In my opinion you should experience life a bit, get some perspective of things, it sucks to lose hair I'm right there with you being a young guy and all but there exist so much worse stuff in this world than the stuff that wanna make you kill yourself, see a shrink and talk with em for a bit, explore life, go out and travel see all the beautiful things that exist. The absolute hardest part for me with losing hair was that I became introvert for quite some time and I lost meaning of living, I picked myself up and explored life and found that more stuff exist out there than me losing hair and that very few people actually care all that much, and looking back I was the same way I never really thought twice that someone was bald never thought they looked weird or anything, they were just bald as someone was a redhead or blonde but now when I am balding I see every single person who has a little recession and think "Dude you should get on Propecia before it's to late.". Hair loss itself is usually never the problem with anything, it's usually the loss of self esteem you get with hair loss that is the cause of the headache.