I have a father that started balding at 40, mine has been speeding up dramatically, however my pattern is very different than from my father, he has diffuse thinning on top . I also have diffuse thinning but the front part is still thick, plus i have seborrheic dermatitis which is being...
So here is the dealeo I'm not sure what one would label my hairloss exactly. I first noticed when my mother pointed it out when I was a teenager as she asked if my hair was receding, at this point it freaked me out quite a bit but the receding seemed to freeze at that level and has remained that...
hey could you guyes help me out with this ?
i noticed my hair was receding in the temples when i was 18 now im 26 and the last 2 years my hair got thinner on the sides ( retrograde alopecia ) now my hair is getting thinner all arround :/ its really weard do i have dupa? i also noticed my beard...
I’ve posted before and people told me to come back when I notice real change. Well it’s happened. This is the first real noticeable change in my hairline. The pictures kind of speak for themselves and my temples are completely different. Moms dad was full on NW7 by 30. F. Probably a bad sign to...
I've received many conflicting answers from people telling me that I should get it checked by a derma because of how it looks, people telling me that there is 0 hair loss, (which just isn't true a maturing hairline is still hair loss but whatever) and people saying that I'm in the top 10% based...
Around 7 months ago I started to notice hair in my hands while showering, but oringally attributes it to the fact that I was growing my hair out for the first time and that’s why I could see it. However I feel as if my hairline has gotten patchy on my temples and that my crown (I have a hair...
Why are younger men usually told off when contemplating starting dutasteride/finasteride? By young men I mean men in the 17-20 year mark. Is there a scientific reason behind why they're usually told to wait until they're at the very least 21-22, also if you were to start at 17-19 - would that...
Hi all,
I posted a few weeks back and didn't get many responses.
From 1/25/18:
"New member here. I am a 25 year old male, and have been concerned about hair loss since May 2017.
A little family history:
My mother has a full head of hair
My mother's father has hairloss
My mother's fathers...
Hi all,
New member here. I am a 25 year old male, and have been concerned about hair loss since May 2017.
A little family history:
My mother has a full head of hair
My mother's father has hairloss
My mother's fathers brother has hairloss
My mother's brothers (My uncles (50yr & 55yr old) have...
Hello boys, hope you're doing well and fighting in the fight the best way.
A quick update: 1 year, 2 months of finasteride 1mg; I'm maintaining + slight thickening. I'm still VERY dubious about starting minoxidil because it's a hassle and stopping it might affect the good things I got while on finasteride, but...
Hey guys, what the thread is about is in the title. Here are pics of my hair from top with strong flash and under some light bulb. Is it thinning? It's about to start, it started, it's aggresive? Is it the way my hair grows? Also I'm giving few pics from front, so you could tell me if it's...
The first 4 pictures were taken 3 months ago after a shower (damp hair) . The two following pictures have been taken today. I also uploaded two videos so you can see differences depending on the direction of my hair. https://imgur.com/a/lRIHc
My hairline is solid but now I'm 26 and it's been 4+...