate for it as much as men are. I think a wife that doesn't find that affection at home or is unhappy with her husband is a potential cheater. She might feel guilty about it (because the society tells her it's wrong), but she will enjoy every second of it, make no mistake there. She might say she feels bad about it, but her hormones and her womanhood will be satisfied.

It's the same with men. I have a friend that doesn't get it at home, so he does it with someone else. He's not happy about it, but he says he has needs. I think he was telling me, because he feels guilty and he just wanted to get it off his chest. We've all been there, and we all know what it feels like sharing a bed with someone and not getting it.... But not all of us feel the need to go and get it somewhere else.

What's that got to do with hair? I haven't heard a woman say that she would leave her boyfriend/husband due to the lack of hair... I still maintain that hair in men is not necessity, it's nice to have it, but we are OK without it. It's not a big deal, and never an excuse for cheating.

Hans Gruber

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metalheaddude said:
Hans Gruber said:
so essentially youre saying that he has no other attributes and that all women are shallow w****s?

Some of them, yes :agree:

I can't believe how dumb you appear if you really believe you can seduce any woman with a see through hairline. Some women just don't like it, infact find it replusive!

So whos the dumb one I ask? You are not worthy to carry the name Hans Gruber :shakehead:

Once again it should be ALICE.

Bow your head in shame ALICE :smack:

well,first of all i never said i can seduce any woman,with or without a see through hairline as you put it.

metalhead i just cant take you seriously,you constantly spout the most bat s hit insane load of crap ive ever heard,you have neither the common sense or life experience to comment on matters of the heart.You live in this mtv bubble where effeminate men and their oh so perfect swept fringe are kings and personality,intelligence and charisma means nothing,im sorry but you are the biggest fool ive ever known and that is saying something.You really are the dumbest motherfuck er you could possibly be :smack:


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ali777 said:
chancer said:
Ali...... That was a Superb Post Mate.... Thanks for sharing !!!

When I put it the way I have, I make her sound like a b*tch. I have to be fair to her too. I know she's been absolutely desperate to have a man in her life, and I knew she would go for the first man that showed her a bit of attention.

The point I was trying to highlight through personal experience is that women pretend to feel guilty after one-night stands or cheating, that was the subject. I don't believe it. As my ex put it, "it was nice being held by a man and shown some attention". They are desperate for it as much as men are. I think a wife that doesn't find that affection at home or is unhappy with her husband is a potential cheater. She might feel guilty about it (because the society tells her it's wrong), but she will enjoy every second of it, make no mistake there. She might say she feels bad about it, but her hormones and her womanhood will be satisfied.

It's the same with men. I have a friend that doesn't get it at home, so he does it with someone else. He's not happy about it, but he says he has needs. I think he was telling me, because he feels guilty and he just wanted to get it off his chest. We've all been there, and we all know what it feels like sharing a bed with someone and not getting it.... But not all of us feel the need to go and get it somewhere else.

What's that got to do with hair? I haven't heard a woman say that she would leave her boyfriend/husband due to the lack of hair... I still maintain that hair in men is not necessity, it's nice to have it, but we are OK without it. It's not a big deal, and never an excuse for cheating.

Ali… Your Quite right. I don’t think your initial post reflected your Ex in a bad light all that much.

She has no reason to feel ashamed of a one night stand when she isnt in a relationship…. But what she had was the chance of rekindling what you two had… And she knew that…

What would be interesting…. Can u remember her menstrel cycle?

It wouldn’t at all surprise me if this one night stand took place the week before her period when she is at her most fertile and emotional. Its this crux that catches women themselves out (not all women… don’t go flaming me). In some women the urge can be so strong… I guess a bit like a man going without masturbating for a month or so…. Imagine that… But also they are open to a charming, good looking man at this time with what seems like a strong genetic reflection to breed with… it’s a bit like the old weir-wolf and the full moon scenario and it can wrath them in hatred for themselves the very next day….

But going back to the original message that was being put across….

Average Joe who has a full head of hair in a nightclub will have a better chance than average joe with substantial hairloss of getting average woman’s phone number. Even if both have style and charm…. Life is survival of the fittest and we show it in our appearance…

In fact you know what,, out of all me friends and neighbours and friend of friends I know…. Im thinking about all the marriages that have broken down… for whatever reason… out of 6 I can think of right now where the men where pretty much bald… all them women (one being my cousin) have started new relationships with men who have hair… and 3 of the ex husbands are still single.

You cant say hairloss doesn’t matter… we all want it not too, but it does to some degree, that’s just the bitter harsh reality of life… you can look at it a bit differently…

You may know that guy from college who got all the girls you liked and was captain of the football team and all that…. And he could be overweight and bald now… he can have effectively dropped down the dating pecking order…. Life afterall is swings and roundabouts…


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Hans Gruber said:
metalheaddude said:
[quote="Hans Gruber":rn8r6c0o]

so essentially youre saying that he has no other attributes and that all women are shallow w****s?

Some of them, yes :agree:

I can't believe how dumb you appear if you really believe you can seduce any woman with a see through hairline. Some women just don't like it, infact find it replusive!

So whos the dumb one I ask? You are not worthy to carry the name Hans Gruber :shakehead:

Once again it should be ALICE.

Bow your head in shame ALICE :smack:

well,first of all i never said i can seduce any woman,with or without a see through hairline as you put it.

metalhead i just cant take you seriously,you constantly spout the most bat s hit insane load of crap ive ever heard,you have neither the common sense or life experience to comment on matters of the heart.You live in this mtv bubble where effeminate men and their oh so perfect swept fringe are kings and personality,intelligence and charisma means nothing,im sorry but you are the biggest fool ive ever known and that is saying something.You really are the dumbest motherfuck er you could possibly be :smack:[/quote:rn8r6c0o]
i am with you hans, i see this guy making crazy remarks on here all the time, and a lot of times the negativity he spills is quite frightening. crazy stuff all the time.


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The funny thing is :) I was tempted to ask her about her period. I decided not to.... But i do think she was probably very hormonal and insecure, that's why she was trying to talk to me.

i went out last weekend, and when I was out, I was looking at the guys in the bar, and to be honest, almost half of them had some degree of hair loss. The most promiscuous guy I know is actually NW6, I guess it's true what they say about sex and DHT :woot: . If he can pull, so can I.... I think I'm still NW2, maybe a few more years till NW3. I'm losing hair mainly from the front. The first inch of my frontal hair is almost gone (lots of minituarised hair), I guess I'm type 2A, or maybe just NW3, not sure. My uncles have the "Ericsson" look.... Me thinks Nancy is a decent looking woman, so are Faria and Ulrika.... and Einstein was clever...

I've been talking to my mates that are losing hair, and although most of them are the same as me or worse, they are completely unconcerned about it. I noticed couple of my mates have deeper temples than me, but no loss in the front. Another friend is going extremely thin on the top but not receding (Zidane like). I guess we are all different.

It's nice to have "the perfect" look, or the image the magazines and MTV portrays. But most, well almost all, women do not comply with that image. Most of the time we are happy with the woman we get, so why do you think women would be unhappy with a guy without hair?

Thinking about the hair is the same as a woman thinking that her bum looks big in a certain dress :) don't we just wish to shout :stfu: ... so i guess it's the same with hairloss, it's something that we need to get over.

Anyway, I'm gonna start minoxidil this week, and when I have the opportunity I will either visit my GP or boots hair retention people. yes, I am shallow :dunno:

chancer said:
What would be interesting…. Can u remember her menstrel cycle?

But going back to the original message that was being put across….

Average Joe who has a full head of hair in a nightclub will have a better chance than average joe with substantial hairloss of getting average woman’s phone number. Even if both have style and charm…. Life is survival of the fittest and we show it in our appearance…

You cant say hairloss doesn’t matter… we all want it not too, but it does to some degree, that’s just the bitter harsh reality of life… you can look at it a bit differently…

You may know that guy from college who got all the girls you liked and was captain of the football team and all that…. And he could be overweight and bald now… he can have effectively dropped down the dating pecking order…. Life afterall is swings and roundabouts…


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Ali... Go to boots mate,,, its really worth it.... go to the boots wesbite: http://www.boots.com/storelocator/store_search.jsp

enter your postcode or town and click on "Pharmacy+ Hair Retention Programme
" then search.... give the nearest branch that does it a ring and make an appionment to see them at the weekend... it wont cost you a penny.... they will tell you what Norewood scale you are... (which chocked me when they put me down as NW4... i look in the mirror and see NW2.... i have a naturally high hairline, it it probably looks like ive lost more than i actually have...

they will offer you a prescription for Propecia... £90 for three months supply... but at least you know its 100 % legit...they will invite you back after 4 weeks to see how you are doint then leave you to get on with it till month three... and review your progress....

I have to tell you... i used to worry about taking a paracetomol.... i was worried daft over taking propecia... and i read all the horror stories befhand has you do....

i braved up and started taking them.... was worried sick that my libido would go, i would grow breasts, i would get this "brain Fog".... all i got was a little tiny pain in the testicles every now and then for the first week of starting.... thats it...

Buy yourself some foam and buy some nizoral from boots too... just jump in head first... after a few weeks you wont even think about it... it will be as normal as brushing your teeth...

GL mate...



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To be honest, I'm not too stressed about my hair :punk:

I have other priorities in life, but I was looking at some Norwood example pictures last night. I think I see NW2 in the mirror but I am more like NW3 (I hope I don't get chocked with NW4 like you :freaked: ). I have thinning in my frontal line, and my hairdresser told me I should enjoy my hair while it lasts. I'm not going to him again, it wasn't a nice comment to make. He should have put it differently. I didn't ask him for a comment, but if he was professional, he could have made a constructive comment.

Anyway dude, I will visit boots one day. It's not gonna happen for the next couple weeks, too busy with a deadline. Then I can document my progress like the rest of you :)

At least I have pictures of my teens with chest long hair :hairy: I used to be a regular in the Jillys :punk:


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Cool Ali...

I had a full head of hair till i was 27... im 31 now... so gone from NW1 - to NW4 in 4 year that’s a Norwood scale per year.... though like i said i doubt i was a NW1 when i was 10 never mind 27... i was more like NW2.

I jumped on the big three 6 weeks ago and after 1 week i noticed the amount of hairs falling off when i ran my hands through it changed from like about 10 hair to struggling to find 1 hair fallen.... then after 4 weeks my receding temples started to sprout these very tiny blonde velious hair.... im on wee 6 now so i hope there is more to come.... and hopefully in a few months i can post somekind of success...