Let me be blunt. Generally, men don't like sl*ts. Oh I get what you'll say next. You'll say "some men do" as if that's a counterpoint to a generalisation (never understood that line of argument by the way). I'm talking generally. Generalisations are useful. Generally men don't like women who've slept around a lot. I think this is largely to do with men wanting to know that their genes are more likely to be passed on by a virtuous woman than one that sleeps around. To be blunt again: a woman always knows her baby is her baby. Not true for a man. Is the baby Chad's or Brad's or....? I know the obvious reply to this is "people have sex mostly for recreation, not to make a baby" but this is something that deeply influences sexual selection. Sexual selection is so hardwired around procreation, even if it's recreational. A woman can be turned on by a guy who has lots of resources. What's that got to do with the physical act of sex? Resources = better chances for offspring. Even if the sex is only recreational, the procreational desires are being fulfilled. It's no coincidence that men are turned on by fertile-looking, young women, displaying all the signs of ovulation (red lips, dark eyes, blushed cheeks). Doesn't mean they want to make a baby, but the recreational act is heightened by the procreational tickboxes being ticked.