Anybody Have Any News Of Phase 3 Updates?


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If it is not currently under review by the fda for angrogenic alopecia get it out of this forum. With all due respect I understand it's a bit frustrating that we havent had any luck in the hairloss department but this chat was made for updates from companies that are nearing fda clearance for Angrogenic alopecia.


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I’m sure you know all the sides of pgd2 lol.

Nobody knows what will be the real cost of pgd2 antagonist, let’s be real..

Antiandrogen are out for more then 20 years. People live normal lives without 5 alpha reductase.

To some people, AA = dick-fall-off = horrible sides. Thats it.

Since PGD does not touch their f*****g hormone, they are happy to take it and shut their mouth up.


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Oh yes, I already know it's no point in discussing this topic with hopeless souls who think fina is a harmless drug because of "studies".

I understand, you guys are hopeless and think fina is your saviour even though the evidence against it is immense. Just lol thinking blocking one of the most important male hormones is harmless, LOL!

But hey if you believe hormone therapy will save you then go for it. Don't cry when you get the inevitable side effects sooner or later. Or maybe you don't care turning into a girl, more power to you then.

One of the most important hormones in what? Can you explain? I’m very curious about that.

Look, I’ve never said blocking 5alpha reductase is ideal, but I don’t have sides and my hair means a lot to me, to the point that I know it would drop me into depression again if things go south very fasr

So on one hand I have antidepressants and shitty depressed emotionless life and dutasteride with no sides that I can feel on my body. So what should I pick?

I’m sorry for people having sides, I really am, but cmon being mad and telling everyone “finasteride is poison” just because you had bad experience, is f*****g selfish.


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To some people, AA = dick-fall-off = horrible sides. Thats it.

Since PGD does not touch their f*****g hormone, they are happy to take it and shut their mouth up.

So sides are sides only when they fucked up my dick. Got it.


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If hairloss makes you absolutely depressed and you are aware of the possible side effects, then sure try fina. It's still poison imo, but it's better dealing with those side effects than killing yourself. And do I really need to google some articles for you stating why DHT is important for males?

Yeah I know those "studies" are holy for you fina users. I mean Merck is so confident in those results they changed the possible side effects for fina. The countless law suits, anecdotes and studies proving fina is trash don't matter.

Hey be my guest, take fina I hope you guys never experience those sides but after all this time it's just funny seeing people defend fina out of pure hopelessness they're losing their hair.

I advise everyone to seek out alternatives first before hopping on fina.

There are countless study, from US, Japan, China, Italy, etc, prove finasteride efficacy and low side. Please tell me they are ALL funded by Merck ?


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@Btg, I hope you’re that smart that you see some people have very emotional reactions that are not based on anything else that their personal opinions which are pure bullshit.

The fact is, if you’re younger that 30 and you’re going bald, your only solution on the long run is antiandrogen. You can f*** with ru or cb if you want, but I’m not sure this is the best idea right now.

I’ve been on antiandrogen for 9 years, no sides at all. And yeah, I’m working for Merck.

Why 30 though ? I am curious ?


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I’m sure you know all the sides of pgd2 lol.

Nobody knows what will be the real cost of pgd2 antagonist, let’s be real..

Antiandrogen are out for more then 20 years. People live normal lives without 5 alpha reductase.

Lol, what exactly you mean by "normal " . Again, you are almost eliminating the hormone that gave you a alfa male attitude. The one that give you better erections, better orgasm, etc.
Plus 5 alpha reductase is part of a lot of other reactions.

The thing is , the stupidity. One one part we have people that read studies, that read pharmacology, physiology , etc, etc.
On the other part we have the average goe like you, you don't read and say stupids things like you just posted.
"Antiandrogen are out for more then 20 years" Even with that, it show how idiot you are, antiandrogens, actually, have being around since the 60s. Late me make you the math for you, that is around 60 years.

I strongly suggest you to give a better use to google.


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maybe you are one of the 1% lucky guys that respond PGD2, compared to 80% of men in finasteride trial. And you know, only you and a few guys here cant change the game.

btw, who are the guys that saw regrowth using seti here ?

Using seti from where ? some home made lab from China ?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Please, don't be stupid.


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@Btg, I hope you’re that smart that you see some people have very emotional reactions that are not based on anything else that their personal opinions which are pure bullshit.

The fact is, if you’re younger that 30 and you’re going bald, your only solution on the long run is antiandrogen. You can f*** with ru or cb if you want, but I’m not sure this is the best idea right now.

I’ve been on antiandrogen for 9 years, no sides at all. And yeah, I’m working for Merck.
Again, it all depend on what you clarify of sides. You are eliminating 70 % of the hormone that make you an alfa male. You are eliminating the enzyme responsible of converting pregnolone into allopregnolone, etc, etc.
There is not a single change that you are the same than before Finasteride. Cause you are missing all this hormones that were at normal range.


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Why 30 though ? I am curious ?

Because of the aggressiveness of hairloss. It's not a constant.

I can see after almost 10 years how hair loss is becoming more and more aggressive each year.

The fact that I was regrowing on just finasteride for the first couple of years and now I'm slowly losing ground on dutasteride, minoxidil, dermarolling, keto and hydrocortisone speaks for itself.


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If hairloss makes you absolutely depressed and you are aware of the possible side effects, then sure try fina. It's still poison imo, but it's better dealing with those side effects than killing yourself. And do I really need to google some articles for you stating why DHT is important for males?

Yeah I know those "studies" are holy for you fina users. I mean Merck is so confident in those results they changed the possible side effects for fina. The countless law suits, anecdotes and studies proving fina is trash don't matter.

Hey be my guest, take fina I hope you guys never experience those sides but after all this time it's just funny seeing people defend fina out of pure hopelessness they're losing their hair.

I advise everyone to seek out alternatives first before hopping on fina.
There are about 30 studies that all conclude the chance of getting side effects is low. Sure, the anecdotes scare me as a 20 year old that is about to start taking it. Still permanent sides are not known in medical literature so that is what my decision is based on.


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so why do other people who started finasteride when they where young and had aggressive hairloss maintain until they are old like that spencer guy from the bald truth talk-on average people stayed above baseline on finasteride fro 10 years or so but yeah, it's time that tsuji or that hair follicle imunification comes out from replicel

As I'm concerned he had many transplants and is on dutasteride for a while now...


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ok f***. yeah, I feel like after 6-7 years finasteride will lose effectiveness for most people. not even breezula will help then because it's weaker than dutasteride. so hair cloning or immunization must be the next thing most likely

Not really, because dutasteride works differently. Dutasteride + CB will probably maintain forever for a majority of people. And CB will probably be superior to dutasteride. Will see, hopefully soon.


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You recommended me to take finasteride though

Nope. He did the right thing. If you are serious about your hair, better give finasteride a chance. Each person is unique and we respond differently. him being fucked by finasteride does not mean you would share a same destiny.


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what hair count did dutasteride achieve?

Breezula had twice as good results as finasteride after 6 months and dutasteride is around 20% better at .5mg/day then finasteride. By this logic Breezula > dutasteride.

But it does not matter, they're complementary. I like CB more because it also addresses other androgens. Dutasteride do jack sh*t against testosterone, it even increases it by almost 100%.


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not twice as good, it's twice as potent but the results only were 33% better than on finasteride, that is hair count was 33% higher with CB than it was on finasteride. not 100% which would be twice as good

Still close to dutasteride, which is great... RU was always a guess but now we know CB is doing something.

I'll get my hands on it as soon as I get my finances in order.