Accutane a cure


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Nene said:
blaze said:
No one on this thread knows what there talking about. Especially that egyptian doctor. No wonder he was kicked off the merek team, for being a moron. male pattern baldness isnt caused by sebum.

Androgen attach themselves to the Androgen Receptor on the hair follicles. Thye then enter into the nucleus of the cell where they will stimulate gene transcription. This process has nothing to do with sebum.

Low dose Accutane will not stop this process.

Also if sebum DID cause hairloss, then everyone who has an oily scalp who got hairs transplanted there would lose their new transplanted hairs.

Also why doesnt the hair on the back of the head get effected by sebum too if sebum is the culprit behind male pattern baldness as another poster pointed out?

I also took low dose Accutane at 10mg twice per week and it did NOT stop my hairloss at all.

I cant beleive people are buying into this BS.

If you can take 1 thing from this post let it be this: Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness?Hairloss is NOT caused by sebum!

Finally someone with some sense. Are you guys seriously mildly retarded??? You come up with some ridiculous theory about sebum causing hair loss and then will risk your health based on it? Do you think you know better than the scientists who study this stuff? This reminds me of those silly theories people came up with back in the days about hats or masturbation causing hair loss. But you actually buy into it and will take a VERY potent drug to test out this theory. STUPID. I took accutane as a teenager and guess what??? My acne was gone but my hair loss started briefly after that. My skin and hair was less oily, which according to your dumb theory would make me male pattern baldness proof, but no, this is when I started losing my hair. Can your theory explain that??? Unless you have a seirous case of acne, keep away from this stuff! It is a prescription medication for a reason! This isn't some game where you should just try different drugs!

WOW! man! you call people retarded because they are trying something new and post their results from it in the Experimental Treatement section? STFU. BTW we are talking low dosage of accutane...f*****g start to read the damn thread properly .Bigger the lie is, the more people believe in it.. We spent the last decade talking about DHT as the culprit. Funny because we have a lot of sh*t on the market to reduce DHT almost to nothing but we still going bald? People are saying that low dosage of accutane will affect your health.. What about finasteride and dutasteride? LOL. f*****g troll... you don't agree with the tread just don't post anything..f*****g skip it. GO read some thread about b**ch tits and masturbation because this is where you belong.


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squeegee said:
Nene said:
blaze said:
No one on this thread knows what there talking about. Especially that egyptian doctor. No wonder he was kicked off the merek team, for being a moron. male pattern baldness isnt caused by sebum.

Androgen attach themselves to the Androgen Receptor on the hair follicles. Thye then enter into the nucleus of the cell where they will stimulate gene transcription. This process has nothing to do with sebum.

Low dose Accutane will not stop this process.

Also if sebum DID cause hairloss, then everyone who has an oily scalp who got hairs transplanted there would lose their new transplanted hairs.

Also why doesnt the hair on the back of the head get effected by sebum too if sebum is the culprit behind male pattern baldness as another poster pointed out?

I also took low dose Accutane at 10mg twice per week and it did NOT stop my hairloss at all.

I cant beleive people are buying into this BS.

If you can take 1 thing from this post let it be this: Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness?Hairloss is NOT caused by sebum!

Finally someone with some sense. Are you guys seriously mildly retarded??? You come up with some ridiculous theory about sebum causing hair loss and then will risk your health based on it? Do you think you know better than the scientists who study this stuff? This reminds me of those silly theories people came up with back in the days about hats or masturbation causing hair loss. But you actually buy into it and will take a VERY potent drug to test out this theory. STUPID. I took accutane as a teenager and guess what??? My acne was gone but my hair loss started briefly after that. My skin and hair was less oily, which according to your dumb theory would make me male pattern baldness proof, but no, this is when I started losing my hair. Can your theory explain that??? Unless you have a seirous case of acne, keep away from this stuff! It is a prescription medication for a reason! This isn't some game where you should just try different drugs!

WOW! man! you call people retarded because they are trying something new and post their results from it in the Experimental Treatement section? STFU. BTW we are talking low dosage of accutane...f****ing start to read the damn thread properly .Bigger the lie is, the more people believe in it.. We spent the last decade talking about DHT as the culprit. Funny because we have a lot of sh*t on the market to reduce DHT almost to nothing but we still going bald? People are saying that low dosage of accutane will affect your health.. What about finasteride and dutasteride? LOL. f****ing troll... you don't agree with the tread just don't post anything..f****ing skip it. GO read some thread about b**ch tits and masturbation because this is where you belong.

DHT triggers the glands in your follicle to overproduce sebum. Bacteria gathers in this overflow and your immune system then attacks the bacteria, INCLUDING the hair follicle with inflammation. this can be a very credible hypothesis about hair loss.


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monty1978 said:
Is it still going well squeegee?

LOL always Monty!..I increased my dose of B5 to 15mg ( 5mg 3 x a day) still taking it with Coenzyme A and B-complex and cannot believe the results.. No more Acne, face and back and my Hair are really dark and thick... f*** the haters! So much better that previous experiences with dutasteride or finasteride. I also stopped finasteride for good. Still applying Sepicontrol A5 from Makeup Artist's Choice twice daily. So far so good... I would like to try the Low dosage of accutane route but my doctor won't find any reasons to give me a prescription! and cannot find a legit place online to buy the goods..I will stay with my stack for now...


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squeegee said:
WOW! man! you call people retarded because they are trying something new and post their results from it in the Experimental Treatement section? STFU. BTW we are talking low dosage of accutane...f****ing start to read the damn thread properly .Bigger the lie is, the more people believe in it.. We spent the last decade talking about DHT as the culprit. Funny because we have a lot of sh*t on the market to reduce DHT almost to nothing but we still going bald? People are saying that low dosage of accutane will affect your health.. What about finasteride and dutasteride? LOL. f****ing troll... you don't agree with the tread just don't post anything..f****ing skip it. GO read some thread about b**ch tits and masturbation because this is where you belong.

I second all you say, Squeege and I just point out that there's at least one version of MBP called " seborrheic alopecia " which is definitely caused by excessive sebum.


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squeegee said:
Nene said:
blaze said:
No one on this thread knows what there talking about. Especially that egyptian doctor. No wonder he was kicked off the merek team, for being a moron. male pattern baldness isnt caused by sebum.

Androgen attach themselves to the Androgen Receptor on the hair follicles. Thye then enter into the nucleus of the cell where they will stimulate gene transcription. This process has nothing to do with sebum.

Low dose Accutane will not stop this process.

Also if sebum DID cause hairloss, then everyone who has an oily scalp who got hairs transplanted there would lose their new transplanted hairs.

Also why doesnt the hair on the back of the head get effected by sebum too if sebum is the culprit behind male pattern baldness as another poster pointed out?

I also took low dose Accutane at 10mg twice per week and it did NOT stop my hairloss at all.

I cant beleive people are buying into this BS.

If you can take 1 thing from this post let it be this: Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness?Hairloss is NOT caused by sebum!

Finally someone with some sense. Are you guys seriously mildly retarded??? You come up with some ridiculous theory about sebum causing hair loss and then will risk your health based on it? Do you think you know better than the scientists who study this stuff? This reminds me of those silly theories people came up with back in the days about hats or masturbation causing hair loss. But you actually buy into it and will take a VERY potent drug to test out this theory. STUPID. I took accutane as a teenager and guess what??? My acne was gone but my hair loss started briefly after that. My skin and hair was less oily, which according to your dumb theory would make me male pattern baldness proof, but no, this is when I started losing my hair. Can your theory explain that??? Unless you have a seirous case of acne, keep away from this stuff! It is a prescription medication for a reason! This isn't some game where you should just try different drugs!

WOW! man! you call people retarded because they are trying something new and post their results from it in the Experimental Treatement section? STFU. BTW we are talking low dosage of accutane...f****ing start to read the damn thread properly .Bigger the lie is, the more people believe in it.. We spent the last decade talking about DHT as the culprit. Funny because we have a lot of sh*t on the market to reduce DHT almost to nothing but we still going bald? People are saying that low dosage of accutane will affect your health.. What about finasteride and dutasteride? LOL. f****ing troll... you don't agree with the tread just don't post anything..f****ing skip it. GO read some thread about b**ch tits and masturbation because this is where you belong.

If I don't agree with the thread don't post anything? As someone who has taken accutane, I think my input in this thread is very valuablel. I actually think accutane may have initiated my male pattern baldness and I would recomend staying as far away from it as possible to anyone who is losing hair, unless they have severe acne. But would you prefer if everyone just came on here and agreed with your theory? The point of this is to discuss, to debate, not to just go along with what the OP says. Accutane is known for causing hair loss so I don't know why you would take it in the hopes that it stops hair loss, even if it is a low dose. Thats like saying, finasteride causes low libido, but if you take a low dose, it actually helps increase libido. The side effects of a medication don't reverse just because you are taking a lower dose, they are simply diminished. You don't realize how serious this drug is, it is a prescription medication for a reason. For a while it was controversial and in the news because a few kids commited suicide while on it. I don't want young guys coming on here and reading this, and in desperation getting this medication from the internet (which I don't think is ever safe anyway) and possibly doing some damage to their health. There is no real scientific evidence behind this theory. But no, I shouldn't express my opinion because I'll offend this dork with the nightmare before christmas as his avatar. Maybe I shouldn't have said retarded, but I don't appreciate someone perpetuating silly theories and endorsing taking potent mediations w/o a prescription.


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The main focus in the study of Isotretinoin has been on acne treatment. Unfortunately this has been shadowing its prohibiting effect on hair loss. However the scientific evidence for how it could work against male pattern baldness is clear. Isotretinoin is an androgene that inhibits 5-AR and the production of DHT. Which in fact today is the main explanation of how male pattern baldness develops.

Recently, a group of Japanese researchers reported a correlation between excessive sebum in the scalp and hair loss. Excessive sebum often accompanying thinning hair is attributed to an enlargement of the sebaceous gland. They believed excessive sebum causes a high level of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and pore clogging, thus malnutrition of the hair root and a shift into the resting phase.

Various substances of steroidal or nonsteroidal structure may serve as an alternative for the antiandrogenic treatment of acne. Compounds with antiandrogenic properties like cimetidine or ketoconazole are rarely administered for acne due to their weak effects. In contrast, spironolactone is an effective antiandrogen that shows good treatment effects in hirsutism and acne. Side effects occur frequently and are dose dependent. Isotretinoin--the most effective agent in acne therapy--has been under discussion for additional antiandrogenic properties for years. At present there is additional evidence for the antiandrogenic effects of isotretinoin. Regarding substances acting on both levels, androgen receptor binding and 5 alpha-reductase inhibition, the question is raised whether the term 'antiandrogen' should be amplified by including the 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors. This would pay tribute to the biological aspect of antiandrogenicity that takes into account not only the mode of action but also the effects of the substance. Under this aspect type 1 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors may gain attention in the future. ... dinalpos=3

Isotretinoin, used to treat severe acne, has been shown to induce hormonal changes, especially to reduce 5 alpha-reductase in the production of the tissue-derived dihydrotestosterone (DHT) metabolite 3 alpha-Adiol G. However, the effects of isotretinoin on other pituitary, adrenal or gonadal hormones have not been thoroughly elucidated. In the present study, isotretinoin administered at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks caused no marked changes in the serum levels of pituitary, adrenal or gonadal hormones or 3 alpha-Adiol G in patients with severe papulopustulotic acne (n = 19). After 12 weeks of therapy, there was a decrease in the levels of the precursor androgens androstenedione, testosterone and 3 alpha-Adiol G in 6/9 patients. Acne improved after 4.5 months in all but 2 male patients, who had very low serum hormone binding globulins (SHBG) and a high free androgen index (FAI). Isotretinoin did not affect the elevated LH/FSH ratio in a patient with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS); nor did it change the high FAI or low SHBG in the male patients. For comparison, tetracycline had no effects on the serum hormonal levels of patients with mild acne (n = 19) after 7 days of treatment. This study confirms that the effects of isotretinoin on the serum hormone levels are small and unlikely to be of relevance for the resolution of acne or the suppression of sebum excretion.
PMID: 9298137 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLIN ... dinalpos=5

An oral daily dose (mean +/- SD, 0.75 +/- 0.05 mg/kg) of isotretinoin was administered for 3 months to six male patients with acne (scores of 4 and 5 according to Rosenfield). The therapy resulted in complete resolution of acne in four patients and improved acne significantly (score 1) in two patients. In accordance with recent findings, no change in serum testosterone and significant decreases in 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol glucosiduronate, and androsterone glucosiduronate levels were observed after treatment. Androgen receptor status was investigated in back skin biopsies obtained in acne areas before and after 3 months of isotretinoin treatment. The treatment did not modify the binding affinity constant of skin androgen receptor (0.44 vs. 0.32 nmol/L), but it did induce a 2.6-fold decrease in its binding capacity constant (62 vs. 24 fmol/mg cytosolic protein), as assessed by Scatchard plot and confirmed immunologically by Western blot analysis. These data clearly showed that skin androgen receptor was sensitive to oral isotretinoin administration in acneic patients. The decrease in skin androgen receptor levels (this study) and the recently reported suppression of skin 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone production by isotretinoin treatment appeared consistent with the involvement of androgen receptor and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone in the pathogenesis of acne. Indeed, sebum production is under androgen control, and an abnormal response of the pilosebaceous unit to androgens appears to be implicated in the pathogenesis of acne. These observations were consistent with the absence of sebum in complete androgen-insensitive patients and normal sebum production in male pseudohermaphrodites. ... inalpos=11

To investigate the effect of 13-cis-retinoic acid (13-cis-RA) treatment on androgen metabolism in men with severe nodulocystic acne, eight men with severe acne received an oral daily dose of 0.7 mg/kg 13-cis-RA over 3 months. Exploration of androgen metabolism in serum samples, 24-h urine collections, and skin biopsies obtained before and at the end of the treatment revealed no significant alterations in serum levels of either adrenal or gonadal androgens. However, the treatment did induce significant decreases in serum levels of the 5 alpha-reduced androgens: 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (P < 0.02), androsterone glucosiduronate (P < 0.04), and 5 alpha-androstan-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol glucosiduronate (P < 0.004). Unlike serum, the urinary 5 alpha-reduced metabolites 5 alpha-androstan-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol and androsterone did not vary significantly despite a decrease in the excretion of the latter. Moreover, a marginally significant increase in urinary excretion of etiocholanolone, very similar to the decrease in androsterone excretion, was observed. The ratio of androsterone to etiocholanolone decreased significantly (P < 0.004) after 13-cis-RA therapy and suggested a metabolic deviation from the androgen 5 alpha- to 5 beta-reduction pathway in the liver. The most pronounced effect was observed in skin biopsies, which lost 80% of their ability to form 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (P < 0.001). It is concluded that 13-cis-RA therapy in men with severe nodulocystic acne did not alter gonadal or adrenal functions, but it did induce 1) a highly significant decrease in 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone formation by skin biopsies; 2) significant decreases in serum 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, [b/]androsterone glucosiduronate, and 5 alpha-androstan-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol glucosiduronate; and, finally, 3) deviation of the liver androgen 5 alpha- to 5 beta-reduction pathway. The effect of 13-cis-RA treatment on severe acne is consistent with the dramatic decrease in androgen 5 alpha-reduction observed mainly in the skin. ... inalpos=12

Sebaceous glands are stimulated by androgens and can convert them to more active forms. Isotretinoin, however, has a profound inhibitory effect on sebaceous gland size and function. This study evaluated the effect of isotretinoin on serum levels of precursor and tissue-derived androgens. Twenty-four subjects (15 men and nine women) were treated for 20 weeks with 1 mg/kg/d of isotretinoin. Serum samples were obtained at baseline, 8, 16, and 24 weeks, and assayed for precursor androgens--total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (free T), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S); and tissue androgens--dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and its metabolite, 3 alpha-androstanediol glucuronide (3 alpha-diol G). Isotretinoin had no meaningful effects on precursor androgens, except for producing an elevation of free T in women. In contrast, isotretinoin produced depressions in the serum levels of DHT and 3 alpha-diol G in women and in 3 alpha-diol G in men. These decreases are believed to be the result, rather than the cause, of a reduction in the size of the sebaceous glands: The magnitude of the observed decreases may represent the amount of tissue-derived androgens that sebaceous glands normally contribute to the circulating pool. ... inalpos=13


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Interesting studies Loster! Welcome to the forum! :punk:


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Thank you Loster for that post! It was very informative and hopefully it captures the attention of people who have their doubts on alternative treatments such as accutane... Accutane likely only works for certain types of hairloss (Seborrheic Alopecia?), therefore I wouldn't encourage everyone to try it as a cure for hairloss as the side effects of Accutane should not be taken lightly.

I have experience taking Accutane before, and I am quite certain that it reduced both my sebum production and hairloss during that period...I guess I was lucky as the side effects didn't really bother me at all, so the benefits of Accutane clearly outweighed the negatives.

I was on minoxidil and a few supplements for the past year without any fact the hairloss has gotten worse since. I've also tried many other regiments that yielded nothing close to what I experienced while I was on Accutane... I will be going to my physician tomorrow to ask to be back on low dose Accutane. I will be sharing the results...


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please anyone knows Coenzyme A content tablet from cipla or ranbaxy a indian manufacturing ?

please tell me the name of the this tablets in indian version..


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Well I have tried low dose accutane, but it was just for oily skin. I can say that it didnt cause further hair loss, but it most certainly didnt stop my hair loss. It did deal with the oily scalp and skin though, thats for sure. I wouldnt even say it slowed it down.

I have tried both finasteride and dutasteride and they both clearly helped and they did not reduce sebum at all. Accutane reduced sebum but did not stop hair loss. 5 AR type 2 is chiefly responsible for hair loss. Not type 1 5AR.


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What kind of hair loss do you suffer from, typical male pattern baldness or diffuse? How was your overall hair health while on accutane, besides the hair loss? Did the hair shafts feel stronger and thicker?
Do you also have oily hair as well as skin?


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I bet you the active ingredient in this is the "Co-enzyeme A" is Vitamin B5, which people have been using for Acne for a while now and actually does appear to work great for stopping sebum. It's way cheaper so I would just get that. I'll be trying it soon.

Want to add that Dutasteride apparently does in fact lower sebum production. I've been on it for a week and would say I noticed at least a 50% decrease. My skin is still oily but not nearly as bad. I swear oily skin is just as big a pain in the *** as hair loss or acne. If you want to limit oil why not use that which we know for a fact stops hair loss on top of whatever benefit you get from sebum reduction. If less sebum is that amazing why aren't we seeing dramatically better results with dutasteride than Propecia?

Finally I think it is rather unwise to take Accutane. First off, I doubt it works. No studies whatsoever linking it to hair maintenance however that is causes temporary hair loss is well established.

Second, it is nasty. It does not just dry out your face but your lips too. I had a horrible time when I took it for six months, even on a low dose (20mg).

Third, it can f*** up your liver. When a doctor prescribes this you are required to get MONTHLY blood tests for liver function. I know I went in monthly to get my blood drawn.

Fourth, it raises your triglycerides. This is not a rare side effect either it generally affects everyone to some degree. I had to get that monitored through blood tests as well and it went to twice the safe level, which was not a big deal short term but would be terrible for you long term.

Fifth, this drug is linked to depression/suicide. No concrete evidence here but this has been a big concern - there have been a million articles about it in mainstream papers over the years.

It's the "last resort" drug in acne management - in other words this stuff would probably be banned except that it's the only hope for people with severe nodular acne. Doctors hate to prescribe this I had to beg for it. Not a safe drug at all..


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dougfunny said:
I bet you the active ingredient in this is the "Co-enzyeme A" is Vitamin B5, which people have been using for Acne for a while now and actually does appear to work great for stopping sebum. It's way cheaper so I would just get that. I'll be trying it soon.

Want to add that Dutasteride apparently does in fact lower sebum production. I've been on it for a week and would say I noticed at least a 50% decrease. My skin is still oily but not nearly as bad. I swear oily skin is just as big a pain in the *** as hair loss or acne. If you want to limit oil why not use that which we know for a fact stops hair loss on top of whatever benefit you get from sebum reduction. If less sebum is that amazing why aren't we seeing dramatically better results with dutasteride than Propecia?

Finally I think it is rather unwise to take Accutane. First off, I doubt it works. No studies whatsoever linking it to hair maintenance however that is causes temporary hair loss is well established.

Second, it is nasty. It does not just dry out your face but your lips too. I had a horrible time when I took it for six months, even on a low dose (20mg).

Third, it can f*ck up your liver. When a doctor prescribes this you are required to get MONTHLY blood tests for liver function. I know I went in monthly to get my blood drawn.

Fourth, it raises your triglycerides. This is not a rare side effect either it generally affects everyone to some degree. I had to get that monitored through blood tests as well and it went to twice the safe level, which was not a big deal short term but would be terrible for you long term.

Fifth, this drug is linked to depression/suicide. No concrete evidence here but this has been a big concern - there have been a million articles about it in mainstream papers over the years.

It's the "last resort" drug in acne management - in other words this stuff would probably be banned except that it's the only hope for people with severe nodular acne. Doctors hate to prescribe this I had to beg for it. Not a safe drug at all..

Don't even bother trying to reason with them. I'm beginning to think some of them work for online pharmacies because they are touting accutane as well as a million and one other supplements.


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Nene said:
dougfunny said:
I bet you the active ingredient in this is the "Co-enzyeme A" is Vitamin B5, which people have been using for Acne for a while now and actually does appear to work great for stopping sebum. It's way cheaper so I would just get that. I'll be trying it soon.

Want to add that Dutasteride apparently does in fact lower sebum production. I've been on it for a week and would say I noticed at least a 50% decrease. My skin is still oily but not nearly as bad. I swear oily skin is just as big a pain in the *** as hair loss or acne. If you want to limit oil why not use that which we know for a fact stops hair loss on top of whatever benefit you get from sebum reduction. If less sebum is that amazing why aren't we seeing dramatically better results with dutasteride than Propecia?

Finally I think it is rather unwise to take Accutane. First off, I doubt it works. No studies whatsoever linking it to hair maintenance however that is causes temporary hair loss is well established.

Second, it is nasty. It does not just dry out your face but your lips too. I had a horrible time when I took it for six months, even on a low dose (20mg).

Third, it can f*ck up your liver. When a doctor prescribes this you are required to get MONTHLY blood tests for liver function. I know I went in monthly to get my blood drawn.

Fourth, it raises your triglycerides. This is not a rare side effect either it generally affects everyone to some degree. I had to get that monitored through blood tests as well and it went to twice the safe level, which was not a big deal short term but would be terrible for you long term.

Fifth, this drug is linked to depression/suicide. No concrete evidence here but this has been a big concern - there have been a million articles about it in mainstream papers over the years.

It's the "last resort" drug in acne management - in other words this stuff would probably be banned except that it's the only hope for people with severe nodular acne. Doctors hate to prescribe this I had to beg for it. Not a safe drug at all..

Don't even bother trying to reason with them. I'm beginning to think some of them work for online pharmacies because they are touting accutane as well as a million and one other supplements.

What is your f*****g problem NENE? You are in the experimental treatment, vitamins and supplements section. Man, they should add a special section for clowns like you here.


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dougfunny said:
I bet you the active ingredient in this is the "Co-enzyeme A" is Vitamin B5, which people have been using for Acne for a while now and actually does appear to work great for stopping sebum. It's way cheaper so I would just get that. I'll be trying it soon.

Want to add that Dutasteride apparently does in fact lower sebum production. I've been on it for a week and would say I noticed at least a 50% decrease. My skin is still oily but not nearly as bad. I swear oily skin is just as big a pain in the *** as hair loss or acne. If you want to limit oil why not use that which we know for a fact stops hair loss on top of whatever benefit you get from sebum reduction. If less sebum is that amazing why aren't we seeing dramatically better results with dutasteride than Propecia?

Finally I think it is rather unwise to take Accutane. First off, I doubt it works. No studies whatsoever linking it to hair maintenance however that is causes temporary hair loss is well established.

Second, it is nasty. It does not just dry out your face but your lips too. I had a horrible time when I took it for six months, even on a low dose (20mg).

Third, it can f*ck up your liver. When a doctor prescribes this you are required to get MONTHLY blood tests for liver function. I know I went in monthly to get my blood drawn.

Fourth, it raises your triglycerides. This is not a rare side effect either it generally affects everyone to some degree. I had to get that monitored through blood tests as well and it went to twice the safe level, which was not a big deal short term but would be terrible for you long term.

Fifth, this drug is linked to depression/suicide. No concrete evidence here but this has been a big concern - there have been a million articles about it in mainstream papers over the years.

It's the "last resort" drug in acne management - in other words this stuff would probably be banned except that it's the only hope for people with severe nodular acne. Doctors hate to prescribe this I had to beg for it. Not a safe drug at all..

Took b5 by itself..has results but not that great.
Took Coenzyme a by itself..results but not that great.
Took Coenzyme and added B5 : Got best results so far.

Took dutasteride for 6 months.. destroyed my hairline and adrenals.
Took finasteride for more than 2 years..Did mostly fuckall.

If you think that the big 3 is the answer for hairloss, stay in that f*****g section. We are f*****g sick of the babysitting, we all adults here and for the majority of us know the risks of trying something new. Can we just think for ourselves and post our experiences/feedbacks... in an opend minded section??? Is it too much asked????


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Look man, don't get your panties in a bunch. I understand that the big 3 doesn't work that well for most people and I also understand the urge to try and find something that does work. I myself have tried biotin supplements, green tea and shampoos. I just feel that Accutane is not something you want to be experimenting with. We're not chemists and we should not try to micromanage the chemical make up of our bodies. I feel we should stick with what we know has as least some benefit for hair loss or overall health in general.


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Nene said:
Look man, don't get your panties in a bunch. I understand that the big 3 doesn't work that well for most people and I also understand the urge to try and find something that does work. I myself have tried biotin supplements, green tea and shampoos. I just feel that Accutane is not something you want to be experimenting with. We're not chemists and we should not try to micromanage the chemical make up of our bodies. I feel we should stick with what we know has as least some benefit for hair loss or overall health in general.

I have been taking supplements since forever. I have a good background in training/bodybuiding. finasteride and dutasteride is f*****g poison. period. If you want to go in that safe direction, just go ahead. I hope this sh*t benefit for your overall health in general also. Don't come here to tell us what to think and what to do. They are people here that think outside the box , passionate about the subject and want to find a better solution to the problem. I am kind of sick of reading threads about how to apply minoxidil, Help me with my impotence problems, I am getting fat, I feel depress, where do I get finasteride?..Your input is totally irrelevant and stupid in that section.


New Member
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If anyone says accutane did nothing for his hair loss, I believe him. If someone says it did help, I belive him too, because it happened to me.
Accutane work for some, for some it dont. The interesting thing is to find out the effective mechanism and why it work for some and not for others. I posted many links to scientifical reports about why it can work. Thats a start.
Could it be that the cause of hair loss is different for those who got positive effect from accutane from those who dont? Is there some other underlying biological mechanism that plays the main part? Theese things should really be explored.