You will never experience what life can offer with $100m by simply having a full head of hair; there are millions and millions and millions of ditch diggers living in trailers who are NW0s. When you have $100m, nothing about you personally - literally nothing - matters. Worried about women? With $100m, it doesn't matter; even if you're a total autist, you can go to Ukraine (flying private, of course) and buy a 10/10 wife and a pair of 10/10 mistresses who you can keep in multi-million dollar Manhattan apartments. And what about when you're 50 and your looks go no matter how much hair you have? 60? 70? Will you stare in the mirror at the NW0 on top of a sagging, wrinkled body while living your middle class existence and think, "yeah, this was worth it?"
$100m changes everything.
100 mil obviously and get tsuji done because i could afford to be first in line.
This is basically the truth. If you're rich you have a realistic chance to get a very good-looking woman, however she will only be there to exploit you if you aren't good-looking. This is women's nature. Since Stone Age they've always looked for men with resources. A white, good-looking woman is basically a born millionaire regardless of her social class because she will leech off some rich man pretending she loves him and meanwhile getting his money. Genetics are genetics, there's no way around that and you can't buy elite genetics with money. This is why I find people who want to become rich because of women (and other materialistic intentions such as villas and yachts) , pathetic.First time I've disagreed with you in a long time and I'm sure you're speaking from experience here,
but the examples you are using equate to "You can have a lot of material things, but none of it is real."
That 10/10 wife you bought is with you purely because you have money. She doesn't love you, likely she doesn't actually want f*** you and neither do the mistresses you've stashed in apartments. They will all have side boys younger and better than Daddy Warbucks and will be out that door the second the money stops coming.
There is literally no difference between this type of relationship and paying a hooker.
As for when you're 50, plenty of men and women look fantastic even at that age and for men, it is quite dependent on how much hair you still have. Women young enough to be their granddaughters STILL get slush panties over Brad Pitt, Depp, Robert Downey Jr., etc. and I assure you it's not because they're rich. Although I'm sure it doesn't hurt.
If I had 100mil, I'd buy a house, buy all the rare instruments I want, and spend the rest traveling the world, enjoying fancy foods and try to invest what remains in whatever intelligent investment I could make; not surround myself with purchases and people who don't give a sh*t about me and are just there to bolster their own status and hope to get a handout.
If money is what really matters, why aren't Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates married to the sexiest women alive? It's because they know that those women are out of their league and any who would be into them are just diggin' for gold.
What did women want BEFORE money? Genetics. They wanted strong, good-looking, tall, healthy men who could protect the tribe and would produce god-tier offspring. That primal instinct has never gone away and it never will. Anything else is just an illusion.
I did my best, but @WhitePolarBear can explain it better.
This is basically the truth. If you're rich you have a realistic chance to get a very good-looking woman, however she will only be there to exploit you if you aren't good-looking. This is women's nature. Since Stone Age they've always looked for men with resources. A white, good-looking woman is basically a born millionaire regardless of her social class because she will leech off some rich man pretending she loves him and meanwhile getting his money. Genetics are genetics, there's no way around that and you can't buy elite genetics with money. This is why I find people who want to become rich because of women (and other materialistic intentions such as villas and yachts) , pathetic.
So isn't a woman who goes for looks just using you for your genetics? Goes both ways. We're all using each other. Now I'm taking the summer home in Italy and the apartment in Miami beach, the Lambo, and helping my entire family and friends. And charitable ventures. All that, and I can wear a perfect hairpiece like all the other mega rich hollywood dudes. See you courtside at the NBA playoffs!
This is why I find people who want to become rich because of women (and other materialistic intentions such as villas and yachts) , pathetic.
Jnix made a good point. Women want an attractive guy because their brain is programmed to get the best possible genes in order to get the best possible offspring. Just think about two scenarios: In the first one a woman mates with a 5' 6 , random, average guy; In the second scenario she mates with 6' 1 Chad. In which scenario will the kid probably be more grateful for his mother's choice? Obviously no woman thinks this consciously when she looks at an attractive guy but this is natural selection in action, so you are right, sexual attraction is certainly real but its underlying cause is utilitarian from a biological point of view. For example, many women (but definitely not all of them) will tolerate Chad's annoying vanity but, as you actually said, reject an ugly guy with an interesting personality. There's no logical explanation for this except that she's not interested in passing on his personality genes. So in conclusion: Does she exploit your genetics? Yes, but subconciously.No it's not.
Sexual attraction is what romantic relationships are ultimately built on since the dawn of time.
How many women have you met who were nice, funny, smart, and seemed like good women but you wouldn't f*** them? Exactly.
The pills that are hard to swallow when it comes to good looking people, is that many of them are indeed also people with all the desirable personality trait and yes, there are studies that show there is also a case to be made for good-looking people also being smarter on average.
People want the most attractive partner they can get. Period.
Hair loss is really a strange experience from an emotional point of view. When you realize for the first time that you' re balding you become melancholic because a part of you you' ve always loved is disappearing, just like when someone of your family is seriously ill lying on his deathbed . But then you get used to this fact. Nobody is dying, "it's just hair". But then you start imagining how other people will judge you once you' re a NW3+, especially women, and this is where hair loss is destructive and leads balding men to overanalyze themselves.It's become clear to me that a large number of guys here don't actually care about hair; they care about women.
Whatever thing they think will make women love them is what they want. A lot of guys here would trade hair for height or money if they think it will make women trip over themselves.
Lol saying $100m and then spend a fortune on hair restoration is like when a kid says they’re one wish would be to have a million wishes
The question was essentially $100m & bald Vs $0 & NW1 for life
Sure with 100mil, you can have all the nice things you want and do the things most people can’t but what happens when you look in the mirror? You’ll get the same self-loathing feeling you had before the money.
It’s not really about hair nor women wanting you as much as it’s about feeling good and accepting yourself, no amount of money can buy you that ‘cause it has to come from within.
Some people can accept baldness and feel good about it which is great. Others can’t and start to hate themselves.
Either you can accept it or not, the amount of money you have/will get is irrelevant.
No where in the title or body does it say $100mil and bald forever with no chance of treating hair loss vs $0 dollars and NW1. That was literally something you added after someone said the inevitable and the obvious, that they will take the $100 mill and just basically treat hair loss. That's the logical thing to do. You can't just say here's $100 mill but if you take it you're banned from restoring your hair, this isn't dragonball z dude.
I said this over on that blog the other day,
Polls like this tend to be extremely hyperbolic and skewed in such a way to make you choose what is the least desirable option.
Like HLC2020's poll was would you rather be in good shape, but bald for life or have hair but be fat for life.
Unsurprisingly, more people chose the former. Usually, people use this as a sort of 'gotcha'! moment, where they would say "See!? Baldness isn't that bad! More people chose the bald option!"
Yeah, except in real can lose weight.
I have read all your posts
you're fantasazing over the idea of having a good looking wife and living happily with a full head of hair because you know it's far from what you can achieve
Plus you're saying that women are always looking for the supreme genome, how does that exclude the bald man lol do you think the example below cannot provide the perfect semen ?