
Recent content by Roox

  1. Roox

    Im 18 Years I Going Are Taken Under Bright Light.

    Have you tried any special shampoo? I know that tea tree shampoo helped some people. There are also other things you can try like rogaine.
  2. Roox

    What Treatments Have Worked For You?

    I have a friend who used rogaine for woman and it helped improve her hair which she was happy with.
  3. Roox

    Post Flawless Songs (genre Irrelevant)

    Best to listen with headphones.
  4. Roox

    Does It Look Like Hair Loss, I’m 19

    Which shampoo do use? Many people dealing with hair loss use argan shampoo because it can help with it.
  5. Roox

    Help! 21 Year Old Hairloss, Advice Please!

    There are many things you can do to help like the above user said there are great wigs out there I also recently read about Rogaine for woman which I found out about because I use Rogaine for men and it works decently but everyone has different results..
  6. Roox

    So, this is it...

    As long as you are strong about it and dont let it hold you back it will be good. Just some advice from all the girls I talked to they said they find bald men more sexy than men with male pattern baldness.
  7. Roox

    I'm 19, am I losing my hair?! I'm confused!

    Do you find this happened more when you are stressed? That can be a main factor for you losing your hair.
  8. Roox

    Thinning Crown?

    its thinning . If it gets worst than you should start worrying.
  9. Roox

    How bad is my thinning/balding?

    From what I can tell its miner thinning but I would be able to tell better if the pictures were more clear.
  10. Roox

    17 year old with worst hairloss you've ever seen

    Did you try propecia or anything similar? I think that would be a good start. Patrick Stewart started going balled as a teenager and look how many people love him. Losing your hair will only hold you back if you let it.
  11. Roox

    so sad

    having sex is so much more important than having hair.
  12. Roox

    3 guys 1 hammer is the 2nd most horrifying video on the internet. This is the 1st.

    I heard of that and I know I wont let my curiosity get the better of me.
  13. Roox

    Receding hairline or not?

    Looks fine to me. Better safe than sorry.
  14. Roox

    Argument with fapstronauts "nofap people on reddit"

    Theses nofap people are crazy.