Yeah hairloss kills your chances


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm glad your getting it on SuperF. At my work, all the overweight/homely girls love me. They see my bald head and equate that as the great equalizer to their own aesthetic shortcomings. The attractive ones however struggle to even look me in the eyes through their thin veil of politeness and seem to can't leave my company fast enough. :dunno:

UCMAN, this is some very depressing read but I got this quote from

"Women rationalize men's shortcomings. That's why women say bald is sexy. They have to believe it because they've lost power in the relationship."

There you have the explanation why these types of girls almost never say no to a bald person. They dont have the option to pick the best looking guy out there which hot girls always have.

uncomfortable man

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superfrankie said:
uncomfortable man said:
I'm glad your getting it on SuperF. At my work, all the overweight/homely girls love me. They see my bald head and equate that as the great equalizer to their own aesthetic shortcomings. The attractive ones however struggle to even look me in the eyes through their thin veil of politeness and seem to can't leave my company fast enough. :dunno:

UCMAN, this is some very depressing read but I got this quote from

"Women rationalize men's shortcomings. That's why women say bald is sexy. They have to believe it because they've lost power in the relationship."

There you have the explanation why these types of girls almost never say no to a bald person. They dont have the option to pick the best looking guy out there which hot girls always have.

In other words, yes. They can relate to that vulnerability and thus feel a bond. The attractive ones however can't relate and usually prove to be rather unsympathetic. Beauty=Power. Power corrupts.


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yes exactly if i had power, say like donald trump, my combover would simply be canceled by that fact becuase i get hot girls becuase im rich and powerful etc.

but yeah that artical is not encouraging, its like saying some 30 year old women have to let a bald man in becuase they lose power.

i mena most men in 30s still have hair, what like 90%.


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uncomfortable man said:
They can relate to that vulnerability and thus feel a bond. The attractive ones however can't relate and usually prove to be rather unsympathetic. Beauty=Power. Power corrupts.

Soooo true. The best looking people out there are the ones who cant relate to other"normal looking" people´s physical shortcomings and thus they take physical perfection for granted, both in themselves and in people they have sex with or hang out with.

I see so many hot chicks out there who take everything for granted in life. Having a job, meeting hot guys, having sex whenever they want etc etc. They live in another reality.


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Been talking to someone today, she soooo wanted to get in my pants.. anyway, she goes like I can't believe a guy like you is still single, there is a certain vibe about you, etc... I'm like WTF!!!!

It's interesting that no one says I'm good looking, I guess my looks aren't my strongest point, but it sounds like my body language, etc is good enough :woot:

She's separated and with kids, I don't want to get involved with such people. Before you say anything, the conditions aren't exactly right for one night stand neither.. If I want to see her I'd have to make an effort like traveling to her place, and that would signal a level of interest. I don't want to give her any false messages. If she was next door or something, that would be just too easy...

lol wow, when I read the bolded part, I thought you were going to try to justify referring to single mothers are 'such people', but no, you wanted to justify why you didn't try for a one night stand.

Seriously, wow.


It's funny how I didn't care (and probably most of us) about if someone was bald/balding, until I started balding myself. I mean, when I saw bald/balding guy then, first thing I did wasn't looking at his head, and thinking "OMG he's bald/balding". And I believe most of other non balding people do not care. It's just people who have hair problems themselves are very aware of it and are able to point it out instantly.


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm glad your getting it on SuperF. At my work, all the overweight/homely girls love me. They see my bald head and equate that as the great equalizer to their own aesthetic shortcomings. The attractive ones however struggle to even look me in the eyes through their thin veil of politeness and seem to can't leave my company fast enough. :dunno:

What would you have done if you were born with a lazy eye, large ears, large birth mark, big nose, or [...]? My point is that many people have to live with these "flaws" too, and they are also in the unbearable situation that people struggle to look in their eyes.


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TravisB said:
And I believe most of other non balding people do not care. It's just people who have hair problems themselves are very aware of it and are able to point it out instantly.

You have a point, absolutely!

Its the same with other flaws. When I had acne in my teens all I saw was people´s flawless skin. It made me go crazy. Today, that´s not the case anymore since my acne is gone.


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dudemon said:
superfrankie said:
uncomfortable man said:
They can relate to that vulnerability and thus feel a bond. The attractive ones however can't relate and usually prove to be rather unsympathetic. Beauty=Power. Power corrupts.

Soooo true. The best looking people out there are the ones who cant relate to other"normal looking" people´s physical shortcomings and thus they take physical perfection for granted, both in themselves and in people they have sex with or hang out with.

I see so many hot chicks out there who take everything for granted in life. Having a job, meeting hot guys, having sex whenever they want etc etc. They live in another reality.

The same is true for every person that they encounter and interact with on a daily basis as well. (Coworkers, supervisors, job interviewers, etc...)

I dont disagree with that one either. Its a totally different reality.

When I go out clubbing and talk to hot chicks, almost everytime they ask me "Soo...where do you work?" Its like they take for granted that I have a job, just because every guy they have been with earns money to provide for them (a form of prostitution IMHO. Its the same principle).

Just because they have never been unemployed (solely due to their looks btw), doesnt mean everybody have the same prerequisites. What I hate the most about extremely good looking people is their inability to show emphaty. They can never relate to normal looking people who have to fight to get something in life.


superfrankie said:
TravisB said:
And I believe most of other non balding people do not care. It's just people who have hair problems themselves are very aware of it and are able to point it out instantly.

You have a point, absolutely!

Its the same with other flaws. When I had acne in my teens all I saw was people´s flawless skin. It made me go crazy. Today, that´s not the case anymore since my acne is gone.

Only a few people told me that I got receding hairline. Ironically, those were the guys who are balding too :mrgreen:. I haven't ever received any remarks about my hair from non balding guys or girls. I'm a diffuse NW2-2.5 (diffusion is very noticeable in my opinion).


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TravisB said:
Only a few people told me that I got receding hairline. Ironically, those were the guys who are balding too :mrgreen:. I haven't ever received any remarks about my hair from non balding guys or girls. I'm a diffuse NW2-2.5 (diffusion is very noticeable in my opinion).

haha, Im not suprised. Once you start loosing your hair the only focus you have is on people´s hairline.


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My world is unbeleivably dark and bleak at the moment.

My love in life is women. My passion. Its what excites me. Not saying that Im a player or anything. Just that meeting women is what I love. Simple.

And for a few years I was desired. When my receding hairline hadn't made much of an impact. Now my f*****g recession has made my forehead look bulbous and shitty and it has completely fucked up the proportions and contours of my face. My attractiveness went down from what I perceived to be between 8-9 to about a 6-7.

I feel like a pig. I hate myself right now. Now im just another average joe who has to get lucky with some fat pig f*** for a women.

It doesn't matter how good my body is, or how nice my clothes are. Its all about the facial aesthetics. Thats all that matters, as long as your body isn't fat and you have at least decent clothes. You can't polish a turd. Once Im fully bald..f***..I don't know what I'll do. Im not tall. I live in the f*****g UK and dont get much sun so ill be pale and bald. And god help me if I have a beer belly. Shortish, fat, bald..what more could you want. I'll have to play the 'ironic' bald guy card in life. Hey everyone! Im the bald guy!

And Ill never be able to get with hot girls anymore. I'll have to settle for someone who is on a similar level of attractiviness to me when Im fully bald. Ill have to settle for second best. All because the f*****g hairs on my head fucked me. f***.

Life to me is just a constant f*****g rat race. Work like sh*t. Have sh*t things happen. The only good reward is finding a nice woman. But how will do I do that as a bald f***. A bald f*** with ruined self belief and confidence.

My only hope now is to look impeccable in other areas. Dress well always. Have a great body and make sure my complexion is good through fitness and diet and overall health. As a bald guy you have to really put the effort in, and all that effort doesn't take away the effects of the baldness.

How f*****g demoralizing will it be when even hypothetically im doing everything I f*****g can to still look good. Dressing well, eating healthily, looking tan, having a good job etc but the hot women will still pick up any guy with a nice face and hair over me.

So all the effort you put in, the returns are really diminishing once you get bald.


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Pacman said:
My world is unbeleivably dark and bleak at the moment.

My love in life is women. My passion. Its what excites me. Not saying that Im a player or anything. Just that meeting women is what I love. Simple.

And for a few years I was desired. When my receding hairline hadn't made much of an impact. Now my f****ing recession has made my forehead look bulbous and shitty and it has completely f***ed up the proportions and contours of my face. My attractiveness went down from what I perceived to be between 8-9 to about a 6-7.

I feel like a pig. I hate myself right now. Now im just another average joe who has to get lucky with some fat pig f*ck for a women.

It doesn't matter how good my body is, or how nice my clothes are. Its all about the facial aesthetics. Thats all that matters, as long as your body isn't fat and you have at least decent clothes. You can't polish a turd. Once Im fully bald..f*ck..I don't know what I'll do. Im not tall. I live in the f****ing UK and dont get much sun so ill be pale and bald. And god help me if I have a beer belly. Shortish, fat, bald..what more could you want. I'll have to play the 'ironic' bald guy card in life. Hey everyone! Im the bald guy!

And Ill never be able to get with hot girls anymore. I'll have to settle for someone who is on a similar level of attractiviness to me when Im fully bald. Ill have to settle for second best. All because the f****ing hairs on my head f***ed me. f*ck.

Life to me is just a constant f****ing rat race. Work like sh*t. Have sh*t things happen. The only good reward is finding a nice woman. But how will do I do that as a bald f*ck. A bald f*ck with ruined self belief and confidence.

My only hope now is to look impeccable in other areas. Dress well always. Have a great body and make sure my complexion is good through fitness and diet and overall health. As a bald guy you have to really put the effort in, and all that effort doesn't take away the effects of the baldness.

How f****ing demoralizing will it be when even hypothetically im doing everything I f****ing can to still look good. Dressing well, eating healthily, looking tan, having a good job etc but the hot women will still pick up any guy with a nice face and hair over me.

So all the effort you put in, the returns are really diminishing once you get bald.

Yeah well feel fortunant; it could be worse. Hair cloning might be a reality in a few years despite what dudemon says.

Imagine if you were born 20 years ago, you will just need accept that this is your fate and get on with it....AND, get your hair styled by a proper expensive stylist, it makes a difference; they will give you the best look with the amount of hair you have right now.


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Pacman said:
How f****ing demoralizing will it be when even hypothetically im doing everything I f****ing can to still look good. Dressing well, eating healthily, looking tan, having a good job etc but the hot women will still pick up any guy with a nice face and hair over me.

Imagine how non-aesthetic guys (with or without) must feel. At least you've had decent looking women. What about the rest of us who've never had the privilege? Can you imagine how depressing it is?


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CaptainForehead said:
Pacman said:
How f****ing demoralizing will it be when even hypothetically im doing everything I f****ing can to still look good. Dressing well, eating healthily, looking tan, having a good job etc but the hot women will still pick up any guy with a nice face and hair over me.

Imagine how non-aesthetic guys (with or without) must feel. At least you've had decent looking women. What about the rest of us who've never had the privilege? Can you imagine how depressing it is?

Being a non-aesthetic guy, it is possible to still pick up girls being it.

But you have to work f*****g hard, to do so.


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@captain forehead.

that is liek saying what about people that have been in a wheelchair all their life vs people that end up in wheelchair 25+, its the same idea some people have had full head of hair 19-25 then sh*t hits the fan at 25, for me i had problem as soon as i hit 19 so i dont know what its like to look "normal" if you get me with my thinning hair at 19.

its really bad to have no memory of yourself with a full head of hair, to have a worry of hair problems at 19, its not good. how many people must have that, maybe 1% of men?

also i agree with the whole being bald and dating thing, you basically feel like sh*t all the time.

baldness really messes with your facial features, it creats a really "wierd" and unnatural look, you look kinda deformed compared to a guy with a hairline.

obvisouly it's not that bad in normal socail interaction, but when it comes to dating half the time you look really rubbish is an unnatural way - especially against club lighting or daytime sunny lighting (checkk pics of bruce willis in daytime if you dont beleive me).

that is why im trying to get my hairpiece working 100% correctly for the clubs so im not bald anymore.

i took a trip to a chip shop today and 10 25-35 year old guys walked in with full NW1 hairlines, it really pissed me off, this is just who they are, its natural, and then i saw a 50 year old man with a full head of -grey - hair. THIS IS NORMAL/NATURAL, but loss of crown at 25 is not normal or natural for us.

we have been royally fucked over in life!


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hmm yeah but NW2 is ok, you can be 14 and be NW2

but yeah the NW3 at 21 sucks, at 21 my hair was thinning and there was somethign up with my hair although my hairline was a NW1 for sure, the thinning just looks wierd and wrong, but i think it would be better than being a NW3 but still.

yeah i thnk its more like 5% of men, but the problem is you dont know any other male friends directly that have that hair problem, unless you have 50 male friends that you see every 3 months at the age of 19-24, so you literally feel alone/isolated and feel liek the only balding guy your age on this planet.

but in respect if you knew some 25-30 year olds, somme of them woudl have NW3 hairlines etc.

i remeebr at college i was 19 with thinning hair, and there was some guy at 25 with a NW3, so there you go.


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Pacman said:
My world is unbeleivably dark and bleak at the moment.

My love in life is women. My passion. Its what excites me. Not saying that Im a player or anything. Just that meeting women is what I love. Simple.

And for a few years I was desired. When my receding hairline hadn't made much of an impact. Now my f****ing recession has made my forehead look bulbous and shitty and it has completely f***ed up the proportions and contours of my face. My attractiveness went down from what I perceived to be between 8-9 to about a 6-7.

I feel like a pig. I hate myself right now. Now im just another average joe who has to get lucky with some fat pig f*ck for a women.

It doesn't matter how good my body is, or how nice my clothes are. Its all about the facial aesthetics. Thats all that matters, as long as your body isn't fat and you have at least decent clothes. You can't polish a turd. Once Im fully bald..f*ck..I don't know what I'll do. Im not tall. I live in the f****ing UK and dont get much sun so ill be pale and bald. And god help me if I have a beer belly. Shortish, fat, bald..what more could you want. I'll have to play the 'ironic' bald guy card in life. Hey everyone! Im the bald guy!

And Ill never be able to get with hot girls anymore. I'll have to settle for someone who is on a similar level of attractiviness to me when Im fully bald. Ill have to settle for second best. All because the f****ing hairs on my head f***ed me. f*ck.

Life to me is just a constant f****ing rat race. Work like sh*t. Have sh*t things happen. The only good reward is finding a nice woman. But how will do I do that as a bald f*ck. A bald f*ck with ruined self belief and confidence.

My only hope now is to look impeccable in other areas. Dress well always. Have a great body and make sure my complexion is good through fitness and diet and overall health. As a bald guy you have to really put the effort in, and all that effort doesn't take away the effects of the baldness.

How f****ing demoralizing will it be when even hypothetically im doing everything I f****ing can to still look good. Dressing well, eating healthily, looking tan, having a good job etc but the hot women will still pick up any guy with a nice face and hair over me.

So all the effort you put in, the returns are really diminishing once you get bald.

I understand why people come to these forums (heck I'm one of them.) It's a kick in the nads losing your hair and sharing your experiences with other balding men helps in away, letting off steam sharing opinions etc, it's almost like a hobby once you feel you know quite a bit about male pattern baldness. However, when you read posts like that where people think their lives are over, some even confessing to suicide attempts, it just goes to show that a lot of people here have psychological issues which really is a much bigger problem than hair loss.

I'm 18 years old, and all my life up until college I was overweight, had a large forehead, not a great looking guy. On top of this, I was insanely quiet and shy (this flaw still haunts me) and would go bright red at the mere mention of my name.

In my mid college years, I somehow transformed- grew a few inches, got my hair cut ( following terrible haircuts for my naturally thin and curly hair) lost a lot of weight, and was somehow now this fairly good looking guy. When people then started commenting on my hair (friends with banter) I began to worry about hair loss.

Two years on, the recession hasn't got much worse if at all but I do believe I am going to lose more. But by now, after only a couple of years of slight worry I really don't care much.

The point of this (unintentionally long winded) post is that at an age where looks are so important, considering I've been pretty unattractive up until the age of 16 or so, I don't let hair loss rule my life. I try to look my best obviously, but that's all you can do. To be honest, finding posts where people older than myself are suicidal over hair loss makes me feel a lot better about myself than a full head of hair would. Male pattern baldness isn't fair, but there are fair worse things on this earth that people can't do anything about that are also unfair. Not being able to get past this lack of 'fairness' is what ruins your life, not the baldness.


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dudemon said:
I know what being in that 1% is like. I was the ONLY kid in HIGHSCHOOL who began to show signs of male pattern baldness BEFORE my highschool graduation! In fact, at 17 years old I became a NW1.5 and by the time I hit 19, I was already NW2-2.5 with a very visible thinning crown and widow's peaks. By the time I hit 21, I was already a NW3, and I hit NW4 before my 24th birthday. I luckily only went from a NW4 to NW5 by the time Propecia was released in 1998.

What did your widow peak look like? I am so confused with what a receeding hairline looks like in its earliest stages in comparison to a mature hairline. You have some dude's who's hairline is like this, not a sharp triangle:


Then you get guy's whose hairline goes back like this, my hairline is like his ATM:




His hairline has obviously changed.

What do you classify as receeding?

And are all high NWs, bald by the time they are in their early/mid twenties