So I don't be really know what to put for this in all honesty. About 3 years ago was the first time I actually noticed my hairline because someone pointed it out to me. Ever since then I have been extremely insecure about it, making every attempt possible to try and make it less visible. Should...
hello everyone I am 18 years old and for the past year I've noticed thinning that started on the sides of my head and now it's started to affect my temple region now I've come to accept it's probably male pattern baldness I'd just like to know what Norwood is my hairline currently in and where...
My family has been trying to tell me that my hairline is perfectly normal and that I'm not balding but I've definitely noticed a difference. If I actually am experiencing male pattern baldness, I'd like to begin treatment to avoid further hair loss so I need honest opinions. I thought I'd add that I'm not...
I feel like I've begun to suffer some form of body dysmorphia with my receding hairline sometimes when I'm having a good day i feel like I'm seeing a norwood 1.5 other days a 3 or worse I would like to see where you guys would place me because I can't stop over thinking it i know me knowing...
Hi guys .
I dont know if it means something but at least it could finaly put som theories in grave.
like - gravity theory, gelea theory and many others.
Thing is I realized that almost every man which suffers male pattern baldness will lose his neck hair at around norwood 6 / 7 . We are so...
So il give you little bit of background history on what's been going on with my hair this few past months I've had seborheic dermatitis. My scalp was itchy, I did scratch my scalp but not that rough. I went to the dermatologist and he gave me some pills and a medicine for the hair. The medicine...
Hi everyone, I've been reading forums for a number of years to better prepare myself. Never posted, but felt I had to because everyone seems to miss out a few important factors... cultural and social implications of shaving one's head, which you can skip to in the last 3 paragraphs; the rest is...
Hi guys, could you tell me what norwood you think I'm at and any treatment you could recommend, I have noticed only recession at the temples for a couple of years now and no real thinning or bald spots, but have always been reluctant to seek advice until now, would be great to have some advice
I am 25 and wondering where I fall on the Norwood scale. I seem to have "diffuse thinning" on top with more pronounced hair loss towards the crown.
I have been using Rogaine for 3 months now but have seen more shedding than anything else. Trying to decide if I should get a hair transplant...