When I first discovered your posting style I.D, I was very close minded, I'm sure I expressed how I felt it was pretentious and even expressed harsh negativity towards you. But of course it makes sense to me that coming on this forum in the first place I was a desperate and sad person, looking for escape, validation, and seeing someone so carefree in being themselves in the words they express, the irony is clear that in expressing yourself in this way, outside the conformity of any internet forum never mind one about an embarrassing topic like male pattern baldness, you are actually the opposite of pretentious. That was initially a hard thing to accept, and has become a joyous thing to accept- you've taught me how good it can feel to be wrong, and how that gives us hope in many ways outside of the "certainty" of our own pre-dispositions.
Of course I didn't even need to bring up my past dislike of you, and with many I wouldn't, but that's the honesty that you exude from others, the openness you bring from myself and others that there will be mutual understanding in our circumstances.
I'd also like to echo the sentiments about blackg and he is similar to you in ways, and therefore another one of my favourite posters. He keeps a calm balance on here like nobody else does, and more importantly he does have a bit of "bite", he has had no problem putting me in my place in the past and I hope/know that will continue in future, which I respect. For the most part he is supportive of me and everyone else on here (does anyone else Like posts as much as blackg? Even before this new forum set up and the button got popular, he was the guy who would definitely let you know when he appreciates your work, via a silly little button that makes us all feel a little better).
I.D. I really like that you call my opinions on here "facetious", because it means you are probably one of the few that understand me as a person and how I post on here.