A Closer Look At: SHBG & Metabolic Clearance.


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

"the hair on the sides of the head are still able to grow because there is plenty of blood supply to this area"
I thonk that hat's theory of hair loss is totally wrong. ;)


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

armandein said:
"the hair on the sides of the head are still able to grow because there is plenty of blood supply to this area"
I thonk that hat's theory of hair loss is totally wrong. ;)

I'm not suggesting that hair loss is caused by hats, I'm saying that there is a lot more blood available to the sides of the head compared to the top.


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

Mr E,
flood blood and "oxigenation"is the same in both areas (hairy and bald)


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

misterE said:
I'm not suggesting that hair loss is caused by hats, I'm saying that there is a lot more blood available to the sides of the head compared to the top.

Hey, Bee-Bop! Why do you suppose hair transplants work on balding men? :)


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

Hey Bryan, good to see you on this thread finally, you seem to be lost for words about S.H.B.G. thou.

Anyway I'm gunna answer your question with a question of my own, maybe you can help; doesn't the hair from the transplanted area, when moved to the top, doesn't it thin over time? I've always heard that hair transplants do infact thin out once again as time goes on.


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

dpdr said:
Dr Rassman ( :whistle: ) talking about S.H.B.G

http://www.baldingblog.com/2010/01/18/s ... hair-loss/

I don't trust Dr. Rassman... I believe he is working in the interest of drug companies instead of actually helping.

Anyway here are some interesting articles about what he says about dairy. Notice how he doesn't offer any real help, tips, advice, or studies of his own to counteract what has been said about the dairy and hairloss connection! It is quite obvious to me that meat and dairy are the actual cause of baldness...but that doesn't mean everyone will be affected by it...there are always exceptions.

1.) http://www.baldingblog.com/2008/05/05/d ... hair-loss/
2.) http://www.baldingblog.com/2008/06/11/dht-and-milk/
3.) http://www.baldingblog.com/2008/06/18/g ... s-in-milk/
4.) http://www.baldingblog.com/2008/08/22/e ... calp-ooze/


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

misterE said:
Anyway I'm gunna answer your question with a question of my own, maybe you can help; doesn't the hair from the transplanted area, when moved to the top, doesn't it thin over time? I've always heard that hair transplants do infact thin out once again as time goes on.

Oh, maybe a little, but over really extended periods of time, like DECADES, not just a year or two. It's probably just a general part of the aging process. Furthmore, balding hair follicles, when transplanted to non-balding areas of the body, continue their normal pattern of balding, just the same as they did when they were on top of the scalp. How do you explain that? :)


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

Bryan said:
Oh, maybe a little, but over really extended periods of time, like DECADES, not just a year or two. It's probably just a general part of the aging process.

Sounds just like "the balding process". This didn't prove your point.

Bryan said:
Furthmore, balding hair follicles, when transplanted to non-balding areas of the body, continue their normal pattern of balding, just the same as they did when they were on top of the scalp. How do you explain that?

Never heard of that. But my guess would be there is high levels of either S.H.B.G. bound estradiol (which acts like D.H.T.) or just S.H.B.G. bound D.H.T. attached to the S.H.B.G. receptor which is destroying that follicle.

Nashville Hairline

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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

monty1978 said:
I aggree totally. Rassman has a chip in the bigger game, no doubt whatsoever!
Gotta defend ol' Rassman here..he's conservative about these things cos he runs a site and could run into legal difficulties telling people to dive into treatments that have no solid proof behind them. Also, he's not idiot enough to fall for "My cousin does x and has a full head of hair therefore x it what we all should be doing" type of typical internet opinion.

His chip is in hair transplants but even then he won't tell young guys to go for it. I like him, his site is pretty informative I think.

Sorry for the hijack MisterE!

Nashville Hairline

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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

monty1978 said:
Could you let me know of any products he has advocated that aren't propecia or minoxidil please. I would like to be proven wrong he does indeed come accross as a genuine bloke.
None because Finasteride and minoxidil are the only FDA approved ones. Maybe privately he might recommend stuff but he's responsible enough not to publish it on his site.


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

misterE said:
Bryan said:
Furthmore, balding hair follicles, when transplanted to non-balding areas of the body, continue their normal pattern of balding, just the same as they did when they were on top of the scalp. How do you explain that?

Never heard of that.

That's correct: you haven't heard of it (despite the fact that it's been discussed REPEATEDLY on this site in the past by me and Stephen Foote), because all you're interested in are these ridiculous ideas having to do with dietary habits and SHBG.

misterE said:
But my guess would be there is high levels of either S.H.B.G. bound estradiol (which acts like D.H.T.) or just S.H.B.G. bound D.H.T. attached to the S.H.B.G. receptor which is destroying that follicle.

Yeah, you're right: it's just a GUESS, and a pretty stupid one at that. Explain to all of us why there is "SHBG bound estradiol" or "SHBG bound DHT" in such follicles (regardless of where they get transplanted), but not in other non-balding hair follicles in and around the scalp, or anywhere else in the body. Hmmmm?? :)


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

I could have swore that you posted a study showing that transplanted hair follicles from the head onto other tissue didn't thin and actually "regenerated"...I'll try to find that for everyone.

By the way...Rassman isn't on the top of Mercks pay list...Bryan is!


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

misterE said:
I could have swore that you posted a study showing that transplanted hair follicles from the head onto the arm didn't thin...I'll try to find that for everyone.

I know this stuff is difficult and complicated for you, but try really really hard to understand: all the available studies, including BOTH Orentreich's seminal 1959 study which started the transplantation industry, AND the Nordstrom study to which I referred above, clearly demonstrate the "donor dominance" of transplanted hair follicles: balding scalp hair follicles transplanted to other areas of the body (even the arm, as in the Nordstrom study) continue to go bald, right on schedule; and healthy, growing hairs transplanted to balding areas of the scalp continue to thrive. Explain THAT with your "SHBG" silliness, Sherlock.


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Re: A Closer Look At: S.H.B.G. & Metabolic Clearance.

Bryan said:
Uhhh....that has to do with transplanting human hair follicles onto IMMUNE-DEFICIENT MICE, dumbbell.

Transplants are transplants.