Women's "me Too" Campaign On Social Media


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You guys should try doing something else besides mentally masturbate over women and inceldom and gender politics

Ffs the worst norwood among you is norwood 3 and thats cope

Xander needs to get back on the big 3 and pretend he never got off and stan cud get on the big 3 as well and be saved. Big 3 is great for maintenance

Cope should save up for transplant, he has an ok job

Try being mentalcel and not able to go to school or get a job AND be bald


Established Member
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You guys should try doing something else besides mentally masturbate over women and inceldom and gender politics

Ffs the worst norwood among you is norwood 3 and thats cope

Xander needs to get back on the big 3 and pretend he never got off and stan cud get on the big 3 as well and be saved. Big 3 is great for maintenance

Cope should save up for transplant, he has an ok job

Try being mentalcel and not able to go to school or get a job AND be bald
may i ask hows ur hair?? are u on the big 3 too?


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You guys should try doing something else besides mentally masturbate over women and inceldom and gender politics

Ffs the worst norwood among you is norwood 3 and thats cope

Xander needs to get back on the big 3 and pretend he never got off and stan cud get on the big 3 as well and be saved. Big 3 is great for maintenance

Cope should save up for transplant, he has an ok job

Try being mentalcel and not able to go to school or get a job AND be bald
We can only bask in your glory great one


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I f*****g hate these sexually assaulted women. Most of them were only checked by a guy they do not find attractive. Also these women are usually the one, that are really sexually aggressive and actually sexually assaulting men they like. In a club they will touch you everywhere like no big deal. When you don´t like it you get response like: "I just want to touch your six pack. No big deal!". How much I want to punch them in the face...
The society is really fucked up in this. Once one girl found normal trying to get her hands in my pants. I tried to tell her to f*** off. She did not listen to me. I ended pushing her away from me: Pushed a little too much and she fell on the ground. Security guys jumped on me, punched me and fired me from the club.
Also when woman report sexual harassment she can just say: "This guy sexually harassed me". Aaaaand it is a big deal in a company. Sometimes they even call police etc. even though she has no evidence. But when I reported sexual harassment from HR assistan, which I proved with messages the boss was like: "Where is your problem? She is hot." How did it end? I was told it is my problem and that I should just get over it.


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You guys should try doing something else besides mentally masturbate over women and inceldom and gender politics

Ffs the worst norwood among you is norwood 3 and thats cope

Xander needs to get back on the big 3 and pretend he never got off and stan cud get on the big 3 as well and be saved. Big 3 is great for maintenance

Cope should save up for transplant, he has an ok job

Try being mentalcel and not able to go to school or get a job AND be bald

A few of us do have a couple things going on other than complaining.


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Those guys are more a MAN then you will ever be.

Should take some tips from the 5th brigade Fedora unit over at /FA /Incel

24/7 Tinder profile and 0 LAYS, 0 Kisses, 0 held hands



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dude this is such f*****g bullshit.

I've probably been harassed by women more than the average woman has been harassed by men. I can't tell you how many times when i was a teenager women grabbed my *** and f*****g stalked me. I won't even go into detail as to the ridiculously inappropriate notes they would pass me in the hallways and how they would gang up on me as i walked home. I know, i know, you guys are reading this thinking i'm ether making this sh*t up, or humble bragging. But that's the thing, you see, men can't complain of being sexually harassed because society has deemed it ok. If your a man who has women sexually harassing you, then your a stud right? If that's the case then the rules aren't fair for both genders, and the search for equality is a bunch of bullshit.
I don't want women being sexually harassed, but i will tell you confidently that women can be just as aggressive as men, and to pretend otherwise is incredibly ignorant.
this stuff seriously happened to you? can't tell if you're joking lol


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On multiple occasions traffic actually stopped because cars full of girls (strangers) would slow down/stop to try to get me to get in; i was a shy kid, so i didn't get in. Then there was the time when i had to dodge about 30 screaming girls in school who for some reason decided to make it known they liked me at the same time; i made it by unscathed, besides having my *** grabbed 3 times in the process of trying to get inside the classroom. Then there were the many girls who would give me their numbers time and time again even after i didn't call them after they gave me their numbers several times in the past. This kind of stuff happened so often that i actually started avoiding talking to women because they would just routinely turn into stalkers. But no, that's not harassment at all.

man with experiences like that no wonder you're so carefree and humorous lol (at least you seem so from here)

explain dis @Rudiger


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On multiple occasions traffic actually stopped because cars full of girls (strangers) would slow down/stop to try to get me to get in; i was a shy kid, so i didn't get in. Then there was the time when i had to dodge about 30 screaming girls in school who for some reason decided to make it known they liked me at the same time; i made it by unscathed, besides having my *** grabbed 3 times in the process of trying to get inside the classroom. Then there were the many girls who would give me their numbers time and time again even after i didn't call them after they gave me their numbers several times in the past. This kind of stuff happened so often that i actually started avoiding talking to women because they would just routinely turn into stalkers. But no, that's not harassment at all.


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I won't fault society for bringing pervasive bad behavior to light. If so many women are saying the same thing, they're not lying. Maybe some are exaggerating, but with a response of this magnitude, we all know something's up. And yes, something needs to change. The "how", though, has the chance to either embolden lots of people (men, that is) or actually unify people. If the narrative is about "look at how much women suffer because of how bad men are," then it's going to piss a lot of people off. Myself included.

Women's problems aren't some conspiracy. But neither are men's. And until the broader feminist movement takes more obvious steps to acknowledge the shared humanity/mutual suffering of men and women, then I will reject its definition as a movement for "gender equality."

In this unfortunate case of women being abused, I think we have to pick from one of two explanations :

- Men are innately brutish and violent
- Somehow, men are socially conditioned to become physically/sexually aggressive to women. We could probably even take this a step further and say that there's somethign going on in society that is breaking the self-esteem and character of men. Whatever is causing men to stoop so low must be both painful and toxic.

I think most honest people would acknowledge or something like the latter as the cause. While I'm not saying men are not responsiblre for their actions, I am saying that the narrative around gender-based violence/harrassment can't go down the simplistic road of acting like men are, as usual, to blame. It's a bigger issue.


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On multiple occasions traffic actually stopped because cars full of girls (strangers) would slow down/stop to try to get me to get in; i was a shy kid, so i didn't get in. Then there was the time when i had to dodge about 30 screaming girls in school who for some reason decided to make it known they liked me at the same time; i made it by unscathed, besides having my *** grabbed 3 times in the process of trying to get inside the classroom. Then there were the many girls who would give me their numbers time and time again even after i didn't call them after they gave me their numbers several times in the past. This kind of stuff happened so often that i actually started avoiding talking to women because they would just routinely turn into stalkers. But no, that's not harassment at all.

Were you like a 9 as a fullhead or something?


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Then there was the time when i had to dodge about 30 screaming girls in school who for some reason decided to make it known they liked me at the same time; i made it by unscathed, besides having my *** grabbed 3 times in the process of trying to get inside the classroom.
What kind of Chaddish freak of nature are you to experience something like that? Incredibly rare. As an attractive woman I have never experienced something like that, the closest was that a guy in Uni told me that every single guy in our class except the one who had a gf had a crush on me. There were like 10 guys in that class. That's pretty crazy but for a guy to have that kind of experience? I can only imagine how good-looking you must have been (or is)...


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What kind of Chaddish freak of nature are you to experience something like that? Incredibly rare. As an attractive woman I have never experienced something like that, the closest was that a guy in Uni told me that every single guy in our class except the one who had a gf had a crush on me. There were like 10 guys in that class. That's pretty crazy but for a guy to have that kind of experience? I can only imagine how good-looking you must have been (or is)...

It is not the first time he has written this, so I believe it.

I think he must just be a "mixed race" type of looks. I say this because I know just one other person who causes this commotion. @macaroni what are you? ;)

It was my cousin, who is half Italian half German, and was almost literally assaulted by a Finnish female classroom on a ferry from Copenhagen to I don't remember where. Literally touched for the whole trip by these demons.

Lucky him!