A study on pgd2 and androgens relationship


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Castor oil dosent work . I save you money and time . Its been used by so many ppl. All started from the same studies. male pattern baldness is some strong complicated sh*t . Heavy gun like dutasteride and finasteride dosent stop it so your wasting your time . But go a head
Clearly you have your mind set in your ways— so no point in trying to argue further :) again— many people (including many on this site) will attest to it having an effect on hair growth. And also your claiming dutasteride and finasteride don’t stop hair loss...? I’m not even gonna touch that one, my friend lol


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Non of this drug are stopping her loss they slow it down . But the way they work does nothing to solve the root of male pattern baldness which is your sensetivty. And im happy you try stuff that what i love about this fourm , but its old stuff that ppl already tried in the past there is even a section here you need to find it and read what ppl report
Sure— I agree. But unfortunately, that’s the best option we have right now. Until they find some way to literally alter you DNA (which is most likely YEARS out), this is all we got. And it’s pretty effective. Hell, People manage to hold onto their hair for decades from just finasteride.


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I think SM look promising , it even kept working when ppl stopped using in the study . And im hyped for that since its closer then ever.
Yes agreed. All we can do is cross our fingers and continue with the treatments available to us now. Trust me— if I didn’t have to be on dutasteride, absolutely crushing my DHT, I wouldn’t. I think it can’t be good for you health— altering your hormone profile if you are a healthy adult— if you don’t absolutely NEED to (whether it be for health reasons, or transitioning)


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I feel you finasteride dosent stop my hairloss like to alot of ppl . And i really need somthing new quick before i lose to much
If you are open to it— I will say dutasteride has made a big difference for me. I was on finasteride for about 3 years with great success. Then starting receding again. After about 6 months of switching, my shedding is way down, and crown is thickening up again


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You talk about like its no the first choice of ppl that dont want to use finasteride. We been there . Dosent work. We have like 400 studys of things that work on paper but not in real life. That the bitter truth
Keep taking your finasteride pill and keep balding


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What do you mean? I do it all over my scalp and it is all covered with longish hair. Try a 2mm one or more. It rarely catches and it seems to cause less damage than the duller needles, not more.
I have DUPA, so i am losing my hair mon top, sides and back. It's a rare form of male pattern baldness


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lol @ roeysdomi, I remember that nutter from tressless.

Anyway, do you guys not notice any negatives from niacin flushes? No effects on your mood oranything?
None for me. I can be cranky af sometimes, but I think that’s just a result of 2020/2021 being complete *** lol


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Do you know how much pgd2 is reduced by niacin?
So in theory if i add niacin to my regimen may be things like minoxidil can act better?
I don't know how much it reduces pgd2, but it's high enough to bring some results.

I think adding oral niacin to a minoxidil treatment will be very beneficial


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Is it hormonal issue or its genetic issuse?
the main problem is not ur androgens its your sensetivty to them i know thick strong nw1 with dense beard that in their 30s while i know 19 guys with no faciel hair who balding . Its the sensrtivty problem and im glad kintor developing somthing aginst it
The study i posted literally shows that "androgen sensivity" comes from pgd2


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Prostaglandin D2 receptor (DP2) antagonist (TM30089) decreases dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-induced androgen receptor (AR) and prostaglandin expression in human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs)

Nice find, thanks for posting.
Are you administering aspirin orally or topically?


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I thought I was imagining it— but my shedding has reduced 10 fold since incorporating niacin flushes every other day
A 10 fold reduction in shedding is amazing!! I've yet to find anything that reduces my shedding that dramatically.

May I ask which niacin brand & dosage you are using?

A week ago, I started taking Life Extension No-flush Niacin 640mg (Niacin activity without the characteristic flush) but I'm guessing it's too soon to notice any shedding reduction. I'm curious how many weeks before you started to notice reduced shedding with Niacin? I'm curious if your shedding reduced all at once or if it sort of slowly ramped down?
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I dont understand, just cut off androgen signaling, especially on scalp, and you're good lol.

Tho you will most likely have more problems then... just than hairloss lol


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A 10 fold reduction in shedding is amazing!! I've yet to find anything that reduces my shedding that dramatically.

May I ask which niacin brand & dosage you are using?

A week ago, I started taking Life Extension No-flush Niacin 640mg (Niacin activity without the characteristic flush) but I'm guessing it's too soon to notice any shedding reduction. I'm curious how many weeks before you started to notice reduced shedding with Niacin? Did shedding reduce all at once or did it kind of slowly ramp down?
GNC. 1000 MG