
All we need to know about RU58841

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Irish, where did you get your everclear and pg from?

Also are you using scales and where and how much did you buy them for?


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Hi everybody!
I've been using 5% RU (from FaithEagle) mixed with 5% Kirkland during 1 year.. I hoped so much for the stuff... but it didn't helped me... no any results at all! :sobbing:
so now I've shifted to nanominox and hope it'l help me! :punk:
besides, I havn't seen any sugnificant results with RU, only talks! :dunno:


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garrypro said:
Hi everybody!
besides, I havn't seen any sugnificant results with RU, only talks! :dunno:

Agreed. You can't really take Irishpride's story as a good example.


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irishpride86 said:
Shma said:
garrypro said:
Hi everybody!
besides, I havn't seen any sugnificant results with RU, only talks! :dunno:

Agreed. You can't really take Irishpride's story as a good example.

shma ... I don't know what your deal is... but if you have followed my story and read the ru studies you would see that RU IS NOT STABLE IN minoxidil..

it needs to be made fresh each day and put on the scalp ALONE... not mix with minoxidil...

BTW ,you signature of mocking me is mis-leading, that is from a post of me telling someone to use Google to find a scale..

go to HLH to see many people having success with ru58841.

I don't know why you act like i rub you the wrong way.. you are always insulting me on these boards...
First of all, where on earth have I been talking about mixing RU and minoxidil? I said your story can't be taken as a good example as it's been to much of a rollercoaster ride with too many different treatments/results in a short period of time. I'm sure others who know you/your story will agree on this.

And where on earth have I been insulting you? The quote in the sig has a bit of sarcasm in it, as you have been very vigorous for other users in the past (opening tons of threads with asking the same questions over and over again, insulting users, creating multiple accounts, leaving the board and returning and so on) and I thought it was funny seeing you write this.


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irishpride86 said:

understood, but you agreeing with the guy who mixes ru in minoxidil WHEN IT'S NOT suppose to be ... and then, say don't really look at my story ... but take it for a grain of salt kind of by your wording... well it kinda sends a wrong message that you agree with this guy... he did the whole ru mixing wrong...

anyway .. i put lots of work updating with pics and what i go through... my goal is to help others out... your right its a roller coaster... but I'm on a good path now...

for the record... I still love you :)
It's the same battle for all of us.


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I'll investigate you experience but when I began using it guys from FaithEagle told me thats it was quite usual to mix RU with minoxidil (if you want I can try to find their letter). may be researches have changed.... besides one of my fellows also has been trying this mix that way (he also didn't get any results)!
If to mix RU every day as you wrote - it quite inconvenient and boringly! :thumbdown2:
..but I hope it'll work for you! :punk:


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thank you for the detailed info! :bravo:
BTW when I ordered it (1.5 year ago) I communicated with
H.Z. Owense

And prices were:
From our sales policy, per order should be for min. 10gram of RU, separately at USD30.-/gram as the net cargo cost & USD90.-/time as the shipping cost.
so the delivery cost has risen! global inflation! :censored:


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Here is my experience with RU so far: NOT satisfactory. I have been using it the same way as Irishpride with similar dosage, and I am not sure I am getting benefits through a month at least of use.

BUT I am in my shedding period, and so far haven't shed all too much, so maybe this is what is doing. But here is something for you all, you know what helps me through the shedding ? Eucapil , so far at least. I start shedding heavy and as soon as I drop 4 eucapil bombs a day on my scalp, the shedding is significantly halted. It returns whenever I stop Eucapil. I am not sure however if it will help[ me ride the toughest part of the shedding which usually come soon in June. Time will tell.

I will continue using RU, as it really seem like a think that should work.


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waynakyo said:
Here is my experience with RU so far: NOT satisfactory. I have been using it the same way as Irishpride with similar dosage, and I am not sure I am getting benefits through a month at least of use.

Imagine for a moment if someone posted on one of these hairloss sites something like the following: "My experience with Propecia so far is NOT satisfactory. I've been using it for at least a month, and I am not sure if I am getting any benefits." Can you imagine how the other posters would laugh at such a statement? For your information, you should expect similar benefits from both finasteride and RU58841, and probably a similar amount of time to achieve them: six months to a year, minimum, and possibly even longer than that.


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waynakyo said:
Imagine for a moment if someone posted on one of these hairloss sites something like the following: "My experience with Propecia so far is NOT satisfactory. I've been using it for at least a month, and I am not sure if I am getting any benefits." Can you imagine how the other posters would laugh at such a statement?

Maybe you're taking it a little out of context. I am comparing myself to those who used it and have seen immediate (in few weeks) decrease in shedding after RU.
I am sure you know, although these drugs should work through a similar mechanism, they usually have different effects and lags. e.g. propecia usually comes with a shed at first, for most what I see RU doesn't. So far none has reported effects from RU similar to propecia, in terms of a miracle thickening and so on in a year or so. So I am comparing apples with apples.

nevertheless i did not intend to make a bad publicity for RU, and as you can tell from my post, i am not considering to stop it anytime soon.


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waynakyo said:
Maybe you're taking it a little out of context. I am comparing myself to those who used it and have seen immediate (in few weeks) decrease in shedding after RU.
I am sure you know, although these drugs should work through a similar mechanism, they usually have different effects and lags. e.g. propecia usually comes with a shed at first, for most what I see RU doesn't. So far none has reported effects from RU similar to propecia, in terms of a miracle thickening and so on in a year or so. So I am comparing apples with apples.

I suggest you forget this silliness about "shedding" (whatever that is) that you hear about on hairloss forums, and just think of RU58841 as having similar effects as Propecia. Give it six months to a year before making any serious judgements about its effectiveness.


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RU doesn't dissolve in Vodka.

Anyone know where I can order Everclear from that ships to the UK?


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bad news: the chinese shop upped their price from 410 to 510 $!!
that's really bad news.. any competitor to consider ?
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