

  1. S

    Male 27 , Am I balding or is this a mature hairline ?

    Hey Guys , I am 27 and I need your help in deciding which phase of recession I am in right now . I am posting some pictures and hope that this would help you guys to give me some idea regarding my hair loss
  2. S

    Is this male pattern baldness or mature hairline ?

    Hey Guys , I am 27 and I need your help in deciding which phase of recession I am in right now . I am posting some pictures and hope that this would help you guys to give me some idea regarding my hair loss .
  3. O

    Is my hairline receding or is it a mature hairline?

  4. S

    Where do I belong on Norwood scale?

    Hi guys, first time writing here. I was going through some photos of myself and noticed that my hairline at the temples got a little bit deeper through the years, especially compared to my 15 year old self. I know that as we age hairline usually matures and some hairloss post puberty is...
  5. Bora

    Does male pattern baldness depend on the country ? How ?

    I'm Turkish and 23, almost Norwood 3 and I'm also a member of a Turkish hair loss forum. In that Turkish forum when I showed them I'm almost nw3, they didn't surprised, even some of them said I'm on a cool spot according to my age. And I realized in that forum, guys who're on their early 20s are...
  6. Bora

    During the social life, which norwood scale do I look like ?

    I didn't wash and set my hair for days and today I realized my receding temples are too obvious rather than when I do a comb over, so according to the pictures which Norwood stage do I look like ? Will it be too obvious that I'm balding during the social life ? P.S.: I'm 23. My regimen is...
  7. Bora

    Which norwood stage am I at ?

    I brushed my hair to the top to understand my norwood stage better. I still have no clue about my norwood stage. I'm 23, i started to use minoxidil and oral dutasteride(RU ain't available in our country). I want to know my norwood stage. 2 or 3 ? It is complicated I cannot understand by myself...
  8. A

    Possible to go from norwood 3 to one of the "A" norwood types?

    Have attached an image. ATM I am somewhere around II (on this diagram), maybe a tiny bit further. However I seem to have miniturised hair that would suggest I am losing the "forelocks" areas in the middle of my forehead. Is it possible to start out balding in the typical pattern, and then when...
  9. A

    Help, Receeding Hairline In Unusual Way, At Front

    I have attached some pictures of my hairline. (Ignore the skin visible at the part, I think that's just because I tightly parted it with my hand to show the area I'm talking about) My hair seems to be receeding. It's receded quite a bit at the temples, and not much at the middle (no loss at...
  10. A

    How Likely Do You Guys Think It Is That I Will Continue Balding From Where I Am Now?

    Currently I would say I am a Norwood 3 ( according to the definition there. My Dad's hair looks exactly the same as mine does and he's 55, my Uncle (Mum's side) is the same. Sadly they are...
  11. G

    Likely Nothing But Must Bring It Up

    Hello everyone. Recently I started Biotin, MSM, and oral castor oil. Now I know those won't really do much for hairloss but may help the hair Seem thicker cosmetically. My current regimen is Biotin, MSM, oral castor oil l, and most recently 24 milligrams of astaxanthin daily Interestingly...
  12. S

    Is There Any Improvement On Hairline?

    Hi there, i’ve been experiencing hairloss for over 2 years now. I have attached my photos from 1 year ago vs now. I’ve been using minoxidil 5% and finasteride 1mg during this time and maybe its paranoia, but i cant really tell if i’m going in the right path. The after pic is when i’m out of the...
  13. P

    What Norwood Would You Say I Am? And When Can I Expect The Final Results From minoxidil And Finasteride?

    So i consider myself a norwood 2.5 at 19 which totally sucks but since I'm on medication rn it makes me feel better cause in the end at right age i wanna get my hair transplant. So i was just wondering when can i expect the finish/final results from finasteride and minoxidil? Also i didnt...
  14. P

    I Have A Plan To Save My Hair Help Me Out

    So this is my plan, guys correct me if this plan have any flaws im 19 with norwood 2.5 and im super depressed since i realized im balding, like its affecting my health in a really bad way like i automatically start crying sometimes and sometimes vomit. So yeah so my plan is to save my hair till...
  15. P

    Does My Crown Seems To Be Thinning?

    I got a pimple on my crown so i took pictures and this got me worried male 19 is this a cowlick? Or thinning or do u think its beacuse of my long hair?
  16. P

    Shall I Start Big3? Am I Norwood 3 Now? (19y.o) Balding Since 16!!

  17. P

    Am I Norwood 2 Or 3? Shall I Hop On Finasteride 19y.o Male

    Also my forhead is quite big when i pull my hair back!
  18. N

    I Want An Opinion On My Norwood Scale And Hair Density. Help!!!!

    So I'm a little scared right now about my situation. I think I'm balding, and im pretty obsessed with my hair. So I just want to know if I'm paranoid or not Btw my dad is 50 years old and is hardly Norwood 2 but both my grandfathers lost their hair at a pretty early age.
  19. P

    What Norwood Do U Think I Am? I Should Start Finasteride Soon? I'm 19y.o

  20. D

    Baldness Pattern From Great Grandfather?

    Hi i am wondering on what stage of baldness im going to be (currently 23 years old Norwood 2 with noticed crown thinning only if you are aware of it). I am doing PRP for maintenance and some home remedies (mainly because i want to have a good scalp health). My maternal grandfather was Norwood 3...