Accutane a cure


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squeegee said:
Nene said:
Look man, don't get your panties in a bunch. I understand that the big 3 doesn't work that well for most people and I also understand the urge to try and find something that does work. I myself have tried biotin supplements, green tea and shampoos. I just feel that Accutane is not something you want to be experimenting with. We're not chemists and we should not try to micromanage the chemical make up of our bodies. I feel we should stick with what we know has as least some benefit for hair loss or overall health in general.

I have been taking supplements since forever. I have a good background in training/bodybuiding. finasteride and dutasteride is f****ing poison. period. If you want to go in that safe direction, just go ahead. I hope this sh*t benefit for your overall health in general also. Don't come here to tell us what to think and what to do. They are people here that think outside the box , passionate about the subject and want to find a better solution to the problem. I am kind of sick of reading threads about how to apply minoxidil, Help me with my impotence problems, I am getting fat, I feel depress, where do I get finasteride?..Your input is totally irrelevant and stupid in that section.

As someone who has hair loss and took Accutane, I think the people who are interested in trying accutane to cure their hair loss would be very interested in my input actually.


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NENE what mg per day where you taking when you took accutane? I can understand why you are getting so vocal about this subject if you have taken this drug before and experience one of its listed side effects

The science behind some of those studies seems solid enough and i think the main emphasis would be on a low dosage of accutane such as 10mg max still the potential for liver damage may also render any possible positive side effect eg stopping hairloss completely irrelevant.

Anyone been taking that sort of dosage for 3 months +? Any observations?



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squeegee said:
$tackz said:
An forum troll on here by the name of Empire once made a thread trying to bait people into the idea that Accutane was the cure to hairloss. He supposedly started a trial of I think 10mg 3x a week. He quickly left to never be seen again once people lost interest in his tomfoolery.

Accutane ican be a good idea against this theory of hairloss because it is the most effective drug on the market to shrink the sebaceaous glands and control bacteria at the same time. kids with no sebum have heads full of hair!
Kids have not sebum in hair?. I don't think so, if yes his hair would be dry and without shine. Have you a study to refute it?



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captain_que said:
I like this thread! :)

One thing though; if the hairloss is caused by sebum, why is it that it happens in the pattern that we´re all so familiar with?

IMHO sebum problems are not possible at sides of the head because some hours at day, normaly in the bed, are in touch with a absorbent surface.



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armandein said:
captain_que said:
I like this thread! :)

One thing though; if the hairloss is caused by sebum, why is it that it happens in the pattern that we´re all so familiar with?

IMHO sebum problems are not possible at sides of the head because some hours at day, normaly in the bed, are in touch with a absorbent surface.


I would like to also add that the pattern is like your T in you face chin,nose and forehead where you mostly have more acne activity... This is probably why... Hair loss is probably caused by a skin condition with androgen activity.


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yesterday i started to take isotretinoin (isotone indian version) of accutane tablet for to control my small acne and head sebum production .

what dosage is the exact dosage for the good results.
now i bought 10mg of 20 tablets ..


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Loster said:
What kind of hair loss do you suffer from, typical male pattern baldness or diffuse? How was your overall hair health while on accutane, besides the hair loss? Did the hair shafts feel stronger and thicker?
Do you also have oily hair as well as skin?

Hey loster,

I have typical male pattern baldness. No diffuse.

I have male pattern baldness which is slowly still progressing, so hair quality could be better, but Accutane on such a low dose didnt really produce noticable damage to it. But it didnt help me in regards to being able to tolerate harsh things like Nizoral shampoo. As even low dose Accutane has negative effects on the skin barrier.

No, the hair shafts did not feel thicker or longer.

Yes I have an oily t-zone(forehead and nose) and my scalp is also oily.


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raj47 said:
yesterday i started to take isotretinoin (isotone indian version) of accutane tablet for to control my small acne and head sebum production .

what dosage is the exact dosage for the good results.
now i bought 10mg of 20 tablets ..

RAJ i dont think anyone really knows what dose would give desirable results, it is only a theory after all and is principly used just for acne issues. From reading around it is prescribed for acne normally at about 10-40 mg per day and in extreme cases 80mg. It may not have any impact on your male pattern baldness at all but theory suggests that it should lower your levels of serum DHT which i believe is cause by type 1 5 alpha reductase? finasteride inhibits predominatly type 2.

Keep us updated with your progress as and when and possibly take some pics?

All the best.


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thank you no14

this my fourth day with isotane 10mg i felt my red small acne started to itch and i can feel it ,i dont know why this causing itch to my small acne .

i took some photos with shaved head due to some problem with my usb cable i couldnt load it ..

actually i am user of dutas and finasteride over 1.8 years , so only my sebum in head not controlled by this regime thats why i took isotane , i'll keep update with new and old photos soon.


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(sorry I joined in all this so late - to be honest I didn't read all of the thread before I started this huge post and then added more quotes and comments as I went along! Oh well, glad to be a part of it now anyway :) )


squeegee said:
Taken from immortalhair

Ok I was at my GP not too long ago, an Egyptian doctor who I have been seeing for about a decade.


He said when he kept trying to push this idea through his experiments, Merck kicked him off the research team."

Woah really O.O You think that could be the case? But then what is the quickest way for me to combat this with the smallest risk of side effects? I also do like oral treatments as they are quicker, but topical is ok too :)

goata007 said:
Hair101, did you have scalp acne before starting accutane? you said that your hair had been thinning since high-school..did you regrow any hair after going on accutane? you said that it looked denser, but did you visibly regrew hair on your temples etc?

OMG I noticed this too! I have little red bumps that look not TOO dissimilar to spots where I'm losing hair... they're not spots like on my face but... it did look kinda sore, you know?

This is all fascinating (and a little exciting if it means I get to keep my hair! ^_^ ) to me :)

Loster said:
The people posting their experiences are not asking "will accutane stop my hair loss?" they are in fact reporting that accutane actually did stop their hair loss while they took the medicine. I belive them since it also happened to me when I took 20 mg/day for 9 months.

The mechanism behind it is unknown to me though. I dont belive that sebum itself is the cause of hair loss but it is a fact that the sebaceous glands are rich in 5 alpha reductase. There are lot of sebaceous glands in the scalp and they are connected to the follicles. Reduction of these glands by accutane should therefore theoretically decrease 5 alpha reductase and by that inhibit trasformation to DHT locally.

This man is awesome :)

squeegee said:
monty1978 said:
Is it still going well squeegee?

LOL always Monty!..I increased my dose of B5 to 15mg ( 5mg 3 x a day) still taking it with Coenzyme A and B-complex and cannot believe the results.. No more Acne, face and back and my Hair are really dark and thick... f*ck the haters! So much better that previous experiences with dutasteride or finasteride. I also stopped finasteride for good. Still applying Sepicontrol A5 from Makeup Artist's Choice twice daily. So far so good... I would like to try the Low dosage of accutane route but my doctor won't find any reasons to give me a prescription! and cannot find a legit place online to buy the goods..I will stay with my stack for now...

haha this man is god too.. lol :)

(sorry, I may be enjoying this thread a bit too much lol)

raj47 said:
thank you no14

this my fourth day with isotane 10mg i felt my red small acne started to itch and i can feel it ,i dont know why this causing itch to my small acne .

i took some photos with shaved head due to some problem with my usb cable i couldnt load it ..

actually i am user of dutas and finasteride over 1.8 years , so only my sebum in head not controlled by this regime thats why i took isotane , i'll keep update with new and old photos soon.

Be careful Raj ok? You don't want to do yourself any harm. 10mg a day might be too much, according to what I've read.

I do totally understand what Nene and that were talking about too, although sometimes it could be a little blunt - like blaze you clearly weren't totally correct by a long way and yet you said it as if it could be the only truth! lol

Oh, additionally one last thing, I have oily skin as well at least on my face and also probably my scalp as I know my hair gets oily fast. This is most likely at least a PART of the problem for me, so I am very much watching this thread and the results now, I hope it helps a lot of people :) So is it possible at all to aid removal of sebum with shampoo (or maybe special shampoos that penetrate deeper - does Nizoral do it?) or are we principally dealing with sebum production in the follicle root? I can't really be bothered to scrub my scalp every day but I would definitely change shampoo if it helped :)


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I'm pretty convinced about this - it does sound like an excellent way to make life easier for your follicles in their coping with DHT, particularly amongst those with a tendency to have oily skin and hair, and/or to get spots (such as me).

I am decided that I am definitely going to get some MSM, and somehow increase my Coenzyme A levels. However, I want to try to do the latter as cheaply as I can, because I've noticed the actual tablets are quite pricey. I live in the UK as well, which makes it even more fiddly.

So, does anyone know of a way to get Coenzyme A cheaper?

I mean of course, the body does naturally create it from, according to your links squeegee - ATP, Cysteine and Pantothenic Acid (B5). Maybe the cheapest solution is to increase the levels of these three?

I mean I am getting B5 from my multivitamin, and I would imagine most people are getting it from similar things and B-complex's. ATP I'm not so sure on, that's where I stumble (it seems to be available on ebay for about £15 for 60, but I don't know if our bodies will have more than enough of it anyway), and Cysteine you can buy I believe quite cheaply in capsules (around £10 for 100 including postage for me). Additionally, Methionine which can apparently be turned into Cysteine inside the body, is also approximately £10-12 for 100 capsules.

What are our thoughts on all this? :)



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I used accutane when i was sixteen for my acne and it completelly dried my skin. I did not suffer hairloss or get any regrowth as it was before my hairloss years. It did however work really well in preventing sebum production destroying acne.

Im personally not convinced it will regrow hair unless you have a serious sebum problem thats aggravating hairloss. I have heard reports that in some people it can even cause hairloss. So take care when using this. A low dose would be a good idea.


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i took lipid profile blood check up at 2009 nov my results shown my triglycerates are high level at 460 it should be normal level at 160,
will it be cause of more sebum in my head?


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accutane is not a cure
ii even say it will cause hair loss
1st hand experience here too


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To be honest I'm much more enthusiastic about the idea of Coenzyme A as at least a partial cure (lowering sebum to make life easier for the DHT-flooded hair follicles) - isn't anyone else? :)

Seems like a good regimen component!


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follicle84 said:
It certainly wont hurt to try :)
Well it will hurt my wallet a bit but for my hair I am willing to make any sacrifice! :)


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OK got a list of crap that will help replenish ATP production(supports the Krebs Cycle)

-Taurine/msm (L-cysteine)
-Malic Acid
-Pyruvate Acid
-Creatine(arginine, glycine and methionine)
-Alpha Lipoic Acid
-Both EPA and DHA are omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Help in production of Coenzyme A (Acetyl-Co)


Also healthy gut help with a good probiotics and digestive enzyme to break down the fats.

Since Coenzyme A addresses the underlying problem, it is, in fact, the more efficient solution than Accutane.