Women Hate Bald Guys Part II


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When I first found out my hair was thinning, I was standing in front of the mirror and started crying, I was so upset. My family told me to thoughen up and get over it. A week later one of the familymembers fell on the steering wheel of her bike because she was drunk and hurt herself really badly. On one side of her mouth , her teeth were pushed against the roof of her mouth. She had to go to a dentist to see if they could save those three teeth. She was soooo upset of losing those teeth. She talked about it like she was about to die. Everybody felt so bad for her because she could lose 3 teeth and it was because she drank to much , which could be avoided. At that moment I was so mad. Telling me to get over it, and then when something happens to them , it's different. People don't know how tough it is to lose something until it happens to them.

Tell her youll trade her 3 teeth for her hair and see what she says. My brother tried to say that crap to me once "at least you didnt need your teeth fixed". Id gladly trade if you like......


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Society treats women a lot better and have it a lot easier, these are facts. Most social rules that apply to men don't even affect women at all, if you don't get sympathy imagine how much worse it would if you were a guy.


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Tell her youll trade her 3 teeth for her hair and see what she says. My brother tried to say that crap to me once "at least you didnt need your teeth fixed". Id gladly trade if you like......[/QUOTE

i told everybody why is it more upsetting for her to lose 3 teeth, and me going bald is not. One of them said, because her teeth mean everything to her. Duhhh. Oh and my hair don't mean anything to me. I just hate it when they sit there , all smiling with their hair nicely done, telling me I should get over it. Especially my parents, who gave me this gene, should be more understanding.


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When I first found out my hair was thinning, I was standing in front of the mirror and started crying, I was so upset. My family told me to thoughen up and get over it. A week later one of the familymembers fell on the steering wheel of her bike because she was drunk and hurt herself really badly. On one side of her mouth , her teeth were pushed against the roof of her mouth. She had to go to a dentist to see if they could save those three teeth. She was soooo upset of losing those teeth. She talked about it like she was about to die. Everybody felt so bad for her because she could lose 3 teeth and it was because she drank to much , which could be avoided. At that moment I was so mad. Telling me to get over it, and then when something happens to them , it's different. People don't know how tough it is to lose something until it happens to them.

WTF?! Why does everybody feel bad for her because she lost her teeth because of her own fault? Not to mention that you can always just get new fake ones. And everybody tells you to men up? If I stood next to you then I would f***ing bi***slap them all.


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Society treats women a lot better and have it a lot easier, these are facts. Most social rules that apply to men don't even affect women at all, if you don't get sympathy imagine how much worse it would if you were a guy.

If its worse then what I'm dealing with now, that's pretty bad. I know I don't get any sympathy. Everybody looks like I should just go, oh well who cares if I'm going bald, and be all happy. I've been told, so what, just buy a wig. At the hairdresser, I asked if my hair was thinning, the guy told me definitely. The lady who did my hair was rambling about how thankful she was she had parents with thick hair, therefore she has thick hair as well. I was just sitting there, thinking of ways to strangle her.

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WTF?! Why does everybody feel bad for her because she lost her teeth because of her own fault? Not to mention that you can always just get new fake ones. And everybody tells you to men up? If I stood next to you then I would f***ing bi***slap them all.

Exactly, my point. She lost it because of her fault. We are losing our hair because of genetics, way out of our control. The funny thing was, she had to stay home, because she was so hurt. Everybody came over to her house to visit and to see if they could help her. But I'm being seen as the overreactor, and I should not whine about it. I told everybody too, she could just get fake ones, and then everybody looks at me like that was totally inappropriate. But them saying I can get a wig is fine. And actually it's the women that are like this, the males in my family don't say anything, probably because they are bald and know how it feels. People don't know how it feels like until they have it. Sometimes I wish those people would start losing their hair for a few months, see how they would cope.


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Exactly, my point. She lost it because of her fault. We are losing our hair because of genetics, way out of our control. The funny thing was, she had to stay home, because she was so hurt. Everybody came over to her house to visit and to see if they could help her. But I'm being seen as the overreactor, and I should not whine about it. I told everybody too, she could just get fake ones, and then everybody looks at me like that was totally inappropriate. But them saying I can get a wig is fine. And actually it's the women that are like this, the males in my family don't say anything, probably because they are bald and know how it feels. People don't know how it feels like until they have it. Sometimes I wish those people would start losing their hair for a few months, see how they would cope.

They would probably cry themselves to sleep every night.


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If its worse then what I'm dealing with now, that's pretty bad. I know I don't get any sympathy. Everybody looks like I should just go, oh well who cares if I'm going bald, and be all happy. I've been told, so what, just buy a wig. At the hairdresser, I asked if my hair was thinning, the guy told me definitely. The lady who did my hair was rambling about how thankful she was she had parents with thick hair, therefore she has thick hair as well. I was just sitting there, thinking of ways to strangle her.

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Exactly, my point. She lost it because of her fault. We are losing our hair because of genetics, way out of our control. The funny thing was, she had to stay home, because she was so hurt. Everybody came over to her house to visit and to see if they could help her. But I'm being seen as the overreactor, and I should not whine about it. I told everybody too, she could just get fake ones, and then everybody looks at me like that was totally inappropriate. But them saying I can get a wig is fine. And actually it's the women that are like this, the males in my family don't say anything, probably because they are bald and know how it feels. People don't know how it feels like until they have it. Sometimes I wish those people would start losing their hair for a few months, see how they would cope.

As long as you still have social value as a woman society will treat you like royalty. My social value is negative so not only I don't get any sympathy people use my misfortune to make themselves feel better and to boast their superiority.


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As long as you still have social value as a woman society will treat you like royalty. My social value is negative so not only I don't get any sympathy people use my misfortune to make themselves feel better and to boast their superiority.

I don't feel like a woman anymore, and definitly don't feel like being treated like royalty.


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NO ONE, looks better bald. There are guys who can pull it off but NO ONE looks "better" bald.


One of my friends in Norway looks much better bald. Vin Diesel looks WAY better bald. It's rare, but it happens.


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Why are you guys so concerned with getting sympathy? What difference does it make?

A woman balding is 100x worse than a man balding. Albeit not common, there are bald/balding men in media and some are even sex symbols. It's generally considered unattractive, but it doesn't make you a freak. Good luck ever finding a bald woman there.

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Riiiight. In real life, the overwhelming majority of men are not attractive. He looks better than 99% of men even without hair. You're using internet standards and comparing him to models/celebrities.

Men dont "want sympathy" its used in context for that that they dont want to be ridiculed.

I never compare anyone to male models. Im just comfortable in saying that guy is not an attractive guy.


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People look for reasons to ridicule. If you can't understand why people do that (to stroke their own ego) and not care about it, then I can't understand how you can get anything done in life. You're 35 man.

And you are being ridiculous. That guy is very good looking. Most guys in real life are very ugly compared to him.

And WHY wouldn't any hard working 35 year old not want hair????

No one said I get ridiculed over it. I do not at all. Then again not many people would talk crap to me by my size anymore. I say I can see the difference in the way women look at me. How I feel about myself. How socially active it makes me want to be. Its a stature of life that gets diminished when your hair goes.
I personally do not find that guy to be a good looking guy. Hes average at best. Hey you want to date him, knock yourself out, youre not getting any competition from me.

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One of my friends in Norway looks much better bald. Vin Diesel looks WAY better bald. It's rare, but it happens.

Vin Diesel is an ugly guy regardless of hair. I will never get why women liked him other than he was the hot thing at the time. No one mentions him anymore, that time has passed.

though to me he looks better like this than bald


Id like to see pics of your bald friend then. I personally have never seen a guy who looks better bald over the right hair style. Thats like saying a woman would look better bald...... where would be the difference. Never say a woman better looking bald.

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Know a guy who looks 5 times better bald than with hair.

pics? with and without hair


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I always thought Vin looked dorky either way. Still loved him as Riddick in the first two films.


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PLENTY is a pretty strong word.
On averages I think its safe to say 1 out of FIFTY decently attractive girls would find bald men attractive. Even then it wouldn't be their FIRST choice.

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And THIS is how I feel. Everytime I see a pic of me I see my crown glare, or high forhead or the "U" forming. I see to much face and then compare it to the guys next to me's hair.

Some people may say "you still have hair", yeah but not like I used to . My features make a HUGE difference because of it to. I have been using that Kaboki (free sample still) here and there and I can tell it makes a HUGE difference in certain spots. Sucks tho because its pricey and having to do it every day to keep an appearance up would be a pain.
I see my brothers hair and it makes me angry, then I think of my idiot pops bald dome and it makes me even ANGRIER.
There is no more solace in slowly dying than dying overnight.

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thats an ugly dude
Hair would DEF help him out.

Are you crazy? I'd give my left nut to look like him, hair or no.

He's got chiselled/strong features, a good shaped head and looks decent bald. This man would have no problems with girls on looks alone.

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I always thought Vin looked dorky either way. Still loved him as Riddick in the first two films.


I don't really get the attraction to be honest, he's got a decent bod but a pretty ugly face imo


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I don't really get the attraction to be honest, he's got a decent bod but a pretty ugly face imo

Doesn't matter what you think. It's what women think.


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Hey at least balding men are perceived as intelligent, lol, does that count for balding women as well.

Bald men are rated as more intelligent
In fact, bald men are perceived as being more intelligent and have an above average sense of self-worth.Cash's 1988 study asked three groups of people - young college students, slightly older Old Dominion staffers and aging faculty members - to look at slides of bald and haired men. They was asked to rate the person in each slide for qualities such as self-assertiveness, social attractiveness, intelligence, life success, personal likability, physical attractiveness and perceived age.Believe it or not, the bald or balding models were perceived more negatively on every dimension except intelligence.Sources & References

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Are you crazy? I'd give my left nut to look like him, hair or no.

He's got chiselled/strong features, a good shaped head and looks decent bald. This man would have no problems with girls on looks alone.

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I don't really get the attraction to be honest, he's got a decent bod but a pretty ugly face imo

A lot of women think he's cute, me I don't think he's attractive with or without hair. I do think he looks better without.


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Intelligence meaning money. I guess we do have a chance as long as we are loaded.
No he obviously did a cross word and solved a complex math problem which is what impressed her the most. Probably even told her his IQ scores which did it.

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It's not bull****. I know plenty of girls dating a bald guy, but these guys don't seem to put the emphasis on their baldness. I bet you, if you shaved your head, put on some nice clothes, go out and act cool and funny, you would meet a girl within an hour. Now if you are going out and think about it the whole night, girls can smell it, and won't even look at you. A lot of it has to do with the way you act. I've known plenty of guys with a full head of hair and goodlooking, who I didn't like because they had no personality, and I've known guys who had no hair and were funny and cool, who I liked. There are plenty of girls out there like that, the ones that aren't they are just very superficial and you shouldn't be dating them anyway. You can call that bull**** or anything you want, try my advice and see if it helps, but you have to lose the a**h** attitude.

NO! F*ck NO! I am 21 and at Norwood 4 I look like I'm 35 years old at least. So what I'm supposed to date a woman almost twice my age?
I just won't take such pretentious nonsense from you or any woman like that. Personality and character is all good but I wonder how you approach a girl just to say hi when you have the moon reflecting off your bald head. Don't try to refute what research and science says. At the end of the day we are all animals looking for a genetically superior mate. It sounds crude and ridiculous since we live in a civilized society but that's what our instincts tell us to do despite us believing that things like personality and character matter. I don't need justification because it's a fact.
Good looking guys can be assholes and have girls hate them for that but deep inside they'd still want to bang them. I've hated a few girls who were always bitchy and superficial but still wouldn't pass up an opportunity to be with them cox some of them were hot. I'm not blaming women, men are superficial too. I'm just saying it's a fact. A man or woman can be a total jerk but he/she will still score way WAY higher than a below average looking nice person. LOOKS MATTER! and baldness takes a whole lot from any man's looks. FFS get that in your head.


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You know what, ok you're all right, you're all going to die single and NW7, that's what you want to hear. I'm done with this topic. I'm a woman and dealing with thinning hair all over my scalp, I'll probably go completely bald, I can whine too, maybe my husband is going to leave me for somebody with hair. Besides that I have a whole other list of medical things to complain about and you guys are complaining about getting a girl. Whining is not going to get you a girl.


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You have no idea how hard it is to get a romantic partner when you're a man.

And you have no idea how tremendously harder it becomes when you're sporting a NW5-7.

So of course we are complaining about it because a lot of the members just cannot get a girl anymore.

Something that should be natural and fun, we are deprived of it because of the missing follicles on our scalps.

You're right, whining isn't going to solve our problem, but you know what? Nothing besides hair is going to solve it.

Not confidence, not becoming rich (so easy right?), not nice clothes, not a good sense of humour, not a successful career.

Only hair. And a lot of members just can get their back in the blink of an eye, so at least let them rant about it.

I understand all your frustration, I'm frustrated too, I still have no clue what's going on and nothing works. Besides my hair , my eyelashes and eyebrows are falling out too. I come here to get some advice but the women on the women section seemed to have grown all their hair back, nobody answers anything, so no help from them either. Hair loss is hell, I know.

the only cure for this is traveling to the past, and shoot that one person with the mutated balding gene, before he can multiply himself.


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jesus, this debate still ongoing..

. Besides my hair , my eyelashes and eyebrows are falling out too. I come here to get some advice but the women on the women section seemed to have grown all their hair back, nobody answers anything, so no help from them either. Hair loss is hell, I know.

you probably got your thyroid checked. right?