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I go a bit too crazy for the approval here, but... until I bleed a lot. Most people will have a few small spots of blood here and there though.
@hellouser how long have you been dermarolling and have you seen any results?

Do you have any success story posted? I haven't searched through your 50000 posts, but thought I'd just ask.


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I wonder if the percentage of AA patients that didnt respond also suffer from Androgenetic Alopecia?

Yes good question. I think a team of geneticists should have been aware of the biomarkers for AA versus Androgenetic Alopecia.


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Completely, incompletely, I think the cure for longevity will be a hard thing to come by, too. I agree with Cotsarelis in that cures have been few and far between. Big pharma has spent foolishly on blue chip shareholder dividends since the 1980s and very few blockbuster drugs to show for it. We're relying on starving hair biologists the likes of Christiano and Cotsarelis for understanding the genetic code of hairloss. Tsuji is promising a lot by 2020. I hope he doesnt turn out to be another Coen Gho, as talented a HTdoctor as he is today.

I just want an effective treatment as do we all. A cure? I don't think there will be very many of those soon. I've read Follica's upcoming clinical trial will be categorized as "open" and testing for effectiveness of the treatment across all norwoods and age groups as opposed to testing for efficacy, or a tighter protocol limted to just the low norwood numbers. Sounds like they want to hard test their treatment platform against the general public with respect to Androgenetic Alopecia?

I disagree, I think the "cure" is close but it all depends on the science, the method. Only Tsuji grasps this concept at the moment (well he is the only one running for clinical trials now). And he has a very good chance.

Drugs? No way. No proper model, Androgenetic Alopecia progressive disease that might even end in destruction of the hair follicle, observations don't support it, drugs limited due to their pharmacokinetics and side effects, androgens + AR always active etc.

Follica is a nice concept but without understanding the signals that lead too healthy hair follicle formation, it's just extremely difficult. Besides baldite scalp is not such a nice environment. In any case, I have seen zero proof of them. Only a reference to that Indian study. You can slap on some minoxidil and disrupt the skin, it might work a little bit better than minoxidil alone but that's about it. Then again you know as long as their device sells, it's all that matters. Kerastem is there too, people buy it. Same with PRP, LLLT etc. It's all about the $$$, first and foremost.
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I disagree, I think the "cure" is close but it all depends on the science, the method. Only Tsuji grasps this concept at the moment (well he is the only one running for clinical trials now). And he has a very good chance.

I hope we hear more from Tsuji. It all sounds very good to me. Clinical trials scheduled for 2018?

Drugs? No way. No proper model, Androgenetic Alopecia progressive disease that might even end in destruction of the hair follicle, observations don't support it, drugs limited due to their pharmacokinetics and side effects, androgens + AR always active etc.

Edward Jenner had only a cow model as reference to discover an effective vaccine to immunize against the deadliest disease in history. I wouldn't rule out drugs and especially now that geneticists like Christiano et al are understanding more of the molecular signaling underlying HF growth.

I think all researchers know that the most cost effective method will dominate consumer demand. That is where the profit lies. Betamax video and cell phones were high quality but expensive technologies that eventually gave way to VHS-DVD and smart phones. I hope Tsuji is wildly successful but also that he is not without competition for the "cure." Geneticist Angela Christiano once said that understanding these pathways and gene expressions is key, and then it's just a matter of finding the right drug in topical form to turn on hair growth. I think if they do find a topical that works, it will be disruptive technology that could shelve even more effective but expensive solutions. Injecting hair germ cells one at a time sounds painstakingly tedious and expensive. I hope hair primordiums does become at least as effective as Betamax technology used to be but not the only option for people suffering scarring and non scarring alopecias.
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Are JAK inhibitors safe in terms of immune suppression? Tofactinib has issues with that if I recall.


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I'd be willing to contribute to a crowdfund for you, not sure about others.
Thanks, I don't there is enough interest in JAK inhibitors these days though.


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Are JAK inhibitors safe in terms of immune suppression? Tofactinib has issues with that if I recall.

So far just a few mild rashes and skin irritations reported for oral tof and rux. A topical version of jakinibs will affect hair growth more than the oral drug according to Christiano.

Similarly , the oral form of minoxidil, Loniten, was never approved for anything other than hypertension and could have serious side effects if ingested orally for hairloss.


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So if they had 12 patients in that pilot study I would love to see the other pictures of people that regrew hair, the men especially. It would be nice to see if any of them regrew hair but only in a donut shape.

Or if anyone sees blogs of men on alopecia site that are responding to treatment and regrowing hair we could keep an eye out for this.

And Swoop, I must disagree with the statement that a simple drug will not help hair loss. Of course a cure can not come from a drug (at least not of bacterial origin), but complete relief of symptoms is very well possible. No one still truly knows the cause of Andro alopecia, it is obviously related to androgens in some way but we have no idea how, bc of an error in a particular protein folding it could cause DHT to bind to a receptor it normally wouldn't and signal Cytotoxic T cells to attack whereas in "normal" persons this doesn't happen. Just an example of course but they are so many pathways it's impossible to know yet. That's what was originally thought with AA though. "Oh it's autoimmune, this will almost never be cured" Hey what do you know shutting down one receptor has a cascade of effects that results in the body not attacking hair follicles. You never know my friends


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So I just spent past hour and a half going through alopeciaworld thread that has 4000 replies about xeljanz (tofac). Noticed like 20 women reforming all hair that had Alopecia Areata, pretty cool. What I did notice was only maybe 2 guys with pictures but full regrow th for both.

I did only go through about the last 150 pages, but I also spent some time trying to find other sites/forums with men with alopecia areata. Very hard to do, or none where any men are posting. I did stumble upon a thread with username "jimmy" that said he was taking finasteride and minix for andro alopecia and was prescribed Xeljanz (tofac) for his rheumatoid arthritis. He stated he had hundred of hairs popping up in the front.

No pictures so it's not really verified but this was in 2015. If anyone else has some free time and wants to do some searching that would be awesome. I have 3 exams this week so I don't have the time but I'll check in to see.

If we can't find anything apparently the people on alopecia world are saying turkey is the place to get this stuff. Maybe we can find someone that lives there to buy this stuff on the cheap and have one of us trial this stuff. (I would gladly volunteer :D ) Also, if you are on any other hair loss forums such as you will know me as just plain "TaKeeLa" I have been around some time!