
All we need to know about RU58841

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baroudeur said:
things looks good this way ,i have ordered some RU,i hope someone can tell me if i can just make solution for 1 month and keep it in my car while travelling
The first time I ordered RU they messed up my order. I ordered 5g but for some reason they sent me 3x5g instead so I experimented quite a bit with various dosages. For me, premaking it for more than a week seemed to decrease the effect. I made enough for 3 months the first time which resulted in it having almost no effect after a while.

In the end, I ended up making enough at a time to have to have it last for two days (24 hours).


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hi first,

Thanks for that info on your RU expermentation.

How much RU58841 do you use per day? 20mg, 50mg, 100mg etc?

And how many mls of Alcohol do you mix it in?

And do you use it once or twice per day?

thanks in advance


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Does anyone use RU with minoxidil? I'm guessing it's probaly a bad idea to just pour the stuff into my minoxidil bottles. Does anyone have any information on what the interaction of these two topicals would be? Meaning would it be ok to mix them on the scalp or would this somehow counteract the effect of one or both?

And also how exactley do you go about ordering from faith egale? Do you have to pretend you're working for some kind of lab or can you just pretty much send them an email asking for it straight?


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First off I think a big Thank You is in order to EL dutasteride for continuing to keep us informed especially when your hair looks amazing, I also want to thank FIRST for returning here and being inspertional with his committed approach and willingness to explore ways to tackle hair loss, Irish It would be great to know how your doing? it would be great to know how everyone was doing on RU.

I also think that it is essential that there is a post that goes through the procedure of ordering, preparing, storing and application.


Guide price to pay, expected delivery time, ideal storage - non ideal, amount of daily applications, the minimum required for effects etc, where to get bottles, scales, ethanol, pg etc prices

Obvisouly when someone has the time!!!

I myself after failing miserably multiple time with finasteride - I just end up prostatis and less hair want to get rid of all internal supps beacuse my body is so ruddy sensitive and go topical

FIRST - your from the UK is there any custom issues? pricing details to be aware of?

How many people do we think are using RU?


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People using RU58841, do you have any updates.

Its seems like quite a few people are using it but no one is sharing how its working out for them.


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Can anyone tell me how to order this stuff? I emailed faith eagle a week ago asking for prices per gram and shipping but I've had no response.


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I have joined this blog recently, but i have been reading since a long time. Thank You, for keeping up such blogs and helping hairloss sufferers all around the world.
I am considering ru, however, i read somewhere that i guy used ru , but after 6 months the effects started decreasing. I am very confused about this. Effects started decreasing means, he started losing his hair again or that further effects were not noticed, but he mantained his hair? Can somebody plz tell me.
Thank you in advance


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lalune said:
I have joined this blog recently, but i have been reading since a long time. Thank You, for keeping up such blogs and helping hairloss sufferers all around the world.
I am considering ru, however, i read somewhere that i guy used ru , but after 6 months the effects started decreasing. I am very confused about this. Effects started decreasing means, he started losing his hair again or that further effects were not noticed, but he mantained his hair? Can somebody plz tell me.
Thank you in advance

You'd have to ask him really. But, in theory if an anti- androgen like RU is used there should be some initial "re-growth" (thickening of existing hair, not creation of new follicles) which would then plateau. After which, if the anti-androgen is powerful enough, there would be no further loss of hair.

So you can't build up a tolerance to drugs like this they're are just retarding the mechanism by which hair loss happens. In this guys case lots of things could have happened such as a doggy batch of RU or he stored it wrong or lots of other things but in theory there's not reason it should stop working after 6 months.


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By the way, I've still had no response from faith eagle.

But just to run an idea past anyone who cares to respond. In terms of application I've been thinking about mixing the daily amount of RU with 2ml of minoxidil and then applying it rather than making two separate solutions. I don't really want that much alcohol on my head. I thought it would make sense to take advantage of the carrier already being used by the minoxidil.

Any reasons why this would be a bad idea?


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No its not a good idea.

People need to stop trying and mixing this in with minoxidil. No one has had success doing that that I have read.

You should make a separate topical for RU.


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blaze said:
No its not a good idea.

People need to stop trying and mixing this in with minoxidil. No one has had success doing that that I have read.

You should make a separate topical for RU.

Really? Even if i mix it fresh each morning? I don't mean just pouring it into my minoxidil bottle. I mean putting two ml of minoxidil into a little cup and mixing in the RU and then applyng it.

What's the general thinking on applying RU with minoxidil?

What about RU first then about 30 mins to an hour later the minoxidil?

Seems a shame though, you get so much more absorption when the scalp's still moist. But I guess the RU is more important.

Also i'm getting some Tretinoin. This stuff could only help right?

And by the way I got my response from faith eagle. Placing my order tommorow.


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time for an update from RU users ?
I have been using it for less than a month. nothing to report so far. I am using very low dosages, but plan to increase it.

Any updates ?


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what dosage are you using waynakyo?

What else are you using in your regimen as well? Still on Fluridil?


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bboy said:
blaze said:
No its not a good idea.

People need to stop trying and mixing this in with minoxidil. No one has had success doing that that I have read.

You should make a separate topical for RU.

Really? Even if i mix it fresh each morning? I don't mean just pouring it into my minoxidil bottle. I mean putting two ml of minoxidil into a little cup and mixing in the RU and then applyng it.

What's the general thinking on applying RU with minoxidil?

What about RU first then about 30 mins to an hour later the minoxidil?

Seems a shame though, you get so much more absorption when the scalp's still moist. But I guess the RU is more important.

Also i'm getting some Tretinoin. This stuff could only help right?

And by the way I got my response from faith eagle. Placing my order tommorow.

Yes tretinoin will help, but your scalp will burn like hell.... THe alcohol will dry out your scalp anyway. If you then add tretinoin it will itch and burn...

I dont see any problems mixing it with minoxidil other then not being able to dissolve it...but just to be on the safe side I wouldnt do it...


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Well fluridil helps. I have been off for a while, cutoff from supply, got and it back and started on it for about a week now and it already seems that my shedding has decreased (average daily - not in a shedding period yet). I am taking 3 a day though.

I am YET to hear some good stories from RU users from new faces ...


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I have been using RU(20 mg per day) and Eucapil for a couple of months now...RU in the morning and Eucapil at night. For the first month, used both religiously everyday. Shedding decreased and felt thickening overall. However, lately my scalp has been itching a lot. I used a 70/30 ethyl alcohol/PG mix(5 ml total) for RU. I don't know if it is the alcohol in the mix and Eucapil or if it is the PG that causes it but I am probably using them only 3 days a week and I can notice the difference...shedding is increasing again. Any ideas on the topical I can use for RU to reduce the itch?


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someone needs to help us here, do some research on which is the best vehicle, where to get it from. This topic has been discussed on and off and it seems always hard to find an answer..

i have RU sitting here.. what should I buy and where from ?
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