Women Hate Bald Guys Part II


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Women are even pushing the authorities to make street harassment laws so they'll never have to interact with genetically inferior men again.

Women will accept being hit on/cat called depending on how attractive the guy is. If the dude is balding, he's a criminal. If he's a Brad Pitt, he's getting laid.

Watch the video below. Notice that the entire video cherry picked gutter class men from dodgy neighbourhoods to paint all men with the same brush as sex crazed dogs? There's very little attention from women towards us bald men. I wanna know how it came that way though.



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Yes they are acting out a socially perscribed role but it is so drilled in their heads that it isn't even an act for them anymore, they believe it. They are assimilated then it's "eww, gross bald guys,lol" all day right?

My 35 year old coworker, who's married, has a child and is overweight and greying herself once said:

Her: 'He's bald.'
Me: 'Yeah? What's wrong with bald?'
Her: 'What's NOT wrong with bald?'


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My 35 year old coworker, who's married, has a child and is overweight and greying herself once said:

Her: 'He's bald.'
Me: 'Yeah? What's wrong with bald?'
Her: 'What's NOT wrong with bald?'

great. you get offended by fat gray women.


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great. you get offended by fat gray women.

I'm actually offended by how blind you are more so than by my coworkers feelings of entitlement.

uncomfortable man

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My 35 year old coworker, who's married, has a child and is overweight and greying herself once said:

Her: 'He's bald.'
Me: 'Yeah? What's wrong with bald?'
Her: 'What's NOT wrong with bald?'

That's when you spray her in the face with mace and call harrasment. Woudn't it be great if the tables were turned and men could get away with shyt like that?


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That's when you spray her in the face with mace and call harrasment. Woudn't it be great if the tables were turned and men could get away with shyt like that?

Thought about that too, but women are pampered... so a harassment case from a man would get laughed at and ignored. You won't win.

uncomfortable man

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Just put laxitve in her coffee and tease her for lack of bowel control. These people deserve to be humiliated.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, you don't get it do you? So if women feel entitled enough to kick good looking men to the curb then what does that mean for all the average or god forbid below average (bald) guys? Logic dictates that they will treat them even worse. Logic is our friend. But that article is dead on.... men should just drop out of the game because it is obviously a loose loose for us. That way their efforts will have obviously backfired and instead of unwavering devotion and compliance they will get non participation and be ignored. You hate men? Fine, live without us then. Plenty of lesbian friends and cats to keep you company.


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..as you said- its a game. You can sit on a bench and mope or go in the game and hit a home run. Just dont blame your Norwood status. Its hard for all of us.


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Women are even pushing the authorities to make street harassment laws so they'll never have to interact with genetically inferior men again.

Fred definitely does his homework. This is something that should be getting much more attention, but isn't. I saw a video on this s#!t and what they considered street harassment was ridiculous. Yeah maybe one or two of the guys in the video may have been acting a little weird, but most were pretty much just greeting the woman in the video. The video actually looked like a total set up.

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..as you said- its a game. You can sit on a bench and mope or go in the game and hit a home run. Just dont blame your Norwood status. Its hard for all of us.

Some guys don't want to get in the game because it is unfair, but that is life. There will always be plenty of guys that are better than us in the looks dept, it's just the way it is. We have to ask ourselves what are we doing to make the playing field more level. Are we keeping ourselves fit, getting educated, and working on our careers? Will this fix our hair lines or put us at the top of the food chain? HELL NO, but it gives us a chance and keeps us in the game. Just because our hair lines have gone to s#!t doesn't mean we have to let the rest of our lives go that way too. That is the main thing that puts me off about this section. I am fine with all the balding destroys your looks talk. I agree 100%. But it is just hard to feel sorry for the guys that are not only bald, but have given up on all other areas of their lives.


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Fred definitely does his homework. This is something that should be getting much more attention, but isn't. I saw a video on this s#!t and what they considered street harassment was ridiculous. Yeah maybe one or two of the guys in the video may have been acting a little weird, but most were pretty much just greeting the woman in the video. The video actually looked like a total set up.

This is the video:


It wasn't setup, but it was BAIT. Just look at the gutter trash area of hoodrats and other social degenerates, it looks like the most decrepit are of New York with welfare bums and thugs. OF COURSE you're going to get called out like that with low class men. But to try and paint the image that ALL men are like that is total fvcking bullsh!t. Yeah, I understand that catcalling has to be a nuisance and some men WILL go too far... but thats a minority.

That video is cherry picked. There was a guy that did the same; a male model. He got catcalled and stared at too. But are men allowed to complain? No. So why don't we just tell the girl to 'woman up' and grow a pair of!? Hell naw, that'd be misogynistic!


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Why are you guys so concerned with getting sympathy? What difference does it make?

A woman balding is 100x worse than a man balding. Albeit not common, there are bald/balding men in media and some are even sex symbols. It's generally considered unattractive, but it doesn't make you a freak. Good luck ever finding a bald woman there.

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Riiiight. In real life, the overwhelming majority of men are not attractive. He looks better than 99% of men even without hair. You're using internet standards and comparing him to models/celebrities.

I know I'm late but...

Yes, we need sympathy. Sympathy = caring. And we would probably have a freakin' cure already if anyone cared.


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This is the video:

It wasn't setup, but it was BAIT. Just look at the gutter trash area of hoodrats and other social degenerates, it looks like the most decrepit are of New York with welfare bums and thugs. OF COURSE you're going to get called out like that with low class men. But to try and paint the image that ALL men are like that is total fvcking bullsh!t. Yeah, I understand that catcalling has to be a nuisance and some men WILL go too far... but thats a minority.

That video is cherry picked. There was a guy that did the same; a male model. He got catcalled and stared at too. But are men allowed to complain? No. So why don't we just tell the girl to 'woman up' and grow a pair of!? Hell naw, that'd be misogynistic!

This video is BS and this women is a ****. In those 10hrs she must have passed by min. 10000 men and all she's got is 2 min of awkwardness.