hairhaircomeagain said:
Question: You had been shedding a lot once, I remember. Any idea how much you were losing? ?
I was shedding tremendous numbers of hairs daily. I remember counting 600+ shafts during the first days of my minoxidil shed. I used to pat my head and my sink was instantly getting a hairstyle. After 2 weeks it stopped. Completely. For several months I seemed to not lose a single hair no matter how hard I pulled. Then during the 8 months mark(i think) I started shedding very lightly again, and it continues up to this day. The quality(thickness) of the hairs I shed is a tad worse than my default.
I have been going through a minoxidil shed since 10th June almost a month in now and losing 100+ hairs which has now come down to 60 hairs since the past few days. ?
Very normal and to be expected. You seem to be a responder to minoxidil. And your shed is calming down too.
[quote:f6cb5] That said my hair looks much darker probably thicker. I have black hair like yours. So I am wondering whether to stop minoxidil or continue with it ?