First of all, your post is extremely relatable. Everything you feel I've felt, and on some days still feel. I honestly did not think I would make it to age 25, as suicide was always in my thoughts and on one occasion I was home alone, I had written a goodbye-note on my computer and I had a handfull of pills in front of me. I thought this was it, but what stopped me was I didn't
really want to die. I just wanted to escape the pain of my hair loss, and what seemed like a dark future in front of me.
I think those who
really want to die, go through with it. But those of us who want to live, but a better life, keep on fighting. I think you are one of those people, you have been dealing with this for a long time yet you are still somehow here. If you were not strong enough to handle this, you would have been gone already.
Trust me, things can change. The first thing you need to work on is acceptance. Well, I will never fully accept my hair loss but I have accepted that at this time, there is nothing that can be done for my hair loss and all I can do is try to conceal it while I wait for a better treatment to come out.
You say you are on medications that don't work. Have you thought about what those medications might be doing to your health? For all we know, being on those medications might even contribute to making you more depressed. It would be one thing if they work, but as they clearly don't, I think it is time for you to let go. It was like a huge burden being lifted off my shoulders when I finally let go and quit all those horrible things I was putting into my body to make my hair grow, that wasn't working.
Finally, I want to recommend some products to you that I have used and some of which I am still using, that really helped me get through my days without crying in the fetal position on the daily -
1. Mane thickening spray - peeps, ditch your Toppik, this concealer is *far* superior, esp. if you have some length to your hair. I recommend applying it outside though because your bathroom can become a mess (this will happen with Toppik anyway). It has to be sealed with hairspray and then you're good to go.
2. Extensions - I used clip in extensions for a while and would *not* recommend it to anyone with hair loss, period. Esp. if worn daily, it will ruin what you have left of your hair. After I stopped wearing clip in extensions some of the bald spots on my sides even filled in (though still thin). What I would like to recommend to you is looking into Halo hair extensions. They are pretty expensive but can be worn daily without damaging your own hair, plus is takes like 10 seconds to put on.
3. Nioxin hair products - though not a miracle hair growth fix, it has really helped my scalp health and my itch is less than before I started using it. Scalp feels clean, fresh and it smells nice too. I use system 2 for progressed thinning, btw. I use the shampoo and conditioner.
4. Using a natural bristle brush - if you struggle with shedding, using this kind of brush is a lot more gentle to your hair and will not pull hairs out while you brush it. Of course those hair who are prone to fall anyway will fall regardless, but using a natural bristle brush will make the process as gentle as possible.
5. Taking biotin - this might help with shedding, at least it did for me.
And of course, I need to mention the good old hair piece. Unless your hair has progressed far since the last time I saw your pics, you don't need one - yet. But just know that when or if you get there, that is an option. As a woman you'll be met with understanding when you tell people you wear one (at least most of the time), and they can look pretty natural if done right. I'm not going to get into the cons because this post is already way too long but I just want you to know that you do *not* have to walk around half bald unless you want to. This is always a possibility if all else fails.
I wish you the best and good luck on this unwanted journey, I hope you will get to a place of acceptance as soon as possible.
- Evil