All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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Man that sucks rabid. Did you lose any powder?

Did anyone else powder come like rabids did?

Rabid did your RU come like that too?


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blaze said:
Man that sucks rabid. Did you lose any powder?

Did anyone else powder come like rabids did?

Rabid did your RU come like that too?

I purchased 100 mg which is not very much. Thus, I did the same as rabid and put some 2% minoxidil in the vial to get all the bitamoprost.

Not really a big deal.


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blaze said:
Man that sucks rabid. Did you lose any powder?

Did anyone else powder come like rabids did?

Rabid did your RU come like that too?

No, my RU did not come like this. They are in different bottles. Perhaps they didn't seal this tiny one completely and some moisture got in? I've ordered other research chemicals in these same bottles and never had this problem.

So your powder didn't do this at all Blaze? Did anyone else's do this?

I'm thinking of sending this back to OC and having them re-pack it.
I ordered 200 mg. I'd like to make batches 30 mg at a time as most of us have planned to do.


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It's the same problem to me. It couldn't have been completely dry, when it was packed.


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Enden said:
It's the same problem to me. It couldn't have been completely dry, when it was packed.

:shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

I hope OC will make good on this.


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Their experience making this stuff is probably limited, so it's understandable something like this could happen, in a rushed state.


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I havent even received mine yet.

Customs picked my parcel up and it has taken this long. It should be here on Monday.

I will check my powders condition and report back here. Many ordered bimatoprost so if your reading this please let us know if your powder looked moist like rabids and endens.

Man, this doesnt sound good.

Are you going to use it rabid and enden?


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I just checked my email and apparently ontario chem accidentaly sent me 200 mg instead of the 100 i had ordered. They realized this after they shipped my order and tried to have it recalled by canada post but it was too late i guess. Henry said to just keep the extra 100 mg. Good thing i read this before mixing it. A lot of my powder was caked in the lid as well, I think i lost a portion of it the first time i took the lid off.

Another thing, Rabid, judging by the powders consistency, how it dissolves, etc, how confident are you that it is not RU ?


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sorry for the ignorrance...those who already started using it just mixed it with minoxidil or use it as onother topical....and another thing....did someone noticed any initial shedding?


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finfighter said:
Enden said:
Great... sh*t happens. Move on.

Move on??? I would be contacting OC, you guys spent thousands of dollars! Surely it would be in OC's best interest to resolve this problem, to insure repeat business.

Yes that is a very odd attitude to take considering the money spent. Getting less than you paid for, in questionable condition, is not acceptable.


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Yeah, I guess I'm used to it. Some things changes when you're used to obtain medications illegally. Honestly, I don't give a sh*t. It's a part of the game. However, everyone else are free to complain.

The issue should be solved before anyone else order bimatoprost.

I'll see if I manage to dry the powder, and then I'll see how much it weighs.


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Has anyone even emailed OC about this yet and asked why the powder is like this?

Maybe it will still work. Man I was looking forward to using this. With the powder in the state its in it probably best to dissolve it all at once. Maybe fill the little bottle up like rabid did shake and pour into a larger dropper bottle then dilute it to the appropriate strength.


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It will work, but you may have some trouble getting all of it out of the vial, and IF it actually wasn't completely dry, which seems to be the case, you'll also have received less than you ordered, unless they put in a little extra, to compensate.


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I'm waiting for my man
Twenty-six dollars in my hand
Up to Lexington, 125...

He's never early, he's always late
First thing you learn is you always gotta wait
I'm waiting for my man...


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Finally received my BIM .

I ripped the sticky off the small glass bottle so I could see the powder. Yes mine is caked too. I tapped the bottle so the powder would fall to the bottom but it didnt.

I have not opened the bottle yet. What I am going to do is weigh the bottle with the powder in it. The scales I have coming weigh to 1mg.

I will pour 100ml of minoxidil 5% into a larger glass. After I weigh the bottle with the powder in it I will write down the exact weight. Then I will open the very small bottle and submerge it and the lid in 100ml of minoxidil 5%. This should get all the powder to dissolve. I will cover the top of the glass with a lid or serane wrap to prevent evaporation.

Then I will use tongs and take out the lid and bottle. I will try and shake the residue minoxidil 5%/BIM solution off the bottle and lid as well. Next let the bottle and lid dry out and pour the 100ml minoxidil/BIM solution into a 100ml dropper bottle which I still have to buy.

When the lid and bottle dry i will put the lid back on the bottle and weigh it again. I will then subtract that weight from the original weight(which was the bottle and the powder). It should come to 100mg.

***Has anyone been in contact with OC about this cakey powder yet?

***Has anyone attempted to use this powder yet?


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finfighter said:
JohnNYC said:
I'm waiting for my man
Twenty-six dollars in my hand
Up to Lexington, 125...

He's never early, he's always late
First thing you learn is you always gotta wait
I'm waiting for my man...


I think Rabid understands...

Lyrics from a Velvet Underground song.

Lexington and 125 is a lot closer for me than Canada!


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lol, omfg. I'm so f*****g STUPID I can't believe it myself!!!! I managed to dry most of the powder, and I was going to measure it, when I bumped the vial while I was placing down the scale gently. Of course it tipped over, but as if that wasn't enough, it tipped towards the sink, and most of the powder were thrown out of the bottle, and disappeared between the sink and the bathroom interior. OF COURSE the bin was right beneath, and I heard a lot of powder go right down in the trash. How the hell is this possible??? f*** me, and my life.


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I seriously doubt that. It makes no sense. Why should they cover anything, when a retard manages to spill the powder. The powder was good after 24 hours in the bathroom, with the top off for some of them. I'm certain that the powder wasn't completely dry when it was packed. It's a shame I didn't get a chance to weigh it.

Folks; dry your powder. It may degrade fast if it's not completely dry. Make sure that there is no moist in the air, if you're using the bathroom.
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