
Your Usual Morning Routine Regarding Hair Loss


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I grab my hat and set out for the day. If I have meetings scheduled at work that day, or some other function (a date, party, or anything formal/semi-formal), I allow myself 3 hours to "prepare" my hair using gobs of concealer.

Recently I've been thinking about switching from a combover (I'm NW2.5-3.0ish currently) to a style that would take less time to prepare, even with concealers. Just sort of swept towards the front-middle from each side and matted tight on the sides. According to a couple of girls who've woken up with me, it looks better than how I usually wear it (the only time I've been able to achieve that style has been after sleeping - my hair just gets matted down that way but apparently it looks good).


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I wake up relatively happy. I like the lighting in my bathroom so I usually feel pretty great, looking in the mirror. Not to say I consider myself to be godly good-looking, but because I have been in situations in past years where I would look into the mirror and see a wispy forelock that is mostly gone, see-through hair, and a NW3 hairline, on top of a vertex "monk spot" if I angled my head in a specific way. Makes me appreciate the hair I have now.

I don't have a lot of bad hair days, but sometimes I put on a hat if I just feel extra bad (relative to how it usually is, I don't think I look balding to people on the streets, these days), but that isn't more frequent than once a month. I generally avoid hats if I don't specifically wear one for the day like described, since I always get mildly anxious about removing my hat and seeing if my hair is kinda flat and bad after taking off the hat. I hate having to touch my hair when I feel like it is good. That's the one trait I can't get rid of, even with a recovery on the big three: I feel anxious about people touching my hair, or I feel like I have a need to adjust my hair, etc. To be honest, I should try to stop overdoing it, since it doesn't look abnormal even when it's windy.


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I hate small talk, and I don't talk to them about anything which concerns me or my life. They make fun of me behind my back, though.
why don't you work your way up to a management position, then the tables turn. You'll strike fear in their eye at contact, and you'll
enjoy it every moment. People will be talking to you like you're a NW1


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I'm not feeling hate, I'm just pointing out that it's silly to overly praise bald guys on doing fairly standard things, and this guy seems like a fine youtuber and presenter but he is pretty standard in the world of presenting.
I moved the lawns yesterday.


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I wake up. Look in the mirror. Become upset as my hairline is farther back than it was the day before.

I then take my Finasteride, pray to the hair gods and take a shower. The whole time checking my hands for hairs. And maybe use nizoral and pray some more.

Then I put on my hat and begin my day.
hey man try this one as you lather up:

From the crown of my head to the soul of my feet
In the name of Jesus Christ I command every hair follicle
on my head to produce healthy unhindered hair as was designed by God
So that I may have a full head of hair all the days of my life
for the greater glory of God, I am blessed and not cursed
and any blessing by God is stronger than any curse.

Worth a shot


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Waking up, feeling pretty good because my mind and body finally got to relax during night time. Pop 1/4th of a 1mg finasteride pill. Go the bathroom and look at my hair; "People will notice my thinning hairline any day now, results have to come soon." The stress is already getting to me at that point. I Put some styling mousse in my hair and blow dry it. It makes my hair look like 25% denser, so I feel a bit better.

In general I just wait for the day where I see an army of little terminal hairs popping up. I know it's not a realistic thought but yea..


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Looking in mirror, I get pissed off, than pop a quarter of Finasteride. Will than sometimes spend up to an hour trimming and sculpting facial hair on my otherwise round baby face. I look 10-12 years younger than my age without beard.
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When I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth, look at my head and say f--K I'm bald!
The depression kicks in for a second, than I realise it's out of my control,I put on deoderant and body spray, I put my hat on and I'm out the door.


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When I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth, look at my head and say f--K I'm bald!
The depression kicks in for a second, than I realise it's out of my control,I put on deoderant and body spray, I put my hat on and I'm out the door.
And have a sh*t day?


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I usually tilt my head back thinking "wow this looks great" as I still have a forelock and then slightly tilt my head forward until I go "wow, looks like trash" and go along with the rest of my day.


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hey man try this one as you lather up:

From the crown of my head to the soul of my feet
In the name of Jesus Christ I command every hair follicle
on my head to produce healthy unhindered hair as was designed by God
So that I may have a full head of hair all the days of my life
for the greater glory of God, I am blessed and not cursed
and any blessing by God is stronger than any curse.

Worth a shot

Thanks, I just turned from a Norwood three to a Norwood zero. Very appreciated!