Analyzing the mature hairline


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A mature hairline is balding, period. And recession at 22 is IMO a sign of more balding to come.

How do you all feel about this remark? I find it empirically accurate. That is, anyone who has a mature hairline at 22 will experience further balding (and will not remain at a mature hairline their entire life). I find that those that still have mature hairlines at age 50+ didn't reach their mature hairline until they were in the their LATE 20s. Unfortunately David Bowie is the only example I can think of. At 28, he still had a straight hairline. His mature hairline isn't apparent until his 30s or 40s.

In short, did any 50+ year old male with a mature hairline find themselves with that hairline at an early age (19-25)? If this is true, it would really help forecast the hairloss to come.


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I think the way it works is if you get a mature hairline, the chances are probably will start balding....eventually.

However, it doesn't receed like normal male pattern baldness, it receeds, stops and can stay like that for 10-20 years. Therefore....why care? I certainly wouldn't.

My dad's 58, his hairline receeded in the corners and slightly in the centre between the ages of 20-25. It's stayed there ever since and he still has a great head of hair for his age. He probably will bald eventually (His dad and younger brother are balding, he's been thinning slightly on the crown for about 4 years with no big deterioration however, nor is it noticeable to anyone)........but could you imagine if he got on meds and started worrying back when he was 20 (If meds existed)? Would have been a f*****g idiot. - 38 years of money spent for nothing.


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That's good to hear.

There's so many cases of someone developing a mature hairline in their 20s, keeping it into their early thirties, and then watching it continually recede, at varying rates, from there (Matt Damon).


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Fundi said:
My dad's 58, his hairline receeded in the corners and slightly in the centre between the ages of 20-25. It's stayed there ever since and he still has a great head of hair for his age. He probably will bald eventually (His dad and younger brother are balding, he's been thinning slightly on the crown for about 4 years with no big deterioration however, nor is it noticeable to anyone)........but could you imagine if he got on meds and started worrying back when he was 20 (If meds existed)? Would have been a f****ing idiot. - 38 years of money spent for nothing.
Thats exactly the case with many people on here I believe.

And no a mature hairline is not balding.


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lol, I believe you quoted me on that one.

It all depends on what you define as a "mature hairline".

Generally if you see some 18-24 year old kid with recession, he's balding (me). A 44 year old with recession most likely is not balding. More specifically, it depends on the amount of recession.

This pic serves as a pretty good reference:

Hilarious show, but anyway. Dude in the middle has a "mature hairline" in that it's not Prison Break guy's hairline and rounded, but rather boxy and "wide" but still very thick and straight. The guys to his left and right are both receding and balding. So if you're 20 with Mac's hairline (guy in the middle), I wouldn't worry about hair loss at all. And DEFINTIELY not if you are 25+. If, on the other hand, you start looking like Dennis or Charlie, there's a good chance you're going bald. I don't think you could classify either of their hairlines as simply "mature" at any age.

Another example.
Mature hairline:


Knoxville's probably on finasteride as his has stayed roughly the same since Jackass premiered in 2000 - and in fact looks a little better these days (considering this taken in 2003).


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mmm i am pretty sure matt damon's balding.. it surely doesn't look just like a mature hairline


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s.a.f said:
Fundi said:
My dad's 58, his hairline receeded in the corners and slightly in the centre between the ages of 20-25. It's stayed there ever since and he still has a great head of hair for his age. He probably will bald eventually (His dad and younger brother are balding, he's been thinning slightly on the crown for about 4 years with no big deterioration however, nor is it noticeable to anyone)........but could you imagine if he got on meds and started worrying back when he was 20 (If meds existed)? Would have been a f****ing idiot. - 38 years of money spent for nothing.
Thats exactly the case with many people on here I believe.

And no a mature hairline is not balding.

I agree, and was going to say that. According to the guy on Baldingblog, it's not balding, and the recession can be quite a bit (1inch at temples, 1/2 inch in centre I think he said?)

My dad's hairline, if seen on a 25 year old (the age he was when it stopped receeding and stayed the same since) - As he was 25, had he come on forums like this, he probably would have had a load of people telling him to get on meds, and a smaller number telling him it was nothing to worry about.

Turns out, it clearly was nothing to worry about.


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Thickandthin said:
This pic serves as a pretty good reference:

Hilarious show, but anyway. Dude in the middle has a "mature hairline" in that it's not Prison Break guy's hairline and rounded, but rather boxy and "wide" but still very thick and straight. The guys to his left and right are both receding and balding. So if you're 20 with Mac's hairline (guy in the middle), I wouldn't worry about hair loss at all. And DEFINTIELY not if you are 25+. If, on the other hand, you start looking like Dennis or Charlie, there's a good chance you're going bald. I don't think you could classify either of their hairlines as simply "mature" at any age.

I would barely classify the guy in the middle as having a mature hairline to be honest, I've seen 12 year olds and women with more curve to their hairlines.

Actually, the guy on the left has a pretty similar hairline to what my dad had at 25, beginning the change when he was 20 - He's now 58 and it's the same (With the exception of being grey)


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I doubt any of those guys see themselves as balding, the one in the middle has a better hairline than I've ever had. The other 2 have a little recesion but I doubt either are headed towards a high Norwood.


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They may not, but I'm sure the makeup artists on the show do. For example, in indoor shots under most lighting Dennis (guy on the left) looks like he has a full head of hair. But in pics like that and in outdoor lighting, it's easy to see he's receding and diffused in the front. Charlie (guy on the right) is pretty badly receded as well - he's probably a NW3. They probably use a lot of Toppik/styling products/lighting/post production effects.

The reason I say Mac has a mature hairline is because most males in their youth (I'm talking pre-pubescent) have a "juvenile hairline" - i.e.

Its rounded and feminine in shape. Then eventually it squares off into Mac's hairline

I wouldn't consider that balding. I do consider hairlines like Knoxville's to be balding, although some claim it is a "mature hairline".

Of course there are exceptions, and of course you've all got dads, brothers, grandpas, cousins, uncles, etc, who were a NW3 at age 14 (or at birth apparently) and kept their hair for the rest of their lives.

When I was a kid I had a hairline like Ronaldo. Very low on the forehead and rounded. By my teens it was square (although I never paid attention to it), and now in my early 20's I'm receding. I think it all just comes down to which hairs are predestined to die off from DHT and at what age. Some are lucky and have a head full of DHT resistant hairs. Some have a "mature hairline" full of them, some have a NW3, and some have none (NW7). It's all just genetics. But looking at someone's hairline compared to their age usually gives you a good clue as to the future extent of their balding.

uncomfortable man

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Geez, stop scrutinizing over mature hairlines. At least you have a hairline, at least your not bald. I can't help but feel offended whenever someone nit picks over wonderful heads of hair while I am sitting here with a full on horseshoe. Spend a day in my shoes and you will see how futile this whole conversation is.


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uncomfortable man said:
Geez, stop scrutinizing over mature hairlines. At least you have a hairline, at least your not bald. I can't help but feel offended whenever someone nit picks over wonderful heads of hair while I am sitting here with a full on horseshoe. Spend a day in my shoes and you will see how futile this whole conversation is.

I'm sorry but I feel the need to say something about your post. What is the point of this site? That may mean different things to different people but to me and I'm sure a lot of the people on here it is to help stop or regrow hair that they have lost. It sucks that you're at a horse shoe but I am not and a lot of people on here are not. Have we lost hair? yes. Do we want to try to regain what we have lost or stop it? yes. Its not a huge deal, its genetics. Some are more fortunate than others but DO NOT blame us for trying to deal with our situation early in a time where there are some things we can try to do about it. You also have zero reason to be offended. You have only yourself to blame for how you feel about your hair. I will never be in your shoes because I am not you. So get over it.

uncomfortable man

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spiveslude said:
uncomfortable man said:
Geez, stop scrutinizing over mature hairlines. At least you have a hairline, at least your not bald. I can't help but feel offended whenever someone nit picks over wonderful heads of hair while I am sitting here with a full on horseshoe. Spend a day in my shoes and you will see how futile this whole conversation is.

I'm sorry but I feel the need to say something about your post. What is the point of this site? That may mean different things to different people but to me and I'm sure a lot of the people on here it is to help stop or regrow hair that they have lost. It sucks that you're at a horse shoe but I am not and a lot of people on here are not. Have we lost hair? yes. Do we want to try to regain what we have lost or stop it? yes. Its not a huge deal, its genetics. Some are more fortunate than others but DO NOT blame us for trying to deal with our situation early in a time where there are some things we can try to do about it. You also have zero reason to be offended. You have only yourself to blame for how you feel about your hair. I will never be in your shoes because I am not you. So get over it.
First of all, I never criticized anyone for treating their hair loss early as that is what you should do. A mature hairline does not mean you are going bald. Many people make the transition from a juvanile hairline to a mature hairline and never progress beyond that. I understand the fear that your hair loss will progress to a point where it is noticeable but as long as you catch it early enough, you will never have to face being an nw6 like me. The guys from Sunny are NORMAL, there is nothing wrong with their hair. I would give both my testicles to have anyone of their hair, so pardon me when I get frustrated with people who are way better off than me complaining and taking what they have for granted.


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its a fine line and people seem to have different defintions of it as weve seen in the thread. for me i dont look at anyone in their 20s as having a mature hairline as its
usually the start of the balding process. i mean, ive got a mature hairline but im also going bald - im not balding at the crown yet but i mean, wheres the difference?
i wont be a nw7 by the time im thrity but im losing hair all the time.

my distinction would be


mature hairline. didnt show any recession til he was about 30.


going bald.


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uncomfortable man said:
spiveslude said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":zungoim9]Geez, stop scrutinizing over mature hairlines. At least you have a hairline, at least your not bald. I can't help but feel offended whenever someone nit picks over wonderful heads of hair while I am sitting here with a full on horseshoe. Spend a day in my shoes and you will see how futile this whole conversation is.

I'm sorry but I feel the need to say something about your post. What is the point of this site? That may mean different things to different people but to me and I'm sure a lot of the people on here it is to help stop or regrow hair that they have lost. It sucks that you're at a horse shoe but I am not and a lot of people on here are not. Have we lost hair? yes. Do we want to try to regain what we have lost or stop it? yes. Its not a huge deal, its genetics. Some are more fortunate than others but DO NOT blame us for trying to deal with our situation early in a time where there are some things we can try to do about it. You also have zero reason to be offended. You have only yourself to blame for how you feel about your hair. I will never be in your shoes because I am not you. So get over it.
First of all, I never criticized anyone for treating their hair loss early as that is what you should do. A mature hairline does not mean you are going bald. Many people make the transition from a juvanile hairline to a mature hairline and never progress beyond that. I understand the fear that your hair loss will progress to a point where it is noticeable but as long as you catch it early enough, you will never have to face being an nw6 like me. The guys from Sunny are NORMAL, there is nothing wrong with their hair. I would give both my testicles to have anyone of their hair, so pardon me when I get frustrated with people who are way better off than me complaining and taking what they have for granted.[/quote:zungoim9]

Dont go giving your balls away man. Whats the point of having nice hair to get girls if you cant leave a dna puddle in their belly button? Sorry had to lighten the mood a little. My opinion? Mature hairlines are bullshit. You either don't lose hair or you do lose hair. Mature hairlines mean that you have lost hair if you weren't born with it. Its the same thing as balding to a Norwood 7 in theory just that it stopped at a Norwood 2 or 2.5. I will never get a Norwood 7 judging by my elder male relatives. Those that die with a mature hairline were genetically predisposed to never go beyond a Norwood 2.5. Bottom line doesn't that make a little bit of sense?


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spiveslude said:
Mature hairlines mean that you have lost hair if you weren't born with it. Its the same thing as balding to a Norwood 7 in theory just that it stopped at a Norwood 2 or 2.5
Yeah right :roll: which would you (and every other man alive) prefer?