Attractive Female Gaming Streamer Mysteriously Abandons (balding) Boyfriend Last Night


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You still 'lost' if you need revenge.

You are still hot for her...'f*** toys' are usually hot lol.

You use her but she is using you as well.

That's an interesting take on it actually but I'm sure you'd want revenge too


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Women don't feel guilt, they're good at faking it, though, when the cat's out of the bag and they have to save face. They would kill to avoid public and sl*t shaming and be branded as w****s.

They're masters at using tears to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. This one said "panic attack" LOL I've never heard that one before but it's a womans weapon to make you feel sorry for them when they're in trouble.

It's a survival mechanism.


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There's no telling the lenghts some of them would go to avoid taking responsibility or being judged. Here in Italy. some weeks ago, a woman threw her newborn baby out of the window and let him agonize on the road (he was found by some dustmen among the trash for f***'s sake, and died shortly after) just out of fear of being judged for a kid she didn't want (most probably the result of an affair) and refused to take any responsibility. The wors part? Feminists here justify her and her "fragile state of mind". Unbelievable. If it was a man doing it, could you imagine the uproar and media shitstorm?

I would chain that sl*t in a prison's male section to be used as c*m dumpster for the rest of her miserable life.

What a disturbing story. Some people do have a fascination with infanticide. Just look at the moral support for abortion. I have friends campaigning to ban children from public places like restaurants. What contempt these people have. And they wonder why I treat THEM with contempt.

I don't condone your last comment haha


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She took his self dignity when she chickenheaded Chad's c***
So an "average" woman, according to you guys, cheats and everyone just assumes it's with a chad.
More paranoid self- flagellating delusions.


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That's an interesting take on it actually but I'm sure you'd want revenge too

I have gotten 'revenge' on men but not like you are talking about.
Only time a man did me really dirty I just never spoke or saw him again.

Most people who leave you come back--what you do is make sure you have moved on and look hot and doing great without them...that is the best revenge.

I dont know how you could want to put your dick in someone even as a 'f*** toy' who really fucked over your trust.

your not 'over' her if you are doing that..and like i said only man to do me really dirty the thought of seeing him or talking to him made me want to throw up.

so you should question 'why' you would even 'want' such a woman who did that to you

but hey thats just me.


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I have gotten 'revenge' on men but not like you are talking about.
Only time a man did me really dirty I just never spoke or saw him again.

Most people who leave you come back--what you do is make sure you have moved on and look hot and doing great without them...that is the best revenge.

I dont know how you could want to put your dick in someone even as a 'f*** toy' who really fucked over your trust.

your not 'over' her if you are doing that..and like i said only man to do me really dirty the thought of seeing him or talking to him made me want to throw up.

so you should question 'why' you would even 'want' such a woman who did that to you

but hey thats just me.
you're projecting your experiences as a hot person


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As every good-looking person does.

This might probably surprise you @hairblues, but @Dante92 IS A MALE MODEL, in fact, his real name is

That's right Dante, I called you OUT in front of the ENTIRE HAIRLOSS COMMUNITY.

@Dante92's father is really Fabio, from Italy!


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As every good-looking person does.

You guys dont read for context i guess then 'pat' yourselves on the back because you think you 'caught' us hot people.

only a 'hot' guy would be able to make a woman who cheated on him into a 'sex toy' to begin with.

THAT is what i was commenting on...not you incel virgins..(no offense)

I don think the incel virgins are going to be turning ex wives/gf who cheated on them into 'Sex toys".


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They're masters at using tears to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. This one said "panic attack" LOL I've never heard that one before but it's a womans weapon to make you feel sorry for them when they're in trouble.

It's a survival mechanism.

Women are more emotional then men it's not an act its just not abut 'you' they are crying about themselves or the situation.

I think you guys have to learn to read people and signs before giving trust to someone.

This broad stroke 'I wont trust anyone' defense is like what are you afraid of? Getting your heart broken again? So what?...I have had my heart broken many's part of life. Eat some fries and ice cream like a normal person, mope for a while then move on.

Some of these poor bastards on this site would LOVE to get their heart broken a time or two just to have experienced love.

Yeah it's humiliating and devastating when someone cheats on feel like a dick...but seriously? Just rub some dirt on it and move on.


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Women are more emotional then men it's not an act its just not abut 'you' they are crying about themselves or the situation.

I think you guys have to learn to read people and signs before giving trust to someone.

This broad stroke 'I wont trust anyone' defense is like what are you afraid of? Getting your heart broken again? So what?...I have had my heart broken many's part of life. Eat some fries and ice cream like a normal person, mope for a while then move on.

Some of these poor bastards on this site would LOVE to get their heart broken a time or two just to have experienced love.

Yeah it's humiliating and devastating when someone cheats on feel like a dick...but seriously? Just rub some dirt on it and move on.
you can't be hot and have your heart broken. and i'm taking heart broken as a female euphemism for someone out of your league dumping you. just lmfao at the rosy bullshit language women use

also you girls can be emotional but still use it as a ploy for attention.


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you can't be hot and have your heart broken. and i'm taking heart broken as a female euphemism for someone out of your league dumping you. just lmfao at the rosy bullshit language women use

also you girls can be emotional but still use it as a ploy for attention.

Exodus I notice with you at times you just want to 'fight' or 'debate' with who you consider to be the 'good looking people' when there is no actual debate.
You tried this other day with BT now its back to me..I am sure tomorrow it will be Johson or Rudger, or someone else you consider to be good looking so therefore they should never have a problem in life.

So think what you want i am not in the mood to indulge everything hitting you as a 'lol' or 'lmfao'.

Poor you, compared to everyone else, I know we hear it ALL the time.

and yet again you take my posts out of context to who I am quoting and 'what' we were discussing.

It is a pathetic tactic you try to pull to start a fight just to feel some power because in your life you have none.

Peace out.
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You guys dont read for context i guess then 'pat' yourselves on the back because you think you 'caught' us hot people.

only a 'hot' guy would be able to make a woman who cheated on him into a 'sex toy' to begin with.

THAT is what i was commenting on...not you incel virgins..(no offense)

I don think the incel virgins are going to be turning ex wives/gf who cheated on them into 'Sex toys".

Are there any virgins are age? Besides Romney and the Osmond brothers, that is.


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what you do is make sure you have moved on and look hot and doing great without them....

Men don't have that option darling. We can't just walk down the street and get an easy lay like women can. We have to work for a date. I think it was Johnson who said the other week, he asked out THOUSANDS of girls and only got four lays.... Do you think women have this problem? NO. It is easy for you and you actually have the nerve to complain about this via feminism.

And for the record I'm not hot


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Men don't have that option darling. We can't just walk down the street and get an easy lay like women can. We have to work for a date. I think it was Johnson who said the other week, he asked out THOUSANDS of girls and only got four lays.... Do you think women have this problem? NO. It is easy for you and you actually have the nerve to complain about this via feminism.

And for the record I'm not hot

I see what hairblues is talking about, and it is the most productive thing to do, and with common sense it is just best to move on and expend as little emotional energy on your loss as possible.

However for a lot of guys, especially those who felt they were quite lucky as in, were with a girl who could do better (and then, did) it's like, what the f*** is next for these guys? I've had friends who, to be honest, the idea of them being with a woman wasn't even comprehensible. Like if you told another person they were going out with a girl, that person's reaction would be silence, and baffled.

Typically not great looking guys, average at best, but completely useless at even chatting with women basically, like even normal stuff, never mind being charming etc. What chance would they have? Well at some point the stars aligned and they actually found someone, age 22, 25, whatever, and you know they're thinking "cling on to this with all your strength".

Then it goes tits up, even worse if they're cheated on. And after their first and what seemed an unlikely relationship, what the f*** do they do now? For some they even got in such a comfort zone with their ex, they were even less confident with women now, they didn't have to worry about talking to them for a few years. Now they've got to start from scratch, damaged, probably worse off than before.

For these guys it's not so easy to just rub some dirt on it and move on, I know it's logically the only thing they should do, but when they spend months moping, or not even moping but just naturally depressed and not themselves, I understood why.

It's like, where's the next one possibly coming from?

No doubt getting heart broken is shitty for anyone, even attractive females, but it's just way worse when you can't see a future past that one person.