It has meaningwhat does this have to do with hairloss bros ?????
u mad xander ?what does this have to do with hairloss bros ?????
what does this have to do with hairloss bros ?????
what does this have to do with hairloss bros ?????
At 0.37, interesting argument that insurance companies should pay for birth control because 14% of women use it to control acne, which they need to because studies show acne can prevent you from getting a job. Minoxidil for free when?
I feel like absolute sh*t today.
There should be a Me Too campaign for men who have had adverse psychological issues related to hair loss. Would be considered a huge joke though. Even a campaign that dealt with harassment then men face would be laughed at.
I feel like absolute sh*t today.
There should be a Me Too campaign for men who have had adverse psychological issues related to hair loss. Would be considered a huge joke though. Even a campaign that dealt with harassment then men face would be laughed at.
f*** it, I'm really happy every time I get a compliment or look, wether it be a sleazy drunken comment or a polite exchange. As long as men don't grope me against my will I really don't see the problem! I remember one time I was dancing with a random guy in a club and he felt entitled to grab my crotch really hard. Not cool, but I'm not going to feel like a victim because of it, just walk's the thought that being sexually invisible is a far worse fate than being sexually objectified.
Why you're whinning about immigrants when you allowed them to enter your countries in the first place ? You already knew what was going to happen.This is the normal reaction, it's life, some people act with no concern for the well-being of others. What are you going to do, bury yourself into a hole while you blame society for your misfortunes?!
Jesus, if every time I had been bullied or treated unfairly in my life my reaction had been to come home and cry about all people being horrible on social media...
That's more or less what you're seeing with women saying "if so many women have been a victim of this, it means a lot of men act this way, so maybe a lot of men are evil without knowing, this status will help men understand that they may be evil pieces of sh*t without knowing it!"
It's pathetic. It's like they just cannot protect themselves and need everyone else to come to their rescue. I see even supposedly intelligent women use that "me too!" status.
I think you don't have to look too far to find out why they doing that: being a victim gives you a lot of power. All of a sudden, you're someone, you exist, as a victim though, and I don't think it's anything to be proud of.
Those women say they aren't being heard and they ask absolutely unreasonable laws to protect them, like "giving an unsolicited compliment should be illegal!" and of course, there's never any nuance in what they say. What they mean: "men who are not in the top 20% shouldn't be allowed to speak to me!".
The situation could spiral down rapidly since we now have a lot of women in the political landscape, and they also have their white knights backing them up for such radical measures. In Sweden, they recently banned all men from a festival because Muslim migrants caused an epidemic of rape in them.
In Sweden, they recently banned all men from a festival because Muslim migrants caused an epidemic of rape in them.
Why you're whinning about immigrants when you allowed them to enter your countries in the first place ? You already knew what was going to happen.
wow, the western countries are pretty much cucked. You have successfully destroyed yourselves. Why the f*** do you leave such cucked governments to make decisions that could ruin a whole continent ?Ah I didn't make that decision. Obviously, you can't take the decision of the Belgian politicians and ascribe them to me.
As far as I know, they were brought here as cheaper labour and were supposed to go back once their work was done.
But then, the left thought it was a particularly good idea to let them stay here and to let them bring their whole family.
They started to radicalize under influence of the Wahabi imams who were sent by the Saudis since the 1980's up to this day.
Couple that with the victimhood culture promoted by the left and you there you have it, radical Islam coupled with radical leftist ideology.
We could already sense that something was brooding in the 1990's and 2000's but the left that was governing at the time told us that there was nothing to worry about, and they swept it under the rug.
Fast-forward to the last few years and you know what monster we allowed to be created in the darkness. Barely anyone could have predicted that this was going to happen but here we are, trying to untangle this mess.
And our current government is trying to hit the illegal migrants hard and to send them back to their countries. And it's been quite successful until a week ago, when Europe condemned Belgium because they thought sending back illegal migrants was, well, illegal.
as if your country is anything, the western countries are pretty much cucked. You have successfully destroyed yourselves. Why the f*** do you leave such cucked governments to make decisions that could ruin a whole continent ?
My country is the center of the if your country is anything better...
Sucks just as much as Greece. The traditional submissive women are dead. Welcome to the era of the femoidsMy country is the center of the cucks.
giving famoids control was a mistake.Sucks just as much as Greece. The traditional submissive women are dead. Welcome to the era of the femoids
I'm 24/7 lurking in /r/incels.