
Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Yea I'm thinking of going Derminator now too. The site goes to explanation of it compared to the cheaper pens: 2/DERMINATOR 2 digi-needler (US plug)/

Also at the bottom is a link to a youtube video where the creator compares the Derminator to a Derma Pen. A lot of microtearing in the latter.
Keep in mind this probably isn't as big of deal when its on your scalp covered in our new luscious hair, but still. There are also other benefits..



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has it anything changed in terms of texture? I had 3 sessions with the dermapen 2 years ago on my face but didn't change my deep acne scars, although it did help in terms of having less oily skin.

Not that I could really tell but I probably didn't use often enough to make difference.


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ffs guys you can get a dermastamp for like $30

why drop a bill or more on something that is dead simple. you are wounding not engaging in neurosurgery. You could get a large bore hypodermic needle give yourself a few hundred pokes, it wouldnt be very efficient but its the same effect. Having an electronic device is really not necessary.


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Ordered a Dr Pen A6 Ultima for £54.. hate using minoxidil though.. hate having slightly raised heart rate and aged face. Might use it with PMO or Rosemary oil.


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Ordered a Dr Pen A6 Ultima for £54.. hate using minoxidil though.. hate having slightly raised heart rate and aged face. Might use it with PMO or Rosemary oil.

That's what I'm currently doing. I always hated the idea of using minoxidil. So I apply pumpkin seed oil + rosemary oil six times a week and leave it on overnight. Plus 1.5 mm dermarolling once a week and 5-10 min head massages 6 times a week.

I'm considering a dermapen, too. If I notice any changes after 3-4 months of using the derma roller, I'll probably invest in one.


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That's what I'm currently doing. I always hated the idea of using minoxidil. So I apply pumpkin seed oil + rosemary oil six times a week and leave it on overnight. Plus 1.5 mm dermarolling once a week and 5-10 min head massages 6 times a week.

I'm considering a dermapen, too. If I notice any changes after 3-4 months of using the derma roller, I'll probably invest in one.
How long have you being applying the oils? Any improvement?


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I think about 2 months but I only recently went from 3 times a week to 6 times a week (it's kind of annoying to wash it out in the morning). I used the derma roller for the 4th time just an hour ago.

So far, no improvements, but I guess it's way too early to tell. By the way, I only treat the frontal region of my scalp because I don't lose any hair on the crown of my head at all.


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I think about 2 months but I only recently went from 3 times a week to 6 times a week (it's kind of annoying to wash it out in the morning). I used the derma roller for the 4th time just an hour ago.

So far, no improvements, but I guess it's way too early to tell. By the way, I only treat the frontal region of my scalp because I don't lose any hair on the crown of my head at all.
I know, constantly washing my hair to remove the fibers to apply oils and vice versa. Too much water can’t be good for the hair either.. swelling up the follicles.


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I have nothing to lose at this point except $140. I just purchased the same wireless dermapen this guy is using with extra needles. My current hair state is much better than what his was before he started this regimen so if I can get even 50% of the results he had I would be thrilled.

I don’t expect much considering I’m on 0.5mg of finasteride daily and use minoxidil Foam 1x daily for the past 4 years, which at best has just maintained my poor hair state. However, incorporating this can’t hurt. I’ll keep you guys posted.


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So dermastamp is better than a roller? I just bought a 1.5 mm roller, but some say it's not good? Am I safe to use this anyway and how often if so?

How long do I put it in alcohol before use? Do I have to apply my head with anything before using it too? Best used on wet or dry hair?


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So dermastamp is better than a roller? I just bought a 1.5 mm roller, but some say it's not good? Am I safe to use this anyway and how often if so?

How long do I put it in alcohol before use? Do I have to apply my head with anything before using it too? Best used on wet or dry hair?
A roller is fine. Once a week. I put my dermaroller in alcohol for 10 minutes before using it for the first time, then wash it off with hot water, then roll. I used my dermaroller over 10 times before replacing it, just making sure to soak in alcohol and let air dry until the next time. Then just use hot water, then roll again. Best to use after shower, on wet hair.



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A roller is fine. Once a week. I put my dermaroller in alcohol for 10 minutes before using it for the first time, then wash it off with hot water, then roll. I used my dermaroller over 10 times before replacing it, just making sure to soak in alcohol and let air dry until the next time. Then just use hot water, then roll again. Best to use after shower, on wet hair.

Thanks man!

Just wondering though. Is it necessary to wash it with hot water? Like could I not just use it straight after the alcohol? Because I heard some say that hot water is not clean.

Do you apply like a numbing cream before rolling because of the pain? And do you apply any oil or clean the blood with anything afterwards? Thinking of cleaning my scalp with disinfectant tissues after rolling.

In the video he seems to be using a spray which seems more economical, but is it safe to spray it instead of soaking?


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You can skip the water if you want. I don’t use numbing creams. And disinfectant wipes are also optional. Won’t make a difference. Soaking and spray will do the same thing. I don’t leave it soaked, i just roll it in a glass of alcohol for like 10 seconds then air dry.


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would it be a good idea to put anything on tour scalp after a Vitamin C gel?


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The one thing that makes it suspicious is that he is shilling that dermastamp with an affiliate link sadly.

But yeah incredible results

Wait, it's suspicious because he links to Amazon to show what dermapen he used, a question he knew he would undoubtedly be asked when posting his results? lol


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I don't get why so many people get so upset because @74775446 placed a couple affiliate links.

Come on, the guy posted a lot of good quality photos and answers almost every question, both of which take time. What's wrong with making a couple dollars in return, especially considering that it doesn't cost you anything at all? I really don't see how that affects his credibility.

There's plenty of research on micro needling. If you're interested but not willing to invest a lot of money yet, get a cheap 1.5mm roller, give it an honest try for a couple of weeks/months. 74775446 just shared the great results he got, nobody's being forced to buy exactly the product he used, let alone use the affiliate links.


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Do you really need to roll for like 10-20 minutes? Study was 20 minutes if I remember, but that seems awfully long. Wouldn't it just take like 2-3 minutes to do the whole scalp?