Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Do you really need to roll for like 10-20 minutes? Study was 20 minutes if I remember, but that seems awfully long. Wouldn't it just take like 2-3 minutes to do the whole scalp?

Doesn't seem long to me. I only use the derma roller on the frontal region of my scalp and that already takes 7-8 minutes if done thoroughly and in all directions. If I had to do the entire scalp I'd definitely invest in one of those pens I guess.

Also, remember that you only do it once a week. I think 20-30 min a week really isn't a lot of time.


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Doesn't seem long to me. I only use the derma roller on the frontal region of my scalp and that already takes 7-8 minutes if done thoroughly and in all directions. If I had to do the entire scalp I'd definitely invest in one of those pens I guess.

Also, remember that you only do it once a week. I think 20-30 min a week really isn't a lot of time.

Yeah I'll probably not go on the whole scalp, just the thin areas, but for me it seems long because I read you just need to roll like 15 times totally and not overdo it? What is the proper way to do it?

You guys use 0.5mm daily too? How long you roll with that?


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Just did my first session with 1.5mm needles. I have to say it does hurt quite a bit. Went on for about 20 minutes. Got redness and some blood spots. Didn't bleed that much though. Not sure if I should go harder next time.


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Just did my first session with 1.5mm needles. I have to say it does hurt quite a bit. Went on for about 20 minutes. Got redness and some blood spots. Didn't bleed that much though. Not sure if I should go harder next time.
I don’t think it’s necessary to go so hard it bleeds, you’ll still get the same results


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If you don’t bleed you aren’t wounding
And if you dont want to bleed, then that person needs to use a 0.5mm and not a 1.5
Did you watch the video of @74775446 and how he uses his dermapen? There’s no blood and he has the best dermarolling results I’ve ever seen. He sets his pen to 2.0 mm.


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No need for bleeding...see below:

"Punctate bleeding is not necessary to get the best results from micro-needling. Medical micro-needling uses very fine stainless steel needles to make superficial channels into the epidermis and dermis to release growth factors that promote the deposition of normal collagen. So the key to micro-needling is the healing response that this process stimulates. It is actually the keratinocyte, a cell that is in the superficial layers of the skin, which is responsible for releasing several key growth factors that facilitate ideal skin rejuvenation. "


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Thank you! If I wanted to make remotely seriously money I'd be importing and promoting my own brand; not recommending the cheapest ones people can buy.

You only apply liquid minoxidil correct? Have you ever tried the foam? Do you believe you’re achieving better results with the liquid? I’ve always wondered about the difference between both topicals and if one is more effective than the other. I’ve only used the foam all of these years.

Why hasn’t anyone tried dermarolling like this consistently on this forum? I personally tried it several years back, but couldn’t commit because I found it very painful when using a standard dermaroller.

However, these results are damn impressive and if the dermapen can make doing this less uncomfortable then I’m all in to try it again.

I’m actually shocked this thread isn’t getting more attention considering these results. More people are focused on an Italian lotion than trying something that “could” potentially be very effective.


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Dermaneedling just obliterates my scalp for about 5 days. I have to use concealer on my hairline just to leave the house. I'm using a derminator on .75mm. I have no idea how anybody can do it at 2mm every 2 weeks.


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Thanks man!

Just wondering though. Is it necessary to wash it with hot water? Like could I not just use it straight after the alcohol? Because I heard some say that hot water is not clean.

Do you apply like a numbing cream before rolling because of the pain? And do you apply any oil or clean the blood with anything afterwards? Thinking of cleaning my scalp with disinfectant tissues after rolling.

In the video he seems to be using a spray which seems more economical, but is it safe to spray it instead of soaking?
I spray mine down with high octane alcohol every time I’m done. Works just fine.


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Alright, I'll go a bit easier next time.

I read that you shouldn't go over the same place, but for me it's really difficult because you want to make sure you achieve that redness in all areas.

By the way, I got the worst itch after rolling. I did shower with nizoral before though, so not sure if it had to do with that. I read that you could apply some oil (like peppermint oil) to ease the itch. Good thing I had some in the fridge. It definitely worked.


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I put undiluted peppermint oil on my head one time...never again. Literally all I use is a dermaroller/pen and minoxidil, plus Nizoral once a week. I don't think all these extra supplements to a great deal. Nizoral gives me a bit of itch the next day, too. I use it at night so I can wash the flakes out in the morning.

I use it daily (1% solution). What shampoo do you use other than nizoral?


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If the study says it takes 20 minutes, then take 20 minutes. You need to do it once every 1 - 2 weeks so it's not a huge time commitment.

in my case I don't really look at the duration. I just focus on the numbers: 8 times (back and forth) in all 4 directions (if dermarolling) and 8 times if dermastamp(my hairline). tbh You can dermaroll during 1hour but with the worst technique ever, but you can also take a couple of minutes and have the best technique and efficiency.. that comes with experience^^. I use dermaroller for 1 year and 1 half and it takes me few minutes to do my whole scalp (al norwood 6 area). It's all routine at the end


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I spent ages finding cheaper ones on Amazon so I've updated the links. You can get cheaper ones off sites like but you'll wait a while for postage. I honestly think this is a cure and if I get 5% kick back off cheap rollers then so be it.

How is Somebody trying to make money? I think I saw an ebook or something like that.

It's just a matter of time before a big pharma company does this. I looked into setting up a company but minoxidil is a medicine and very hard to get a licence to sell: Regaine/Rogaine kind of has a monopoly on that one, other than Kirkland.

It's certainly not a cure for everyone. No offence, but dermarolling with minoxidil is nothing new here. There are just some people who are hyperresponders ( like you ) to this kind of treatment. I guess your follicles seems to be resting and are not dead, I don't know.

Yeah, I've read Somebody's book. Not impressed to be honest, but it's OK, especially for a newbie.

One thing I see with many hyper-responders is, you've all been using minoxidil liquid and not foam which is interesting.


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Hopefully it will work for him too. Seen a few pics of guys that were totally bald and it regrew for them. Not much but definitely a huge improvement. Adding min will make it even better. I think you really just need to get going. Might take a few months or even years to get good results. I'm excited though


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You should be! Get going, post photos. I know this has been around for ages but do exactly as I did (very simple) regimen and let's see how many have success.

Yup, do you dermaroll daily with 0.5mm too, before applying min? How long should one be doing that, 20 mins as well?


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Did dermarolling for four months almost five years ago. Didn’t get any results*, but some people definitely did, and it’s a very good thing that people are still trying this!

* I am not a responder to minoxidil, if that helps or not.