Women only want men with straight/convex hairlines!


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HairPieceMan said:
if i have a house party at my place, girls see how rich i am, a girl will be with me, BUT, she will ask me for money beuase she knows i can't lay a carpet being with no hair, no height and no looks.

if i have hair, she will be with me, but she wont ask for money, becuase she knows i have a chance to get girls outside the context of them knowing im rich.

Stop stealing my lines. :)


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seb said:
s.a.f said:
Or we become one of the majority of baldies who get on with their lives inspite of it.

Ha,you make me howl.You personally have only got with life because you had a hair transplant...before that I am sure you were just as depressed as myself/u.man/HPM etc.
Yes I maybe a whining b**ch,but all you do is get on you're high-horse and talk down to people,berating them for the way they feel,which they are quite entitled to expresss on a forum of a hairloss site,specifically catered for people such as I too vent/moan.

yeah, exactly, i bet if hair transplants didnt exist saf would be in his 40s and NEVER trying to get girls still in some "im fucked" mentality, its only after hair transplants he sticks up for the true bald guys that get on with it and live with the disablility and use them as great examples, in all honestly its offensive to real bald men leading full social lives for YOU (saf) to show them as good examples.

saf "fact is that baldness isn't really a problem, ther are people in wheelchairs etc."

i understand you keep claiming it was your attitude that was the problem, but still, to hold other bald people as examples of "trueness" to us all is a bit stupid, you saf as still part of the "we are fucked, we can't handle baldness" crowd, just as much as me, its just that you sort of step back and then say "it was just my attitude really, im sure if i read a confidence book at 25 i wouldn't need a hair transplant surgeon and a spare £20K and could have dated a nice girl i met when i was 25 and bald, even if i was 5' 5" which also isnt a problem just in my head/ if you wear shoe lifts your sad".

fact of the matter is, most young guys aren't balding, it sucks to be balding young, so we fake ourselves to make us appear as we should be, its not that big a deal.


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Maybe I should go up to all the bald/balding guys I know with wives and G/F's and point out to them that they 'should' be living like social recluses.
Explain to them that their partners dont actually love them and society as a whole despises them and help ease them into their true destiny as pathetic loners.

If you want to be celibate hermits thats your option but acknowledge that the problem is your mainly your perception of yourself not your lack of hair.

Even at my lowest point I never had the outlook you have, my hair now still is'nt good anyway I'm still seen as as a moderatly balding guy. You wear a wig anyway so whats your excuse?

uncomfortable man

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If you say you've always realized that your psychological/emotional state was the preliminary problem over being bald then why the hair transplant's? Why not spend that money on a good shrink to sort out what you claim to be the source of the problem in the first place? :dunno:


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s.a.f said:
Maybe I should go up to all the bald/balding guys I know with wives and G/F's and point out to them that they 'should' be living like social recluses.

Explain to them that their partners dont actually love them and society as a whole despises them and help ease them into their true destiny as pathetic loners.

If you want to be celibate hermits thats your option but acknowledge that the problem is your mainly your perception of yourself not your lack of hair.

Even at my lowest point I never had the outlook you have, my hair now still is'nt good anyway I'm still seen as as a moderatly balding guy. You wear a wig anyway so whats your excuse?

yes but YOU did live like a dating social recluse anyway, and you DID live like a celibate hermit.

ok your viewpoint might not have been as extreme as mine, but your actions were never the less 100% IGNORE ALL GIRLS so it doesn't really matter how strong your view point was because it was strong enough for you not to do anything.

and also i wonder what would have happened if hair transplants didnt exist, youd probably still not have touched a girl from 25-45, your mindset would've been the same, with the hair transplants you can look back on your problem and say "oh yeah, well i didn't really need hair, not that big a deal" because your coming from a perspective of a man with hair looking back on a problem you dont have.

its like your 5 2 from 25-30, then you find a way to make yourself 5 8, then you go "im saved" and you go get girls with your new height, but you look back on 5 full years and say "all i needed was a mental breakthrough to overcome my height".

and also alot of balding guys are living on the edge in terms of girls, i know 3 balding guys that are super reactive over their hairloss, they touch their balding head whenever they see some attractive female.


uncomfortable man said:
If you say you've always realized that your psychological/emotional state was the preliminary problem over being bald then why the hair transplant's? Why not spend that money on a good shrink to sort out what you claim to be the source of the problem in the first place? :dunno:
Cuz talking to someone about it won't solve sh*t


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uncomfortable man said:
If you say you've always realized that your psychological/emotional state was the preliminary problem over being bald then why the hair transplant's? Why not spend that money on a good shrink to sort out what you claim to be the source of the problem in the first place? :dunno:

I've always known I had issues and its those conmbined with the premature baldness that caused me to live well below my expectations. However I had definatley become deluded to the extent that the hairloss played. And it was only after the hair transplant's that this became apparent, when post hair transplant nothing really changed.
What do you think suddenly women started to throw themselves at me straight after the Hair began to grow. Of course not it was'nt until I actually made an effort to change my lifestyle that I got anywhere. If I'd continued to act as I did before I'd still be getting nowhere.

I'm not claiming baldness is'nt a handicap of course it is, what I'm against is the viewpoint of Seb and HPM that a bald/balding guy has ZERO chance. As a man in a longterm relationship how can you agree with that?

In their opinion the only theory must be that you're paying your wife to be with you.

Venting about how you feel is fine but stating misguided opinions on a forum full of bald guys is offensive and counter productive..
As I said I personally know many bald guys who dont let it hold them back in life. I'd rather promote their example than that of guys like Seb and HPM.
And I'd rate these bald guys as better options in the eyes of a woman than me with my hair transplant because they're doing it without it going to as much effort.


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Hairpieceman I have just one question for you,

Since you apparently have zero chance with women because your both short and bald. What are you going to do about it?

You've already admitted that you cant really change what you are so are you going to do what a disabled guy would do and lower your life expectations or are you going to just continue to wallow in self pity for the rest of your life.


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well as i said i fixed the baldness, and im 1 inch taller in lifts.

so ill find some short girl, that's all.

also UCMan thinks that no women like bald men, even though he is in a relationship with a female, he still thinks that.

i thnk balding guys are really desperate, just becuase someone is in relationship doesnt mean its good, hes probably acting all beta around her, being OVERLY grateful, a girl will think "ill give a bald man a chance, why not, see what happens" and the guy is all super grateful for her.

its fun for them, its like us getting a fat girl,her personality is different, its just a different feeling into the relationship.

doesnt mean its a GOOD relationsbip, and she's really happy, she PROBABLY prefer men that aren't inflicted with baldness., but she just shrugs it off and watches how he acts with women, shell probably force him to settle down and give money/raise family, FAMILY MAN, don'tforget the magical word, MONEY


God this world is so cruel why some people get what some people dont


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it's karma, bro. don't listen to the likes of saf when they say no such thing exists. they don't know jack.


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slipy said:
it's karma, bro. don't listen to the likes of saf when they say no such thing exists. they don't know jack.

Karma ok what about Robert Mugabe the 86 yr old billionaire who has been responsible for the suffering and deaths of 10's millions of people in Zimabwai?

Where is the Karma in the fact that half the world lives in abject poverty and the rest comparative luxury?

Where is the Karma for the children dying of childhood diseases whilst Nazi war criminals are still alive in their 90's?

I could go on and on and on ....

Answers please :whistle:


You could just give the perfect example of why jerks with full hair get the woman's and the lol and not ugly people even if they have the best personality that's what bothering me, not the starving kids or anything like that. Karma? I'm a good man, never Hurted anyone, then why I deserve this?


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I am not sure hoe many times I have to say it or maybe I just have it so much easier than some of you but wtf am I the luckiest bald guy in the world ? Hair loss doesn't define you, well in some of your cases you're making it define you. If you have a negative thought process like "i am bald no one will love me" guess what no one is going to f*****g love you. Being bald sucks we all know this, yes we all lose self esteem/confidence when we lose our hair but if you honestly think every women in the world defines her partner(s) by how much hair he has you're sadly mistaken. Majority of posters here who complain about girls not wanting them I am willing to bet don't put themselves out there at all, and the once in a blue moon when they do and get rejected, they take it waaayyyy to heart.

I know short guys with no hair who get girls, sure they don't pull tail at a club like a twilight looking mother f****r but you know what that doesn't discourage them from trying. As someone who is bald and well really really really loves having sex I put myself out there all the fing time, life is wayyyy to short to not get your dick some loving. You can choose to wallow in self pity and blame all your problems on your appearance, or you can accept the hand you've been dealt, move forward and work your *** off for what you want in life. Nothing in this world worth having comes easy and sure as bald men we may have to try harder to get girls, hell that's just life. But again if you think girls fall in love with you because of what you look like that is just all wrong. Oh and for hairpieceman who made a comment about bald guys being desperate, and thinking were a fun game for girls cause were desperate and do whatever for them LOL, you seriously need therapy cause your view of the world is seriously messed up.


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s.a.f said:
slipy said:
it's karma, bro. don't listen to the likes of saf when they say no such thing exists. they don't know jack.

Karma ok what about Robert Mugabe the 86 yr old billionaire who has been responsible for the suffering and deaths of 10's millions of people in Zimabwai?

Where is the Karma in the fact that half the world lives in abject poverty and the rest comparative luxury?

Where is the Karma for the children dying of childhood diseases whilst Nazi war criminals are still alive in their 90's?

I could go on and on and on ....

Answers please :whistle:

Don't you know anything about the laws of karma? Those poor fucks are suffering because of their doings in previous lives. That's how karma works. You don't pay instantly in this life you've got wait for the next life. same goes for that Robert Mugabe (whoever that is). his next incarnation will be a rough ride.


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slipy said:
s.a.f said:
slipy said:
it's karma, bro. don't listen to the likes of saf when they say no such thing exists. they don't know jack.

Karma ok what about Robert Mugabe the 86 yr old billionaire who has been responsible for the suffering and deaths of 10's millions of people in Zimabwai?

Where is the Karma in the fact that half the world lives in abject poverty and the rest comparative luxury?

Where is the Karma for the children dying of childhood diseases whilst Nazi war criminals are still alive in their 90's?

I could go on and on and on ....

Answers please :whistle:

Don't you know anything about the laws of karma? Those poor fucks are suffering because of their doings in previous lives. That's how karma works. You don't pay instantly in this life you've got wait for the next life. same goes for that Robert Mugabe (whoever that is). his next incarnation will be a rough ride.

Oh yeah previous lives :whistle: right like Narnia you mean?
Maybe I was Darth Vader in a previous life and thats why I'm being punished with baldness?


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Darth Vader huh? must be rough being bald two times in a row.

i just explained the basic principle of the idea of karma.
remmember even scientists haven't disproved the existence of god.
but go ahead, believe in nothingness if you must, im not trying to convince you.


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So the severity of hair loss is basically a gauge of how much of an a**h** one was in previous life? Makes perfect sense to me.


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we weren't talking solely about baldness but yeah why not? you've got to repay your debts somehow.