Women don't care about hair


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abcdefg said:
Just like 100 percent of the other threads that discuss things like this its complete garbage. I could ask 20 other women what they like and get 5 totally different answers. Women vary wildly in what they like and are not as simple minded as men as we all know. Its really pretty stupid anyways I mean shouldnt you be watching your weight and brushing your teeth and all this crap anyways regardless of who likes it?

Listen to this man. Some women care...some don't. There are soooooo many different people out there you're bound to find a decent chick who's into you (if you look in the right places).


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ali777 said:
IBM said:
Can i know your ex?

Just looked up Lusitania in wikipedia. Cross the border into Spain, go towards the Bay of Biscay and when you meet a desperate looking 30+yo, ask her to marry you :)

How she looks like?


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It's pointless to listen to what women SAY they want in a man because what they SAY and what they ACTUALLY want are two different things, most women don't even realise this themselves.

Secondly, most women these days, even fat ugly ones, seem to think they deserve and are entitled to Brad Pitt lookalikes, so again its no surprise to read on dating sites that most women state they want 6 foot plus dark haired muscular men with good jobs, but look at the women who write that, are they Angelina Jolie lookalikes? No, most of them are fat assed average looking women, which is why they are on dating sites in the first place and when they reach mid 30's and are still single they will start to be more realistic about what they can get in a man.

Finally, even if you are a bald and ugly man you are still in a better position than women. Once you start losing your looks as a woman (or if you were ugly to begin with) your procreational potential declines drastically. However for men even if you are ugly you can still be attractive to women on the basis of power, earning potential etc.

And before someone starts complaining that they dont want a superficial woman who only wants them for their money, is it any more superficial than a woman who only wants you for your full head of hair?

Of course if you are bald and have a crap job, and don't look after your body then you are screwed as far as getting a woman is concerned but then if you haven't made any effort in any area of your life you can't complain.


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chancer said:
i don’t believe this to be true....

i joined an online dating agency biggest in Britain....

Out of all the women in a 30 mile radius of where i am from... between the ages of 27 to 35... Hundreds....

i found some of these factors....

if they are above 5ft 6" - then they ideally want a man 6ft - 6ft 4"

i only ever found 1 women who stated bald/shaved has her preferred hair choice

the rest all put black and dark brown and preferred hair colour, then followed by blonde.... red hair (or auburn as it was stated) was a big big no no... infact grey hair was proffered over red!!! so if you under 6 foot, receding worse than NW2 and have auburn hair forget it...

And do you what the funny thing was.... most guys profiles, even exceptionally good looking guys put. about women...
hair type/colour: any
eye colour:any
height: any

only in body shape did most state what they desired and basically that amounted to anything but fat.

This is so true. Women are far more specific about they want in a man than what a guy wants in women. Some women are very specific about wanting a man who is a certain height or a certain build. One of my friends said she only likes men dark eyes and dark hair. This annoyed me greatly because she keeps meeting losers who treat her like dirt. Why would she choose the dark haired guy over the blonde haired guy when the blonde hair guy had much more to offer and was a much more nobel individual when the other guy was scum? Why are women so specific about what they want in a man? I really don't know. :dunno:

I admire who love men for their characters and not some physical attribute like hair or the size of his penis.


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Hans Gruber said:
ANY woman that truly cant get past your hairloss or any other physical imperfection aint worth it!

if you havent got the personality to pull a decent woman no matter how good or bad looking you are then youre f***** :woot:

The man speaks the truth


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I truly believe most women don't care about the hair. Given two guys with the same attributes the one with better hair might have an advantage, but overall it doesn't make big difference.

I've started paying a bit more attention to Average Joe's hair on the street, and to be honest half of all Average Joes don't have better hair then me. I'll re-phrase this as half of Average Joes out there do not have what I might consider perfect hair.

A confident bold guy will always have the upper hand over a regular guy with hair. So, make sure you have a regular job, you are happy with your life, exercise regularly, be confident, socialise, work hard, etc... those are the perfect attributes in a male mate.


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ali777 said:
So, make sure you have a regular job, you are happy with your life, exercise regularly, be confident, socialise, work hard, etc... those are the perfect attributes in a male mate.



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Cassin said:
Hans Gruber said:
ANY woman that truly cant get past your hairloss or any other physical imperfection aint worth it!

if you havent got the personality to pull a decent woman no matter how good or bad looking you are then youre f***** :woot:

The man speaks the truth

This is not true at all! Ive met countless intelligent women who are dating big dumb gorillas who can't string two words together! Of course they know it will never last, but they are pretty much just in it for the sex, or because they think they are hot. Then these dumb gorillas find a new girlfriend and start nailing her, while we are left with the scraps... :shakehead:


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metalheaddude said:
This is not true at all! Ive met countless intelligent women who are dating big dumb gorillas who can't string two words together! Of course they know it will never last, but they are pretty much just in it for the sex, or because they think they are hot. Then these dumb gorillas find a new girlfriend and start nailing her, while we are left with the scraps... :shakehead:

on a completely irrelevant subject, one of my relatives is rather an intelligent woman (a doctor). She's smart (a proper book-worm), relatively good looking, independent, has a small clinic, money, etc, she's basically a perfect mate for anyone. But when it comes to dating she's always been with complete losers.

This time she's actually marrying one of them. The guy has no intelligence, I don't think he's ever read a book in his whole life. The whole relationship just doesn't add up to me. On one hand we have an independent woman that has reading as her first hobby, and on the other hand a 30yo guy with no qualifications. What the heck do they talk about when spending time together? I'm not shallow, and I don't look for qualifications in my potential partners, but they are too different.

I wouldn't be surprised if a male doctor went for a trophy wife, but a female doctor going for someone below average? Maybe, she enjoys having higher status than her partner. I never know and I never understand women....


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ali777 said:
metalheaddude said:
This is not true at all! Ive met countless intelligent women who are dating big dumb gorillas who can't string two words together! Of course they know it will never last, but they are pretty much just in it for the sex, or because they think they are hot. Then these dumb gorillas find a new girlfriend and start nailing her, while we are left with the scraps... :shakehead:

on a completely irrelevant subject, one of my relatives is rather an intelligent woman (a doctor). She's smart (a proper book-worm), relatively good looking, independent, has a small clinic, money, etc, she's basically a perfect mate for anyone. But when it comes to dating she's always been with complete losers.

This time she's actually marrying one of them. The guy has no intelligence, I don't think he's ever read a book in his whole life. The whole relationship just doesn't add up to me. On one hand we have an independent woman that has reading as her first hobby, and on the other hand a 30yo guy with no qualifications. What the heck do they talk about when spending time together? I'm not shallow, and I don't look for qualifications in my potential partners, but they are too different.

I wouldn't be surprised if a male doctor went for a trophy wife, but a female doctor going for someone below average? Maybe, she enjoys having higher status than her partner. I never know and I never understand women....

My point exactly :agree:

He probably has a big penis and satisfies her in bed and she mistakes this for love or passion. But once they are out the bedroom there is nothing to talk about. Some people connect physcially but not mentally. Some connect mentally but not physically. Both are ultimately doomed relationships.


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This is the problem in the human race.... not just soley attacking women here...

We have moved on mentally from the primevil dawn of early man...

But we haven’t moved on genetically.... and by this i mean our natural instincts...

Lets face it back then we wasn’t designed to stay with a partner forever... just mate...

The status of mating are different to the status of social life in modern day...

if its sex... has men we look for big breasts and a good *** (child bearing hips) to us, this instinctively tells us the woman is potent and able to bread...

women look for tall men, muscular build, strong jawline ect... this tells them he is string enough to pass on his genes into her family and hunt, kill, look after them...

Nothing much as changed in 5000 years.... its natural response to still respond to this visual things... There is a scientific argument that says men overcome this better than women because we are more logical and less emotional in our thought process, so we tend to idealise about something and for us that becomes our tunnel vision, number one factor... we tend to stick to it... and some women are the same obviously...

But most women are emotional based creatures, and by that it doesn’t mean that they are crying all the time. we are talking emotional in the full spectrum of what it means... and its a known fact that women who have cheated (and even feel appalled at themselves for doing so afterwards) have cheated at the time of the month when they are at their most fertile, when the emotions get the better of them and the opportunity arises with a man more "genetically" attractive than their partner... They aren’t going to go and run off with them and play happy families, nor do most women want to end their relationship with present partners... but the urge to breed with the best gentical male available at the peek of breeding season if you will. And it can sometimes be too strong for some women to resist...

and it sounds awful, but it is mother nature... every other female creature on this planet responds this way, why shouldn’t a female human be any different... its how nature makes sure the best possible genetics are being passed on. Inelegance isnt something that is necessarily needed as a good breeding mate indicator. logically we think putting two Einstein’s together will A: make good, intelligent children that can aid the human race and B: make good sole mates who have a lot in common.

But mother nature knows better and it knows that strong physical attributes overcome logic, and inevitable genius will still come from the same loins...


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well That's certainly an interesting perspective...

But if things functioned the way you just described them, Over a third of the population would never reproduce...

your whole theory is based on cosmetic values, which didn't even apply 5000 years ago... If a dude wanted a chica back then, he clubbed her in the back of the head, dragged her off...he didn't spend any time checking to see if she had "child bearing hips"

If we where only meant to "mate" with someone as you put it then we wouldn't have the capacity to become emotionally attached to someone, and want to spend more time with them beyond the actual sex.

We may not be a perfect race, but we are hardly as primitive as you just attempted to make us sound.


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Hi Eurika...

i think you may be reading into things too black & white....

im not saying we are primative, of course we have evolved.... but these primitive urges exist.... And some would argue they are stronger in women than men... even that comment can be too black and white....

as men we go fishing, hunting, play sports for fun, we are more inclined to still know and circulate with boyhood friends (original clan members), we take delight in mocking each other in male banter, we talk a better fight than we can possibly do physically.... And of course we are the first to tell our male friends about a fine piece of *** that just walked past.... these are our primitive responses...

but a phone call between 2 guys will last 2 minutes.... message conveyed, job done...

women will spend 2 hours on the phone together, talk about how they are feeling, out pour stress, talk about every single aspect of their relationships. Because they are emotionally led, and not logically led like us men...

so you can see that women respond to emotion far easier than men.... thus the temptation to cheat is great for a women than a man... because a logical brain is born on idealism.... and idealism comes in a "black & white" outlook. we stick to our guns and are more tunnel focused on goal....

Of course there are plenty of men that cheat, without question, but you will always know they cheat, because they see it as a goal, they will boast about it...

a women will never boast about it, because she as cheated herself, because she honestly didn’t want to cheat, primevil instincts take over and cheat their logic at times....

the world will always procreate, your theory of that there would be less mating is nonsensical. a not so attractive woman who gets the chance of a night of passion with a average guy is a step up in her genetic criteria...

i dont even like this topic as the facts isnt pleasant reading, because i am logical in thinking, mother nature's laws arent pleasant. and emotional "guilt" she doesn’t care about.... animals have loyaltee and emotional attachment towards each other too... its not something that is solely attached to the human developed brain....


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Right so by this logic we are all f#cuked right? Wrong! Take a look around at the evidence. There is obviously some major flaw in your theorys.


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problem is you can't be so general... the basic idea may apply, but individuals vary dramatically. plus, there are plenty of animals that form monogamous relationships in nature, this serves the purpose of sheltering/raising young. unlike fish and frogs who lay thousands of eggs and that's it we humans have to put a lot of time and effort into raising our young, and 2 are better than 1, so nature definitely works both ways.


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I'll go with the animalistic urges. There are countless articles written on the subject, they all speculate to a certain degree that genetically we are programmed to go for the strongest possible gene. So why do the weak reproduce then?

The definition of weak is rather weak. Weak for one person, doesn't necessarily mean weak for another. For example someone might be looking for intelligence, while another is looking for money, etc, and the rest of us SETTLE for what's left. I personally prefer someone that has "a personality" rather than large breasts.

One expression that comes to my mind is "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", meaning, we define what beauty and strong gene is. In the era of technology and money it might be intelligence and money, so the geeks have the upper hand. In the hunter-gatherer times it might have been the physically stronger men that had the advantage. And so it goes..... (I can hear you say, geeks are not a perfect mate... exactly my point, perfect for one isn't necessarily perfect for another)

I'm 30, etc.... Women my age are hormonal, they are desperate for that perfect mate, the desperation leads to lowering their definition of what perfect gene is. I know a few girls that would intentionally settle for a lesser man, as long as the man in question is ready to settle too. Ie, looking for marriage material.

On the other hand, settling isn't necessarily a bad thing. It ensures a safe environment for the offspring. It's better to have a safe environment than have a sperm from a genetically superior man. Likewise, men prefer to be the provider of that safe environment rather than spread the seeds. So, if you think that you might be settling for someone that you may not think is the perfect mate for you, you may not be doing a bad thing after all. As in the previous post, 2 is better than 1. Ie, nurture vs nature. Nature without the nurture is pointless.

However, there is always someone with a stronger gene out there. Be it taller, smarter, stronger, etc. So, the urges to get the stronger gene remain in the human subconsciousness.... I don't hate women, as far as I know I haven't been cheated on, but I do think given the chance of not being caught, etc, most women could potentially cheat. Some statistics (???) suggest that as much as 40% of western Europeans cheat, both women and men. 40% is rather high number. I seriously don't think men or women are more likely to cheat than the other sex, given the chances we are both equally bad.

The best we can do is: ensure the continuity of that safe environment to minimise the necessity of your mate needing someone else.


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Nostromos said:
1 Weight
2 Teeth
3 Persaonlity
4 Money
5 Hair

Something isn't right about this list or about these women that you're talking about. Everytime i've heard (and personally noticed too) is that women like & be with men with "good sense of humor" - it's the first thing usually women say they like/look for in a man. The second thing they prefer/look-for is "shaved balls". :punk:


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goata007 said:
Nostromos said:
1 Weight
2 Teeth
3 Persaonlity
4 Money
5 Hair

Something isn't right about this list or about these women that you're talking about. Everytime i've heard (and personally noticed too) is that women like & be with men with "good sense of humor" - it's the first thing usually women say they like/look for in a man. The second thing they prefer/look-for is "shaved balls". :punk:

im not gonna pretend to be an expert in women, but i have heard the opposite too... shaved balls make them itch.

OK, the 5 point list above is before they meet the person, but GSOH and the first impression is what matters first when meeting someone. If you can break the ice in the first few seconds with a joke or some statement, you are in...

it's something to do with comfort and trust. if you can make her laugh or relax, it means she trusts you.


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In America, two-thirds of people are overweight, over half of men and 20% of women are bald or balding, half the people have ADD/OCD/Autism/Bipolar, two-thirds of women can't orgasm, Clay Aiken just had a baby with a woman who is as old or older than his mother, a transsexual man is pregnant...I could go on forever.

Stop making generalizations. At no other time in history has it been easier for a weak ugly man to get a women or for you to date outside your race. And if you have social hangups, just get rich and a bad scalp job like Donald Trump to get women, or develop weird characteristics like Woody Allen.

Getting a quality loving emotionally stable woman is another story.