Women Hate Bald Guys Part II


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Women like goog looking guys.

If baldness doesnt suit you and you are going bald, that means you are probably not good looking. The worse looking a man is, the less attractive women find him. It's not like women in general hate bald guys.
It's that most of guys look so bad bald.

women would find this guy more attractive than most of the guys that has hair, even if his hairline went up:
View attachment 29555

women are just not sexually attracted to bald men that look bad. Stop with this:"women hate baldness" thing.

He's not the best example as he has a full head of hair, shaved down. He has a visible hairline that helps frame his face better. That said, I think he would still look good with no hairline and a shaved head.

I'd say he'd be an 8/9 with hair a 6/7 without


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Attracted? One can assume no woman is attracted to bald men, that would be like being attracted to fat dudes.

It would only be the case if some women had some weird kind of fetish. so 0,1% of the population.

No, women will tolerate baldness in a man, like I've said, it's a compromise. She would be attracted to the guy despite his baldness.

So Fred, since your hair transplants , have you noticed more attention from women. Probably the same as before your hair transplants, I bet.

uncomfortable man

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Just trying to be nice and say there are plenty of women out there who like bald guys, giving my friend as an example. Personality plays a big part in it. GRUMPY bald man, not attractive, maybe you should remember that.

Just trying to be nice? Is that kind of like saying white lies to make people feel better?Or how the anicdotal friend of a friend who is dating a bald guy somehow disproves the norm? And attributing the lack of attention to our attitude instead of the akward truth is a conveneint way to get off the hook and come out smelling like roses on the moral high ground. Maybe bald guys wouldn't be so grumpy if we weren't the subject of ridicule and prejudice.


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Just trying to be nice? Is that kind of like saying white lies to make people feel better?Or how the anicdotal friend of a friend who is dating a bald guy somehow disproves the norm? And attributing the lack of attention to our attitude instead of the akward truth is a conveneint way to get off the hook and come out smelling like roses on the moral high ground. Maybe bald guys wouldn't be so grumpy if we weren't the subject of ridicule and prejudice.

It's not us with the problem, lol. It's society that's disgusted with bald men. Ask a bald man what he thinks of baldness and he'll tell you 'It aint easy.' Ask a woman and she'll say 'Bald men are disgusting.' If she doesn't, she's lying.


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I don't think I have ever heard any woman in my family make fun of baldness itself. They make fun of short guys in front of me (even though I'm 5'9"), but I have never heard any of them talk about hair loss even when I had a full head of hair.

I went home to my parents after a while, and a close female acquaintance of the family, who had not seen me for a while, asked my mom (while I was on the other side of the room), "what happened to his hair???". And my mom said, something like "genetics, from his father...such bad things are the first to manifest themselves". All serious talk.

You can be sure that other people are asking themselves the same thing when they meet me.

I think being pitied might be even worse than being made fun of.


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I don't think I have ever heard any woman in my family make fun of baldness itself.

You are either:

1) Deaf
2) Oblivious
3) Not paying attention
4) Lying
5) Fortunate enough not to have family members do that


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Or I'm just being honest. You guys lump women together and refuse to acknowledge that they're individuals. Funny considering that's what you're suggesting all women do to bald men.

Being honest doesnt mean anything, lol. Essentially your just point #5: Fortunate enough not to have family members do that (make fun of baldness).


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Just trying to be nice and say there are plenty of women out there who like bald guys, giving my friend as an example. Personality plays a big part in it. GRUMPY bald man, not attractive, maybe you should remember that.

PLENTY is a pretty strong word.
On averages I think its safe to say 1 out of FIFTY decently attractive girls would find bald men attractive. Even then it wouldn't be their FIRST choice.

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It's true that I can't be considered bald to others anymore.

But in my head, I'm still bald, it's hard to explain.

They shot a video during a meeting at work.

I was looking for myself in the video and everytime I saw a bald man, I thought "Oh my god, that's me!"

Finally I spotted me and it didn't look like I was bald anymore. That's a strange feeling.

And THIS is how I feel. Everytime I see a pic of me I see my crown glare, or high forhead or the "U" forming. I see to much face and then compare it to the guys next to me's hair.

Some people may say "you still have hair", yeah but not like I used to . My features make a HUGE difference because of it to. I have been using that Kaboki (free sample still) here and there and I can tell it makes a HUGE difference in certain spots. Sucks tho because its pricey and having to do it every day to keep an appearance up would be a pain.
I see my brothers hair and it makes me angry, then I think of my idiot pops bald dome and it makes me even ANGRIER.
There is no more solace in slowly dying than dying overnight.

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here's a better example. Most women would still find him attractive despite his hair loss. His balding doesn't affect his looks much.



thats an ugly dude
Hair would DEF help him out.


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you think it's easy on a woman? A lot of men are balding, but not many women are, don't you think that's hard. And I think men are more judgemental when it comes to looks, more then women are.


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you think it's easy on a woman? A lot of men are balding, but not many women are, don't you think that's hard. And I think men are more judgemental when it comes to looks, more then women are.

Yeah right. That really explains why ugly to pretty looking girls are getting tons of attention from guys while only pretty guys are getting tons of attention from girls. Ever heard of the 80/20 rule?


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where I live there are a lot of balding guys in their late twenties, early thirties. Doesn't look like they are having trouble dating.


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In fact, 40% of all hair loss sufferers are women. Educate yourself before making such claim.

Also 2bald said: 80% of women are having sex with 20% of guys. That's an undeniable fact.

The other 80% of men are getting the scraps: the fat, the ugly and the retarded women.

Therefore women are way more picky and judgmental about men's appearance.

40 % after age 40 , yes true. What if you are 20 or 30 , then you are in the 10 %.


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Just trying to be nice.

We don't need that, we need reality.

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I know plenty of girls dating a bald guy, but these guys don't seem to put the emphasis on their baldness.

Yeah but they are nothing more than their "backup guy". The guy that is always there when their other dates fall through. The guy that is there when they want a free dinner and a movie.
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No, by the age of 25 in fact. There are a lot more women losing their hair than you think.

The problem is that they can't appear balding. They just can't. That's why you will rarely see them.

They will use every trick in the book (concealers, extensions, special hair cuts) to conceal their hair loss.

Really, I've always thought 10%. The problem is it's not as well accepted by society then men balding. If a balding woman walks down the street, people will turn their heads and gossip about it, if a balding man walks down the street, nobody cares. I remember I was sitting on a terrace with my family and friends last summer, a woman and her husband sat down the table next to us . Both of them were balding. My mother looked at the woman and said, oh my god look at her , she has almost no hair. Nothing was said about the guy though. And when a woman is balding, people immediately think she has some medical issues, or eating disorders or she drank or smoked too much in her life.


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His humor and intelligence is what did it for me, not his hair.

Intelligence meaning money. I guess we do have a chance as long as we are loaded.


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Really, I've always thought 10%. The problem is it's not as well accepted by society then men balding. If a balding woman walks down the street, people will turn their heads and gossip about it, if a balding man walks down the street, nobody cares. I remember I was sitting on a terrace with my family and friends last summer, a woman and her husband sat down the table next to us . Both of them were balding. My mother looked at the woman and said, oh my god look at her , she has almost no hair. Nothing was said about the guy though. And when a woman is balding, people immediately think she has some medical issues, or eating disorders or she drank or smoked too much in her life.

But a bald woman gets some sympathy and is passed over when they try to conceal their hair with extensions, wigs or weaves.

Bald men are made fun of because its the "safe" thing thats still excepted since fatasses are now off limits by our PC society. God forbid a bald guy try to cover it up to or its just ridiculed until removed, AND THEN ridiculed because they're bald. Lose lose.
And even when not ridiculed its still not like theyre getting the ladies anytime soon.

NO ONE, looks better bald. There are guys who can pull it off but NO ONE looks "better" bald.


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But a bald woman gets some sympathy and is passed over when they try to conceal their hair with extensions, wigs or weaves.

Bald men are made fun of because its the "safe" thing thats still excepted since fatasses are now off limits by our PC society. God forbid a bald guy try to cover it up to or its just ridiculed until removed, AND THEN ridiculed because they're bald. Lose lose.
And even when not ridiculed its still not like theyre getting the ladies anytime soon.

NO ONE, looks better bald. There are guys who can pull it off but NO ONE looks "better" bald.

I don't get sympathy. All I hear is, get over it or there are people who have cancer and lose their hair, dumb things like that.
True, when guys wear a wig , it does get ridiculed, and true, no one looks better bald.


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When I first found out my hair was thinning, I was standing in front of the mirror and started crying, I was so upset. My family told me to thoughen up and get over it. A week later one of the familymembers fell on the steering wheel of her bike because she was drunk and hurt herself really badly. On one side of her mouth , her teeth were pushed against the roof of her mouth. She had to go to a dentist to see if they could save those three teeth. She was soooo upset of losing those teeth. She talked about it like she was about to die. Everybody felt so bad for her because she could lose 3 teeth and it was because she drank to much , which could be avoided. At that moment I was so mad. Telling me to get over it, and then when something happens to them , it's different. People don't know how tough it is to lose something until it happens to them.